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Everything posted by alaitallon
I'm not a big fan of florals at all, but this one was pretty tolerable for me. It calms down as the scent is on you longer and the mandarin comes out rather nicely, making up for the floral scent (for me, anyway! Those who like florals would love this one!) There's another vague scent that is absolutely alluring for me, almost a sort of soapy smell but not quite, and that makes me enjoy this scent a bit more as well. The overall scent is pretty faint for this one, but I think that's okay. I would probably wear this again, even if it is a floral. Rating: 6/10
Oooo, even without knowing the ingredients (I got this as a free imp in one of my previous orders), I knew there was vanilla in there! I'm starting to really love the scents with vanilla in them because it's such a sweet, pleasant note. Definitely the smell of vanilla here with some sharp spices on the top. Usually spicy scents face away pretty quickly on me, but I could still smell these pretty well when I sniff my wrists hours after applying (the vanilla scent is most prominent by then, though). My only issue with it is that I think there's something in it that I must be allergic to, because I keep having sneezing fits after I sniff it for too long! Otherwise, great! Rating: 9/10
I got this one not really because I liked the sound of the ingredients (though I did), but mainly because I love crows and thought this would be fun to have. I have to say, I'm not disappointed! Wow! Definitely a really chilly smell at first. I can smell the evergreens straight off and at first it's the only thing that I can smell. After a bit, though, it blossoms into the spring scents of rather pleasant floral scents, with the evergreen still hanging in the background. Definitely an oil that evokes a feeling of the last days of winter before the world finally begins to warm again. I love it! Rating: 8/10
Oddly enough, this smelled a LOT like Dragon's Milk on me. It had a sweet, foody kind of fragrance with a mix of something spicy underneath. Definitely catching a whiff of vanilla (probably where I got the Dragon's Milk comparison from), which is odd because there IS no vanilla in it! Definitely a lovely, alluring scent, though. Would definitely wear again! Rating: 9/10
Honestly not sure what to make of this one. It smells cinnamony and spicy to me and I unfortunately can't really catch any of the lemon peel or mango in it. And judging from the other reviews after the fact, I'm not the only one that itched because I put it on. I have enough allergies as it is, so I'm definitely not going to want to wear something that adds to them. The scent is decent enough, but I'm . . . just not feeling it. I'm sorry, Dodo, but you're better off extinct for me. Rating: 4/10
Definitely smelling the vanilla and honey! After several scents recently that include that, I'm starting to think these are some really amazing notes to put together. The amber is harder for me to detect, especially now that it's been about four hours since I applied the oil, but I do remember that the initial smell of the oil was very pleasant, if a tad sharp in the very beginning. Rating: 9/10
I was really excited about this scent at first, it smelled absolutely amazing in the bottle. Just like cupcakes! However, my skin did not get along nearly so well with it. It made me at first smell like vinegar-drenched cupcakes, then I eventually smelled like Play-doh. I'll give it another try, especially since I have a full bottle, but it very rarely started smelling like the cupcakes/food from the initial bottle sniffs. Rating: 3/10
This scent reminded me a lot of Thunder Moon because of its aquatic, slightly ozone scent, but there's a bit to this one that sets it apart. The ozone smell isn't nearly as overbearing in this one, the lime comes out quite nicely, and the gunpowder gives an odd sort of overtone. I really do like this scent, though, it really invokes being out at sea. Rating: 8/10
I don't know, I'm sort of on the fence with this one. I can smell the apple now that I know it's there, but it frequently gets overpowered by the herbs when it's on my skin and leaves a really chemically smell behind that I can pretty much taste. I think I would like this more if it were more apple scent and less everything else, but it's not necessarily bad, either. Probably wouldn't wear it very often, though. Rating: 5/10
I bought a bottle of this from an auction on eBay because the scent sounded really appealing to me and I thought I was pretty much at the stage of addiction to BPAL where I needed to give the limited edition scents a try. That aside, it came in this afternoon and I had to give it a try (especially since my morning scent had already faded away, and whatever was left of it had inevitably been washed off during my afternoon shower). All I can say is . . . wow. Ozone definitely is the first thing that hits my nose. It hits it so hard that it makes me tongue tingle. After a manner of minutes, the ozone smell starts to fade a bit (tongue still tingling, though . . . no, I didn't lick it! Smells just have a way of affecting my taste sometimes!), but a different smell comes out, this one reminding me of country-side after a rain (most specifically the way my grandmother's farm smelled the morning after it rained, with mist still hanging over the fields). It's a very fresh "rain" smell, and like some other people reviewing this have said, I swear I've smelled a cologne with this scent before. Extremely pleasant scent and even though it's a bit masculine, I'll definitely enjoy the whole bottle! Rating: 8/10
Definitely a very green scent, which is obviously what they were aiming for! I can definitely smell the mint in it and a bit of the lime, but not really so much the lavender, unfortunately. It's there, but it's really lurking towards the bottom. It's not a bad smell, it's actually quite crisp, but it's not a terribly remarkable one, either (at least to me, it isn't.) Decent, but not something I would want more than an imp of. Rating: 6/10
I unfortunately really don't care much for floral and this scent is pretty much all floral on me (I got the imp in an imp lot I ordered, so I didn't really know the scent/ingredients very well ahead of time). It was pretty strong on me, so much that I could actually "taste" what I was smelling, and unfortunately it left a really strong chemical taste. It reminded me of a lot of commercial perfumes I've smelled before, and while it's not really an unpleasant smell, it's just really not to my personal taste (no pun intended). I'm sorry, Suspiro, but you and I were just not meant to be. The scent's faded a lot now and I can smell something on my wrists where I put it that isn't nearly so bad, but that may just be yesterday's Dragon's Milk, which pretty much persisted all day, even after washing my hair. Rating: 2/10
Beautiful! The honey and vanilla come right through and stay all day, while the sort of spicy smell of the resin peaks at the beginning then dies off. However, the smell is amazing. I caught myself sniffing my wrists all day because of it! It smells a LOT like the Milk and Honey scented soap that some mainstream company or another makes. Definitely considering buying a full bottle of this scent! Rating: 9/10
I got this one in a huge lot of imp's ears, so what it was going to smell like was a mystery for me. It seemed pleasant enough in the bottle, though, so I thought I'd give it a shot and wear it. Maybe my mix is a bit more concentrated than most, but a couple of drops on my wrist and neck was MORE than enough. It was almost embarrassing (though I suppose it would have been more so if it was something that smelled awful, which it didn't). I think this would be much more pleasant if it wasn't so strong on me. The florals aren't bad, and I can kinda smell the honeysuckle, but just . . . too strong. I may try it again sometime, though, and revisit this. Rating: 5/10
Definitely a feminine scent, but at the same time, it's more of a "I am woman, hear me roar!" kind of feminine. Like a perfume you would smell on a woman who isn't going to take shit from anybody. Definitely feels empowering. Rating: 7/10
I wasn't sure at first how much I would like this, but it quickly grew on me. Another sort of feminine scent, but not florally at all. It's almost tropical, especially with the coconut hints. Sweet and extremely pleasant, though I can't really place what it is about it that makes it so nice. Rating: 8/10
Oh god, this is my favorite out of all of mine. It may be a bit from it being one of my first BPAL scents, it may be from its intriguing blend of smells that invoke thoughts of a cold night in a pine forest, wind blowing through the trees. The scent itself is pretty strong and will last on you all day, especially the pine. It's a bit masculine, though, admittedly, but still wearable on a woman. I love it! Rating: 10/10
When I first sniffed this in the imp, I really didn't think I would like it. It smelled a little TOO green for my tastes and I doubted I would wear it much, if at all. So I decided to "get it out of the way" and give it a real test during the weekend, in case I didn't like it, so I wouldn't have to let all my classmates endure it along with me. HOWEVER, I was proven wrong. After wearing it, it actually really grew on me. Maybe my skin chemistry just works well with it, but I actually enjoy it now. The scent turns into something a bit like a mix of spices and pine. The sort of sharp, green scent I originally smelled is on top, but underlying it is a sweeter, tamer smell. It is admittedly very strong at first, but it seems to die down after a while and leave more of the sweeter scent. And upon reading some of the other reviews, I've identified the scent as a sort of lemony one! Unfortunately, the scent doesn't seem to be lasting very long on me, but your mileage may vary. Rating: 8/10