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Everything posted by smokey188

  1. smokey188


    this was a very light summery scent that reminded me of something but i never quite worked out what. it had light throw and medium staying power and didn't morph at all. Quite nice just not my thing.
  2. smokey188

    Vicomte de Valmont

    this smelt very manly and on me it was an acrid tobacco smell with men's cologne which turned quite rancid thanks to the white musk and within an hour it was completely gone.
  3. smokey188

    Pumpkin II (2008)

    i bought this one thinking pumpkin perversion but this lacks the coconut rum that i love in perversion it's still nice though. in bottle: hmmm smokey wet: a match that's just been put out in water Dry: This becomes a very sweet creamy pumpkin soup with a dash of rum cook in a can on an open fire until slightly caramelised. Very Nice but very strong.
  4. smokey188


    Patron of the Aztec pantheon, he is the personification of light within darkness, warmth in the cold, and life in, and after, death. He is a creative and destructive God of Fire and Light, and is appeased only by sacrifice, trial, and the slaughter of his people's enemies. Copal, plumeria and sweet orange and the smoke of South American incense and crushed jungle blooms. in bottle: this smells mostly like creamy orange wet:Lime? something in this has made the orange smell go to a strong lime dry: once this settles done it becomes the most beautiful tropical floral scent i couldn't stop sniffing myself all day it's that good! i wish there was a food that tasted like this smells coz i want to eat it!
  5. smokey188

    Santa Muerte

    in bottle: smells like a lovely floral very well blended i can't pick anything out. wet: the rose and chrysanthemem are combining and making this smell musky on my skin but there's something smokey there too must be vertiver dry: there's the cactus flowers the rose and chrysanthemem have faded off and this has become a smokey sweet floral that is simpley beautiful. Definitely a big bottle of this in my future!
  6. smokey188


    in bottle: very perfumey like old ladies perfume wet: this smells like bertie bott's earwax flavoured jellybean would taste like not pleasant at all dry: finally settles into a pleasant enough but fairly bland perfume which is not good enough to make me put up with the earwax stage. This however is probably my skin chemistry's fault the only musk i can really wear is black musk or vanilla muskeverything else just turns rancid on me.
  7. smokey188


    This smells like a public toilet that's just been cleaned on me according to my boyfriend and my mother. I think it smells like tweed talcum powder. Very much an old lady scent and definitely not for me
  8. smokey188

    The Temptation

    This was a pleasant enough perfume on me nice and sweet but it had hardly any throw and it faded very quickly. I'll give this a bit more of a go but unless it stops pulling the disappearing act on me i want be buying a bottle.
  9. smokey188

    To Autumn

    In the Bottle: Sickly sweet I don't know if I can handle this but i'll give it a try First on: Hmmm smells like caramelised nuts, then hello galangal adding spicy goodness to the mix. 30 minutes later: Oh my god i smell like opium!!! 2hr's in this has settled down to a spicey creamy opium with just a hint of nuts it smells amazing and slightly narcotic! medium throw and medium wearlength. Would I buy it again Hell yes!
  10. smokey188

    Fearful Pleasure

    I loved the smell of this, it's like a warm version of Snow, Glass, Apples but it burns me must be the cinnamon in the apple cider. Lovely but off to swaps it goes
  11. smokey188

    Silk Road

    smelt lovely but unfortunately it would seem that cinnamon doesn't like my skin it burns.
  12. smokey188

    De Sade

    The essence of pleasure heightened by pain: the raw scent of leather. This was all leather jacket on me and not in a good way I layered it with Anne Bonnie in the hopes of saving it but alas all that did was turn Anne Bonnie into a porn pirate. Sadly this is a big miss for me as it makes me feel sick just smelling it.
  13. smokey188

    Black Hellebore

    this scent went on all tweed to start out then it morphed into a nice green floral perfumey scent which was nice but not really me.
  14. smokey188

    Dana O'Shee

    when i first put this on it had an overwhelming stench of bad tropical chewing gum fortunately it died down pretty quickly and became a sweet milky scent just like moogoo shampoo. Pleasant enough to keep the imp but not enough to warrant a bottle.
  15. smokey188

    Snow, Glass, Apples

    In the bottle: A light very tart apple scent on skin: This is a granny smith apple coated in dew being eaten under a blossoming tree. Very nice light throw but good staying power.
  16. smokey188


    I really thought i would love this but something in this just doesn't love me. As soon as i put this on it smelt like baby puke fortunately it faded pretty quickly but i couldn't stop sneezing after putting this on.
  17. smokey188


    I'm a huge mint fan so i had high hopes for this one unfortunately the oakmoss has turned this into old lady's talcum powder on me
  18. smokey188


    I thought i would give this a go because one of my boyfriends favourite smells is that smoky fireplace smell. unfortunately when first applied this smelled like chemicals then it turned into dirt and then on the drydown it turned into single note patchouli on me. Hopefully one of the other smokey scents bpal does will be a winner.
  19. smokey188


    when i first put this on not knowing what was in it my first impression was of coconut and something dark once it settled i realised it smells just like drinking malibu and coke in a smokey pub. As I love malibu and coke this scent is an absolute must for me in fact I think it's my favourite bpal so far! Thank you so much for the freebie imp of this it's definitely on my big bottle list!
  20. smokey188


    when this first hit my skin it was sharp and punguent and then it settled into this powdery smell that reminded me of washing powder scented toilet paper and baby wipes. i like all the individual notes in this but together with my skin chemistry it just becomes blah!
  21. smokey188


    The fiery, volatile scent of cinnamon, thickened by myrrh, honeysuckle, and copal. chimera smells very spicey and sweet in the bottle but on my skin it starts out slightly spicey and a hint of honey suckle and than all but disappears. i guess it's just not strong enough for me.
  22. smokey188

    Blood Amber

    when i first put this on it had a real sharp almost metallic note to it after a couple of hours it settle into a nice golden amber but i'm not sure i can handle that first really sharp stage.
  23. smokey188


    in the bottle: this smells oddly familar but i can't place it. on skin: my boyfriends little girl got it in one she said it smells like sunscreen! She is so right that's exactly what this smells like not unpleasant but definitely not something i want to smell like all the time.
  24. smokey188

    Jazz Funeral

    this smells like a dusty old liquor cabinet where some of the fruity liquors have gone off. i wish that this smelled like nice boozy flowers but unfortunately it just turns pungent on me.
  25. smokey188


    in bottle: rose and pomegranate. on skin: i so wanted to like this! Pomegranate is one of my favourite notes but the pomegranate and the rose fight when they finally beat each other into submission the worst of both notes is all that's left. So your left with a sour sharp powdery rose coated in overly ripe pungent fruit. Definitely not for me.