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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by eeyorefl

  1. All the depth, beauty and darkness of All Hallows Eve. Truly, the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein.

    I don't recall really liking Samhain when I first got my bottle, which was at least 2 years ago. I stuck it away somewhere and didn't see it for a long long time.

    Now it's a whole 'nother creature! Wet I smell sweet leather, which I'm guessing is the damp woods and patchouli. On I get strong fir needle, which I'm not crazy about, but it is only offensive up close. With a little distance I am LOVING that 'leather' scent combined with the traditional autumnal notes of pumpkin and apple and soft spices.

    Yay for aging!

  2. Hmmmm.....anyone have any ideas what Hotel California by the Eagles would smell like? Because if there is a song that I want to wear on my skin, it's that one.


    warm smell of colitas? what the dung are colitas, anyway? am i even spelling that right?


    melting wax/candle smoke, sweet summer sweat, wine desires, ... definitely sounds like something BPAL would put together, huh? :P

  3. Our signature oil. A dark, languid scent. Promotes hedonistic tendencies and extreme self-love. You won’t stop kissing mirrors for a month.

    Wet: LEMON and INCENSE

    Initial Drydown: POWDER and INCENSE and ROSES ROSES ROSES

    Final Morph: a little of all of the above, but softer.

    Note: In the imp, all almonds and cherries, but I Never smell that on my skin!

  4. The first time I sampled this on my wrist, I couldn't bring it anywhere near my nose - though I like the scent, it's STRONG! In fact, in my notes I described the experience as "rough."


    The Mint is prominent and heady, not at all green and herby, more syrupy, as if it's already been muddled with simple syrup.


    I smell "burnt," which I believe is the Kentucky Bourbon and the Sugar together. It's not an ugly smell, it's just intense, as if we're lighting a dessert on fire and using bourbon as the accelerant.


    After just a few minutes the whole scent softens and becomes a little powdery, which I adore.


    Once I overcame my fear of this 'in-your-face' scent, I love it! Maybe, yes maybe even enough for a bottle someday . . .

  5. Starburst-sweet, sugared jellied fruit slices, washed down with spicy sassafras beer


    Cough syrupy, but admittedly more appetizing than any spoonful o' syrup I've ever faced down . . .


    Then again, it also reminds me of the fruity bubblegum flavored cleanser dentists use for kids. Yech.


    *sneeze* uh-oh *sniff* anyone want this imp?


    thanks anyway!

  6. A lovely fellow forumite included a sniffie of this with a recent purchase, but I was able to eke out a few swipes:


    Anything that says "caramel" scares me, and I'm not crazy about chocolate scents either (yes, I am indeed female :P ) so I would probably never have bought this, but I'm so glad that I received it anyway - just goes to show I have a lot to learn about what notes I do and do not favor.


    In the imp this smelled warm and fruity, and just a wee bit spicy, like a *good* fruitcake. Not the kind you stop doors with or throw at your dear when he's been inconsiderate Again.


    First on, cinnamon Cinnamon CINNAMON. Not cardamom. CINNAMON. I can still smell the chocolate, though, and 'the sweet' which I suppose is the dreaded caramel and French vanilla - but it's quite nice! If I take a respectful sniff a couple of inches away instead of trying to snog my hand :D then the cinnamon is muted and the chocolate and cherry and 'the sweet' are in the forefront.


    I'm looking forward to drydown! I think me and the Mad Hog will be friends . . .


    "Those who find they’re touched by madness

    Sit down next to me

    Those who find themselves ridiculous

    Sit down next to me" ~James

  7. Le Serpent Qui Danse is all about Peter Murphy's Dust album. It's the perfect meeting place of exotic East and decadent West.

    Bordello is a perfect match for Rasputina's Transylvanian Concubine.


    How inspired! Now I must have them! Though, I have a perfume oil made by Miss Melora, for when I'm sharing her vibe . . . but Peter Murphy is never too far from my player, I think I'll look into Le Serpent Qui Danse . . .

  8. a Green Phoenix, here, in my humble abode!


    upon entering the room, I recognized every single occupant, but White Mint first caught my eye; she was jumping up and down and waving her hands to get my attention. then Cucumber and Papaya Pulp, the unlikely fraternal twins, came to stand near me. we entered into a lively discussion, finally interrupted by little Lime Rind demanding that we look at her latest finger painting. throughout the conversation, though, my eyes kept drifting over to Crushed Grass and Sage, who emanated such strong auras. within minutes of my joining the room, nearly all the sweetness left the face of Papaya Pulp, as she sat overwhelmed by the handsome oratory of Green Musk. little Lime Rind danced a happy dance around Grey Amber and Green Tea as they waxed poetically of summer loves. I took in deep breaths of cool. as the seconds and minutes ticked by, Sage and Crushed Grass took turns entertaining the group, alternately picking others from the room to accompany them.


    unfortunately, the visit was over all too quickly . . .


    i will return here, often and soon . . .
