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Everything posted by beturtlement

  1. beturtlement


    I definitely get Nag Champa, though perhaps a little drier. While I can't wear it, I'll definitely use it as a room fragrance in my oil burner. I wish I could pick out the various notes, but I'm still learning to discern them.
  2. beturtlement


    Gelt is like Bliss' older, sexier sister. I was a little turned off by the amber in the description, so when I got some as a frimp in a swap sale, I was a little hesitant to try it. I'm very glad i did. On me, it's like a dark, almost spicy, chocolate. I'll admit I've never smelled true amber, only once in a Victoria's Secret body mist (Amber Fantasy), and I hated it.. but this is lovely. After it dries down, neither the chocolate nor the amber overpower each other, it's just a lovely, warm blend- but you can definitely smell both notes. It's not as foody as I hoped it be, but I'm still a fan. I decided to layer a little Bliss on top, to add a little sweetness, and it works very well. It tones down the amber, amps the chocolate, and stops Bliss from turning to pure sugar like it sometimes does on me, giving it some depth. I think I'll get that bottle of Bliss, now, so I can mix 'n match.
  3. beturtlement


    *sniffles* I finally got to try this, as I thought it'd be perfect, but it doesn't work at all on me. When I would read the reviews and people mentioned plastic, I wasn't quite sure what they meant. Unfortunately, I do now. For me, I get mostly plastic and cotton candy, not the funnel cakes I had high hopes for. It's a very light, airy sweetness... it smells like what powdered sugar tastes like. I think I'mma go sulk, now. EDIT: This was for the Resurrected version. EDIT2: I was able to try the original Midway, and thankfully, it doesn't go plastic on me like the Res did. I still don't get the notes I had expected as it still dries down to powdered sugar and not much else.
  4. beturtlement

    Eat Me

    At first, I got more of a crumbly spiced coffee cake vibe from this, with maybe a drizzle of blackberry syrup. The cake notes die down quite a bit, though, and the fruit comes tumbling out. So now it's more like a cobbler with a crumb topping. Then, unfortunately, the cakeness disappeared completely and became more 'perfumy' rather than foody. I wish I had gotten the butter that others mention, but I didn't. It just became totally spices, berries, and heady flowers on me. It's a lovely scent, but not something I can wear. Definitely an oil diffuser thing, for me. EDIT: It's now changed again, adding a powdery finish to the whole thing, which kinda makes me wanna wash it off. :/
  5. beturtlement


    In the bottle, I definitely smell coconut, with a crisp finish, but as soon as I put it on my skin, I got a somewhat honeysuckle vibe from it. It actually became a sweet, strong floral, tinged with coconut. Heady florals, of almost any kind, just don't do well on me and seem to get accentuated. I've smelled unrefined shea butter before, and I didn't get any of that in this.. nor did I get chocolate, even when I tried to layer it with Bliss (Obatala just smothered it completely). It's a lovely scent, just not something that mixes with my chemistry well.
  6. beturtlement


    I love my sweet, foody scents, but this was way too cloying for my tastes. When I first gave it a sniff, I didn't even want to put it on, it was so strong and almost boozy. I definitely got the toffee right off the top, but it was followed by what I can only describe as that fake maple syrup taste. I gave it a shot anyway, since I know how things morph oddly on my skin. I could hate it in the bottle, but love it on my skin, and vice versa. While wet, I immediately got a strong, spicy English toffee.. like nag champa and caramel. After it dried, the spiciness remained, though an unexpected and cruel twist of fate caused it to go almost floral. :/ I wish I could identify the type of flower, but my nose isn't that experienced just yet. Perhaps it's the hops? I dunno. I wish this worked for me, but it just made me smell like a mildly scented bouquet of flowers with cinnamon, cloves, and crushed butterscotch candies sprinked on top.
  7. beturtlement

    Smells like Demeter 'Waffle Cone'?

    D'oh, I forgot to mention that I've already given that one a shot. *updates the original post* Unfortunately, once it dries, the caramel disappears and all I seem to get is spicy flowers. :/ I don't know what it is, but my skin seems to accentuate florals, which I can't stand. *adds that to her wishlist* And so it grows... You read my mind. I had just posted an ISO thread before I saw your reply. *crosses her fingers in hopes she gets a bite*
  8. beturtlement

    Smells like Demeter 'Waffle Cone'?

    Actually, the lack of syrup was what I like. Anything that is supposed to be maple just turns extremely fake and sickening on me. I've had the fortune of smelling (and tasting!) real, homemade maple syrup up in Vermont, so nothing seems to even come close. Demeter also has a 'Waffles' perfume which does have the maple element added to it, but Waffle Cone is more like those pointy brown sugar ice cream cones.
  9. beturtlement


    In the bottle: OMG, it's brownie batter pure and simple. I almost wanted to take a swig. Wet: Basically the same as in the bottle. Not too heady, but not too light.. just the perfect amount of warmth and hot chocolate goodness. Like Swiss Miss with marshmallows. Dry: The scent hasn't changed at all (thankfully!), but it's toned down a bit and has become a lot softer. The deepness of the chocolate dies down a lot, after a while, but the creamy sweetness remains. Very calming and delicious- just like a brownie should be. I don't get any cherries, which is a good thing for me. All in all, this is my favorite of all the imps I've tried so far and I'm pondering a full bottle soon. It's been hours, now, since I've applied it to my wrists and I can't stop smelling myself and doing that 'mmm mmm good' head shaking thing. There are only two negatives I can think of, and one is that my skin just sucks it up- it doesn't last as long as I'd like. The other is that I wish the overall deepness remained after the dry down, as it became very sugary, mebbe I can layer it with something to give it some darker roots.
  10. beturtlement


    This reminded me of chocolate cake with warm cherry pie filling on top. While it's a lovely scent, I simply can't wear it. The berries are way too overpowering.
  11. beturtlement


    I really wanted to like Elegba, but alas, I didn't. At first, it almost seemed floral tor me. After a little while, I finally got the deep coconut I wanted, but it was fleeting. I don't know what happened, but after a half hour, it turned into a light, powdery scent with a tobacco finish.. like a chain smoking baby.