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Posts posted by Jessica

  1. Sugary honey musk. This smells so good on the skin, I can't even describe it. For a bit after it is applied there is a fresh, sharp note (copal?) that is pleasant and lovely and fades after a bit of drying down. What remains is a warm, soft musk that is sweet with honey.


    A definite winner. Love!

  2. My first impression upon sniffing the bottle wasn't very hopeful. I didn't smell anything I expected except maybe a hint of chocolate in there ... somewhere. I decided to be brave and dabbed a little on my wrists.


    Wet ... it was still a sharp something or other with a taste of chocolate in the back ground.


    Dry down and beyond ... SWEET. Although I don't really pick up on the coconut, there is a sugary sweetness that smells like chocolate (more cocoa though) and marshmellows.


    It has a weak throw, but I am sure it will stay pretty close to my skin. Thus, my wrist will be plastered to my nose all day. :wub2:


  3. I don't really get the orange blossoms, but I do pick up the amber and the vanilla. On the dry down, this is Buck Moon on me. Golden and warm with a slight bit of skin musk. Gorgeous and going into my favorites box.

  4. This one is all tropical sweetness. It is not aquatic at all like I thought because of the sea foam/seaweed. It reminds me of red fruit punch. It's very heavy on my skin and I'll have to remember to be a bit more frugal in my application. :P


    But it's gorgeous and fresh and tropical floral swirls. It has an excellent throw and is very long lasting.

  5. This one is so gorgeous. I was hesitant because of the ginger, but it is so light and just beautiful that I'm very happy with this blend. In the bottle it is a sweet vanilla with a taste of something sweet behind it.


    On the skin and after dry down I can smell the ginger coming through and it is light, sweet and pretty without being overbearing. I can catch a whiff every now and then, but it isn't a very strong blend and I imagine the throw is fairly weak. But that's okay, I don't mind sitting in my own little sweet smelling cloud.

  6. i'm pretty new to paypal and have a dumb newbie question:


    i have a paypal balance because of some forum sales i made recently, but it's not quite big enough to cover what i want to buy with shipping charges. my paypal is tied to my checking account. do i need to transfer money into my paypal balance before i make the order, or if i make the order as is will it automatically take out the extra from my bank account without my having to manually transfer it?



    If it is tied to your checking account, when you make a purchase it will draw the money out of that count to cover the overage to your paypal balance. No need to make a manual transfer.

  7. In the bottle Creepy smells warm and pumpkin-y with a faint undertone of coconut and apples. On the pumpkin sits on top at first and for awhile and on the dry down the coconut comes out. It finally settles into a nice apple which I love. A definite winner.

  8. In the bottle it is fresh and sweet and unique to anything I've sampled from the Lab. On the skin it keeps its sweetness, but it isn't over powering or heavy on any flowers. More like a melon but different from the melon in Fee.


    Overall this is a gorgeous blend and has an excellent throw and staying power.

  9. Dark dark vanilla with a spicy, herbal musky smell running as an undercurrent. At one time its sweet, almost sugary. It's a really heavy blend both in and out of the bottle. Fans of Snake Charmer and Smut would love this. I just can't get my wrist away from my nose.

  10. It smells like summer to me. Beautiful and light in the bottle and very floral, but not the usual floral I get from the Lab.


    It stays pretty consistent throughout the dry down, and it leaves a pretty lingering smells throughout the day. Very very nice, I think it'll be added to my ever growing list of favorites.

  11. Bamboo pulp and oude with green and white tea.

    In the bottle this smells just like a pine tree. Fresh and ... piney. I love it, and am thrilled I finally found my "Christmas Tree" smell after so much trial and error.

    On the skin it starts out fresh and clean and actually stays that way for quite a long time. At the end of it's morph it settled into a slightly spicey, woody kinda resin smell. Not over powering, but lingering and nice.

    I'm so happy with this one, I wish I would of bought a second bottle! :P

  12. In the bottle: buttery and rich. It reminds me of Milk Moon. It smells yummy yummy yummy!


    On my skin, I can now smell the mint the others mentioned. But there is still something buttery and sweet underneath that. I can't place the sweetness, but it isn't the top note, and I only really get it when I stick my nose right into my wrist.


    I want bottles and bottles of this! It's so gorgeous with it's ability to transform and layer itself.

  13. Enhances memory and concentration and opens up your conscious mind to the collective unconscious history of the world. Can be used to aid in remembering past lives.

    To start, the smell was very different than what I expected. Without any notes listed, I'm not sure what I expected, but nonetheless. I'm not good with naming notes either, but the overall smell is heavy. Like incense. It reminds me of a dark, smokey room. Like how Sophie's trailer would smell in Carnivale. Very heady and thick.

    I wore this to bed one night and I had to most disturbing dreams. They weren't about a past life, per se, but they were about a very painful time in my life. The incident was fairly recent, about a few monthes old, and I thought I had (for the most part) moved on.

    It was really odd, and a little disturbing because I wasn't really expecting the dream. I'm really pleased with the oil, but I haven't worn it since that one night.

  14. In the bottle: this smells so familiar. It's gorgeous and light and ... beautiful


    Skin: it's still really pretty and light and floral. Is this violets? Wisteria? I have no idea, but it lays on my skin very nicely, holding its scent rather strongly but not over powering or offensive.


    Final thoughts: I'm so happy I got to try this! I need to order myself a bottle!

  15. They are doing a remarkable job. It seems CnS are rolling out faster and faster. Which may be because there were so many wonderful updates ( I think I ordered something on every one!). I'm thrilled to see 13 orders rolling out already!

  16. Like many others, I smell the coffee right off the bat. First sniff, it's unmistakable. After the dry down, I can smell what must be the "dust." This is gorgeous.


    It reminds me of Barnes and Noble, right when I push open those heavy oak doors and the Starbucks is to my right. Yum, books and coffee. I couldn't ask for anything better. ^^

  17. In the bottle : wet and sweet, bursting cherries. Yum!


    on the skin : I can still smell cherry distinctly and its a little warm too. Smells a little like cinnamon. But faint and not too strong. My skin usually begins to itch with cinnamon, but it hasn't happened.


    a bit later : hmm, its still very cherry. Still very sweet and gorgeous. It's a little too sweet for me, but it remains pretty throughout the extent of the day. It has great lasting power, I didn't need to reapply at all.

  18. In the bottle, it's lemony and fresh and sweet. Very refreshing, it reminds me of my favorite sheets which always seem to come out smelling like they were air dried on the clothes line.


    On my skin, the smell is very much the same. Not overpowering, just kind of lingering and fresh.


    There is something underneath it all that is a little darker, but it isn't very prominent at all.


    Overall, it's a beautiful blend.

  19. In the bottle it was a little sharp and very woodsy. My mom said it reminded her of my grandpa's pipe tobacco.


    After wearing it for a little bit, I can really smell the green in this. It's sharp and fresh and a little overpowering. It smells like "outside."


    I'm not sure about this one. It reminds me of a sharper Dublin. Green through and through. I'm wearing a bit of Chaste Moon at the moment, so another go is in order to see if this is a keeper or not.
