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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by vampkat

  1. vampkat


    in bottle: I'm getting the rose and lemon mixed. I can't smell the apple. wet: I can smell a little bit of apple, with the rose and lemon. It doesn't seem to be mixing too well. It's almost like all the notes are stand-alone and rather then working together they are all fighting to reach your nose first. Dry: This mixed a bit better after it dried down, but I think it's just a bit too citrusy for me. I'm getting lemon pledge. Blue Sad 2 out of 10
  2. vampkat

    Budding Moon

    In Bottle: Oh wow. This isn't love at first smell, but it is LOVELY. I smell alot f different things, the peony I think, and maybe the lotus blossom? Yum. Wet: Wow...this is such a beautiful scent. All the florals come together wonderfully. Dry: Oh no!! I'm in love with a discon!!! *cries* yup..I love this floral beautiful scent. I hope I can find a bottle of it! 10 of 10
  3. vampkat


    In Bottle: Woods. All woods. I guess that's the cedar. Wet: Still very woody. I smell the cocoa, but the woods cover it prety strongly (probably because I don't like woody at all) Dry: This dried down AOT. I cn barely smell it, but what I can smell makes me thing of a secret flower grove in a very woody area. I actually like this a little. I might have to give this one another shot another time. 6 out of 10
  4. vampkat


    in bottle: very complex kinda dark floral Wet: eh! Something woody came out and bit my nose. I have no idea what it is. Dry: Whew. That woody part faded a bit, and the floral is coming through again. This will probably be a PERFECT red musk week scent. It's very dark and mysterious. I think I really like it, because it's different. 8 out of 10
  5. vampkat

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    n bottle: Sugared incense indeed. That smells really...funky. I hope it smells better on, but I ave new hope after MME Wet: ICK. Still incense. Dry: Nope...this one is a total miss.
  6. vampkat

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    In bottle: uhoh. My nose just got raped by patchouli and red musk. I don't know how much I'm gonna regret testing this.... Wet: wait...mint? Where did THAT come from? I swear I smell mint. *scratches head* Not super minty, just like a earthy fresh right off the vine mint. Dry: ok, Ihave no idea what scent is making the mint smell, but I am thankful. This would be a nice "I have a cold and feel like crap" scent, because while the mint is NOT in there, I smell it. I can also smell the vanilla, but no more patchouli and red musk. This one totally morphed on me. This is me saying..I was wrong. 6 out of 10
  7. vampkat


    in bottle: ZOMG FRUIT! I smell nothing else. Wet: very huckleberry. I mean VERY very berry. I like it! dry: HEY! There's something else in here! not sure if it's the neroli or the red currant, but all the sudden this went from OMG FRUITY to hmm...fruit and..something velvety. Still very fruity, but not as overpowering. 9 out of 10
  8. vampkat

    Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree

    In bottle: This smells very complex in the bottle. I was a little worried about the lavender, but I can't detect that at all. I'm getting the pear, with a touch of honeysuckle and florals. Very pretty! Wet : I got FRUIT. Like..OMG yummy fruit. Dry: the florals came out and have battles with the fruit to beat it into submission. Now it's a soft fruity floral that mixes REALLY well. I can also smell the white sandalwood, but it's so gentle mixed with the florals I actually like it (and I HATE sandalwood on me) 8 out of 10