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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by mazaru

  1. Kidney infection thankfully on the wane. This has been me for the past few days: http://t.co/PpYClQqBjL

  2. Ad blocking, page views & the economy of the display model for online games journalism http://t.co/meCAhpSsy3

  3. Mad As Hell is absolutely fantastic.

  4. Black Mirror billboard in Sydney taken down over, well, dude having sex with pig http://t.co/5wYN7x5g6Z via @mumbrella

  5. Photo: annfriedman: In my ongoing quest for the perfect framework for understanding haters, I created The... http://t.co/pJu0ryTKhB

  6. Welcome to Australia, there are rainbow birds http://t.co/uZBjFvHIb9

  7. “The list is the origin of culture… We like lists because we don’t want to die.” Umberto Eco: http://t.co/Hqp8gn4gXJ

  8. Your body does not want to be an interface http://t.co/TE0H1sVcMA - fascinating read on Google Glass & embodied tech

  9. Australia's boom is anything but for its Aboriginal peoplehttp://t.co/Pb5AQafIgH

  10. "Every street game is a mix of aesthetics and mechanics. Both are important: with no mechanics you have..." http://t.co/lndy7k9eyy

  11. Lorikeet now walking sideways along window ledge, wobbling head around and making squawking noises. #progress http://t.co/C9bsVuCasi

  12. Bulletproof school uniforms, whiteboards and backpacks for kids. But no gun control measures. http://t.co/VtdrJRTpOB

  13. .@Jennatar on boobs. Recommended. http://t.co/bzoStTdPNa

  14. It’s quiet. Too quiet. Which excellent Aussie folks should I follow?

  15. This is just silly. Peanuts pulled from shelves because they don’t carry label warning of nut content. http://t.co/YwgthxFXA1 via @SimoRoth

  16. Amazing places - beautiful pictures http://t.co/msubQwb3RQ via @garwboy


    #urbanbus count: Nokia 1 iPad 1 iPhone 1 HTC 1 Samsung 2 coffee 1 astonishingly photogenic Australian children 20

  18. Jet lag is a git.

  19. Bondi beach is almost too beautiful. Like a model with a completely symmetrical face. It doesn’t quite make sense.

  20. Fear of peanuts is out of control http://t.co/Bo1A7Fn8GH via @kathviner - as someone with life threatening allergy, couldn’t agree more.

  21. Bunch of cheerful blokes festooned in medals just got on the bus & got a light round of applause, some whooping. #anzacday

  22. Falun Gong protest against suppression outside Chinese consulate in Sydney. http://t.co/TkVRZoJMpm

  23. Yeah, this’ll end well. UK may withdraw from European rights convention over Abu Qatada http://t.co/gDcZE5pmep

  24. Disabled people in UK face losing homes & being forced into institutional care under benefit cuts http://t.co/K0lEdcJeeE
