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Posts posted by wretchmuffin

  1. I've got White Witch on now, post shower....initial thoughts, it's in the same vein as Third Charm (which I adore!), it's a fruity incense...like the corner of your favorite head shop where they have the Gonesh stashed, and the strawberry and the more resiny incense smells are all mingling together? If you aren't into fruit scents, though, don't let this scare you...I'd categorize it more as leaning towards an incense blend with a lightly sweet fruitiness.

    What she said.

    Wet, this smelled very precisely like a gumball, but dry it was strawberry-incense head shop sense memory. Evocative (for this 70's kid), but I'm not sure it's a wearable blend for me.

  2. Despite my (obvious) affection for artisinal and niche fragrance, I also have a soft spot for classic perfumery, particularly queenly 20's ones like Shalimar, Arpege, or Chanel #5:
    Autumn--Overlooked My Knitting is in that same powdery, abstract, warm, elegant family. It stays very close to the skin on me, however, so it's maybe a little less formal and imposing.

    The only "must buy full bottle" from this season's decants. Probably.
