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Everything posted by Halloqueen2

  1. Halloqueen2

    Butterscotch and Blackbeetles

    I was expecting this to be very foody, but I was pleasantly surprised. I wonder sometimes how the name and description influence what we smell. I do get butterscotch when first applied, but it wasn't a bright, foody butterscotch...it was more like smelling a closed container that the candy had been in long ago. It's very mellow, and not sweet enough to gross me out. The best part of the whole thing is when the blackbeetle part comes through. I'm an anise fan, but I wasn't sure how it would mix with butterscotch...I didn't have to worry. The anise and patch meld together in a very thin brittle fragrant bright smell, that exactly tempers the mellow, lazy butterscotch. They play around with each other, but neither dominates. The lasting power on this one is amazing. I too wish I'd purchased another bottle. Beautiful bottle art and lovely scent.
  2. Halloqueen2

    Paduan Killer Swarm

    Even though my sense of smell is almost gone (woe is me...medical problems), some notes make it through. Mostly musks and "darker" scents. Flowery-like smells don't even register. So please, take this review with a grain of salt. Paduan Killer Swarm, at least on my skin chemistry with my broken nose, is a very.....strange but attractive scent. The first thing I picked up on was the organic aspect of this...can't quite explain it any better...it's slighly menacing, but the menace is hidden behind innocence. Maybe it's my too vivid imagination, but I really did get the mind picture of the Queen Bee in her warm humid hive, surrounded by her sisters, who smell faintly of flowers and pollen, and a wisp of what I imagine bee venom smelling like. I thought there would be honey involved...but I'm not picking it up...No smell of honey but I do pick up the smell of the bee itself. Very evocative...I don't mind smelling like the Queen Bee. Glad I got this, but can't see myself wearing it outside to any picnics....LOL,
  3. Halloqueen2

    Penis Admiration

    Well...All I can say is that I've admired many a penis is my time, however this one (unfortunately) will not be one of them. I'm not blaming the oil, it's most likely my sniffer or skin chemistry, but damn! First off, once applied, it has alot of throw for about 15 minutes, then it's basically gone. I get a hint now and then, but nothing anyone else can detect. I have a blind spot for jasmine, and evidently lilac too. It smelled a bit musky and musty...no florals or vanilla. After a few hours, I did smell something like a musk, but it was just a little off. I was thinking that I will probably get used to it. I reapplied before bed and hoped for the best. DAMN! I woke up to this odd, medicinal, organic disturbing smell which is one of the most unpleasant BPAL experiences I've had. Everything seemed to have disappeared except a sharp, sour organic smell...like rotting wood. I've come to the conclusion that ho wood and I don't mix. I was hoping for lilac...I love it and it's spring after all! I might gingerly try this one more time, but if that nasty note comes back, off it goes.
  4. Halloqueen2

    Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse

    I'm not much of a foodie, but these are some of my favorite cookies, and I love spice, so I thought "why not?". So glad I took the chance. This scent is wonderous. Out of the bottle, I get strong spices...nutmeg, maybe some cinnamon and cardemom...then a wonderful sweetness-not sugar-sneakes in when your body heat starts working...I think it might be a deep, dark molasses, but to me, nothing like white or powdered sugar. A tiny whiff if vanilla also wanders in and out. In all...I love this. It's much too serious and dark to be a happy bakery scent, and the spices are to die for. Almost like a witch's recipie for cookies to lure and drug stray little children... I would expect this to be a scent that ages well.
  5. Halloqueen2


    Well. Where to start. I got this bottle as an accident. Out of all of the District, this would have been the my last choice. None of the notes really appealed, and it's not my type of deep resiny goodness. But...after wearing it a few times, I'm actually starting to like it alot. I don't get any of the notes listed, just a general scent, if that makes sense. It almost gives me the impression of Chrysanthemum Moon, but without really smelling like it. Nothing in particular jumps out, but it is a beautiful scent...kind of floral, but not happy flowers...more like the stuff you would find in a brothel or even a funeral home...Im not a floral person, but I'm liking this, so maybe I just don't like happy flowers..LOL Rose is also my note of doom, and I don't get any at all, which is a good thing. I also don't get tea or clove, so to tell the truth, not sure WHAT I'm smelling, but whatever it is, I like it. This is very complex, and matches the ladies description exactly. It's sophisticated and fashionable, but in a dark way, without any softness. I can see Hilma saying..."It's all business, honey".
  6. Halloqueen2


    This is something that I wouldn't usually try...I'm a resin, incense, musk type of gal, and skin musk doesen't usually do it for me, but this scent is gorgeous. I don't ever pick up individual notes, so I don't get any jasmine, but the skin musks are strong enough to come through nicely. It manages to be delicate without being wimpy, if that makes sense. I agree with the person who noticed a resemblance to The Girl. That one, too, isn't something I'd usually wear, but ordered it on a whim and it turned in to a two bottle order. This is really a nice scent, and I'd recommend it even it you don't usually wear lighter scents or anything floral.
  7. Halloqueen2

    The Girl

    I went out on a limb and ordered this one...I'm not much of a floral person but the other reviews got me to wondering. I'm SO glad I did, because this has zoomed up into my top 10. I can't get enough of this...Firstly, I get no floral at all...nada. This turns to a warm musky ambery, almost buttery scent that lasts forever and has great throw. It's very warm...must be something with my skin chemistry, because it does not have a "crystalline" quality on me...more like dark golden velvet. No baby powder, either. It's very strange...the result seems like it has nothing to do with it's ingredients. This really is very lovely, and for once, I can rejoice in a skin chemistry that amps must and amber.
  8. Halloqueen2

    Pumpkin I (2009)

    This is absolutely effing gorgeous. IMO, this is the best pumpkin ever! I'm not a big pumpkin fan...prior to this my fav was Pumpkin IV '07, but that has been bumped big time. For those of you who are on the fence about pumpkin, this would be the one to try. I find it hard to disect notes, but everything in this blend is so smooth, there is no need to. The almond did not turn cherry or flowery on me...and the pumpkin is actually the base note...it never goes away, yet is never in the forefront. It is an earthy smell...sweet but to me, not really foody or gourmand. It isn't strong, but it does last a good long time. Almost musky. There will be yet another order going to the lab...I need one, maybe two more of these.
  9. Halloqueen2


    This is a lovely scent. It's hard for me to pick out specific notes, because it's very smooth. It has an "organic" feel to it, without having any obvious floral or herbal notes. It's not sweet like a floral...it almost smells like it has a light musk, but not really. I was pleasantly suprised with it...was the sleeper hit of my order, along with Pumpkin 1. The only problem I have with it is that it's not a heavy scent, and it seems to fade quickly, but it is slather worthy, so I may need another bottle. For those wary of anise, I didn't get any, and I love anise. Overall, the feeling is "warm". Will be awesome when the temp drops.
  10. Halloqueen2

    Nonae Caprotina

    I was so happy to get this one...finally a milk scent I can actually smell and that works with my skin chemistry. This is warm, frothy, slightly sour goat's milk straight from the goat...don't expect a sweet milk scent. It's very evocative and authentic. Very earthy. Once the milk settles down a bit, I can smell the fig, but it's very well behaved and very subtle...not too fruity or overly sticky sweet, but enough to balance out the sourness of the milk, making it perfect. I'm sure the myrrh is doing something, I just can't pin it down. I see this as a fall scent because for some strange reason, I think of ripe figs in the fall. Agree with the others that this is probably a cool weather scent, but I wore it today, which was hot, and once I warmed up, I was enveloped in this wonderful cloud of milky figness. I like unique and unusual scents, and this fits the bill. Has lots of throw on me and lasts a good long time. It won't be for everyone, but this is fast becoming one of my faves. Worth a try for those that like unique scents. Will update if I get any "I smell goat" comments....
  11. Halloqueen2


    Admit I was a bit disappointed in this. Not sure what I was expecting, but with all the reviews about a creamy/vanilla note, I was right there...(into vanilla at the moment). I got absolutely no vanilla/cream from this at all...first impression was a strong fresh apple and another kind of fruit. I am not good enough with notes, but it's a rather tropical apple. Very shortly after, the apple/fruit note fades very quickly, and I get a very light floral, with just a whisper of apple. Then "poof"...it's gone. On my silly skin chemistry, there is almost no throw and no staying power. After about 15 minutes, there's a whisper of "something" fruity, but not enough to make the grade. It's an interesting scent, and I'm glad I got a bottle, but don't see myself ever wearing it on a regular basis...not sure what aging will do, but being a resin/incense note gal myself, I can't see that it will help. Need to keep it for a special romantic moment when I can slather and snuggle.
  12. Halloqueen2

    Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death

    Ohh..was so excited to get this. I have been wanting it forever and finally sprung for it. I am not so good at disecting scents, but go with general impressions. I don't get foody at all from this despite the peach, honey and almond. I smell no chocolate, but possibly, something like fig, which may have been an unlisted addition. My first impression is that it is made of something very resiny, or musky...I had to look up the notes. I also must react favorably to palm, as I also love the Carnival oil Meskhenet. The mind impression I got from this was not poison, but the actual scent of Cleopatra, perhaps with fruit and honey as a snack, watching the "show" where now and then, a wayward breeze brings the acrid scent of poison across her couch. I don't really smell anything green or actually edible, just ghosts of foody things. Might just be my imagination when it comes to Egyptian scents, but I also seem to detect a very faint scorched note that weaves in and out. Reminds me of being in the desert in high summer...a dry almost mineral smell held together by heat. This is a lovely scent. Will go well with Cairo, Bastet and Meskhenet...certainly hot weather scents for me...luckily I smell no flowers. More like hot, dry female scented skin...
  13. Halloqueen2

    Thirteen (13): March 2009

    This is a strange one. Firstly, not sure why I even ordered it...not all that happy about chocolate smelling stuff, despite the fact that I ordered White Chocolate, Marshmallow and Coconut, and a previous 13 from last year. Way more then enough chocolate for me...HOWEVER, I'm very glad I did order it. This 13 is much different from the others, less chocolate than any I've tried so far. This does start out with a very non sweet, non powdery, mild cocoa (not chocolate). In fact, I may have missed it if I hadn't already known it had cocoa in it. It quickly goes away and takes on more of a resinous almost herbal smell with a touch of cherry waaay far in the back. It never becomes sweet or fruity on me, nor does it scream chocolate. I would say it morphs into more of a woody almost spicy smell, keeping in mind that the dry cocoa and threads of cherry wander through periodically. I like it alot, and glad I got it. If you are a resin, musky, earthy, heavy scent lover, you will probably like this. Can't compare it to anything, really. The closest that I can come to is Earth Phoenix, and it smells nothing like that...just from the same "class". It's very unique. My only complaint is that on me, despite the "heavyness", the throw is light and wear time fairly short. Still, I'll slather and enjoy. Best of the 13's on me, so far.
  14. Halloqueen2


    This really is a lovely blend. I was rather hesitant to order unsniffed, as florals are not my thing, but the vanilla intrigued. The scent starts out with a rather tart neroli tang... but more like the tart orange leaves then the actual blossom. I was fairly worried at that point (I avoid neroli), but the neroli/leaf tartness quickly went away, and the warmth of amber came to the front. On me, it's not the least bit powdery and it's not too sweet and not at all soapy. Suddenly the amber warmth morphs into a lovely, sexy not-sweet, grown up vanilla. I'm not the world's greatest vanilla fan, but this one is above and beyond. It doesen't scream dessert or sugar, and it almost takes on a nutty quality. All in all, good throw and long lasting. I don't get the same feel from this and I can't put it in the same family as Snake Oil (which doesen't work on me all that well. I know.) I put some Khrysee on before bed, and upon waking, wondered where that sexy vanilla smell was coming from. Me! Yay! My only regret is my order came too late for me to order more bottles, because this is certainly of hoarding quality...I'm expecting it to age wonderously.
  15. Halloqueen2


    I got this as a frimp from the lab. Thanks Lab! First impression is GARDENIA...and lots of it. Then...when I least expected it...the dreaded "Pickle Juice" note. Gah. Must mean roses are doing the rose thing in this blend. Rose is usually a deal breaker note with me. There are a few blends where it's far enough in the background that I don't smell it, and that's ok, but there is a particular Lab rose note (in this blend) that smells, to me, like pickle juice, of all things. It's a high, sour note that overwhealms everything else. In this blend, the gardenia was almost strong enough to cover it, but the rose note is so very strong, they just end up in a shouting match. Since I'm not much of a floral person, I think I can carry on without it, but for those who like lush, tropical, white florals, this might be the blend for you.
  16. This was not exactly what I expected, either. I was expecting less rain and more incense, but it seems the rain may have drowned the incense out! I get a really strong, really authentic rain note which is extremely nice. I don't think I've ever smelled anything that close to the real thing. It has a cold, lonely feel to it, but at the same time, it's sweeter then you would expect. I also get a bit of dust in the back of my nose after a big sniff. I don't particularly fancy smelling like wet dust, but it's not strong enough to really bother me. In spite of all my grousing, this really is a lovely scent. Very appropriate for November. If you like rain, night blooming flowers (this has no floral, just the general atmosphere you get with night blooming flowers), and are looking for a "sweeter" scent that's not floral or sugar, you might want to give this a try. Lovers of "The Shivering Boy" will probably like this, as it's in the same family, only this does not have the dreaded "grape koolaid" syndrome, and there doesen't seem to be any greenery or pine in it. Maybe some aging will bring out the incense. That would be lovely. Seems fairly long lasting with light/medium throw. (Mmmm....wonder what would happen if I did a little mixing with Cathedral?....)
  17. Halloqueen2

    Baron Samedi

    Mmmm...smelling this was like meeting the Baron Himself. My first impression after applying it and letting it settle, was of hugging an old man in Bourbon St. in New Orleans...old, fuzzy wool suit infused with cherry tobacco, Hoyt's Cologne and a faint smell of some sort of rummy booze. Not unpleasant, just...different. Very evocative. And almost comfortable and safe feeling. If anything, the only note I can pin down for sure is almond...or maybe it's cherry. I can see this as appealing more to men than women, but I like it just fine. This may sound silly, but it's almost as though the Baron materialized when I applied the oil...I'm the type that doesen't take those feelings lightly, so although it's not something I will usually wear, on the special occassions when I do, the Baron will get a nod of respect from me.
  18. Halloqueen2

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    I have to go out on a limb here and proclaim this (so far) as (probably, lol) my favorite bpal ever...at the very least in the top three. I bought the bottle unsniffed, as I usually do with anything listing incense as a note. Night blooming flowers worried me, but florals, in general, usually work although I don't often wear them. This is so utterly fantastic and over the top, every time I wear this I fall in love again. On me, it has incredible throw and lasting power. Wet, it has a sweet steamy tropical floral feel covered in sugar! Almost like sugar coated flower petals, fragrant and slightly stickly, but it manages this without being cloying. After a short while, the incense drifts slowly in and out, teasing but never taking over. The biggest surprise for me was much later on, when the flowers and incense faded. Funnel cakes! Doughy, covered in powdered sugar, hot and fragrant, with just a tiny touch of maple and mild sugary vanilla. Probably one of the best "foody" scents I've ever experienced, and I don't even like them! How flowers and incense morphed into funnel cakes is beyond me! All in all...incredible. This description of this scent is dead on...it does invoke the Carnival at night right before a storm. You would think that this would be too heavy for hot summer days and nights, but it's not. It's a perfect rendition of a late summer stroll on the Midway at midnight. (sorry about the gushing...I can't help it... )
  19. Halloqueen2


    Venerable and solemn: the scent of incense smoke wafting through an ancient church. A true ecclesiatical blend of pure resins. Cathedral was part of my first imp order. I wasn't all that impressed when I first sniffed it, so I threw it in my perfume box and forgot about it until today. It's rainy, dark and gloomy out, so I went looking for a suitable scent. I "rediscovered" this in my imp pile, so decided to give it another try. Once applied, I couldn't believe how I overlooked this all this time! This is absolutely georgeous. I was instantly transported to some old cathedral in Britain...high ceilings, stone columns, old wood, faint aroma of beeswax candles and old smoke. I don't so much pick up on the single notes of an oil, but mostly pick up it's mood. This is real incense...not the head shop kind or the cheap fruity stuff, but the real, holy resin smell that people have been worshipping with for countless ages. It pretty much gave me a "reincarnation" moment...I can see hooded figures in the gloom, softly chanting...tendrils of smoke rising...ah...I digress. What I mean to say is this is a work of art. I love the idea of smelling like this, although as some have said, this would make a great room scent, too. I love the way it unfolds, and the only thing I can say against it is that I wish it were longer lasting...2-3 hours is all I get with my body chemistry. A bottle will be on my next order