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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by chai_girl

  1. chai_girl


    I thought I had reviewed this, but I guess I hadn't. I got this as imp and had to get a big bottle. As you can tell by my nick, I love chai...I love that cinnamon/spicy combo. I am hooked on the Lush Chai shower gel and this is a great complement to it. They don't have the same scent, but they go well together...the Chimera has a more resinous dry down to balance out the cloves of the Chai shower gel. I thought I'd try it as a room scent. I put my wax in the burner and added a few drops. I smelled the cinnamon but it wasn't a foody cinnamon. I guess the myrrh and copal kept it from being too foody. Well, stupid me, I went out to my daughter's school carnival and forgot about the tealight still burning under the burner. I should have come home to find the house burned down...but instead, I'm enveloped by this wonderful scent when I walk in the door...it is kind of a cinnamony buttercream frosting scent. How that came about, I don't know...but it is truly divine. So Chimera is a true dual purpose scent. It is a great room scent as well as a divine body scent...yummm
  2. chai_girl

    CCNow or PayPal

    What I did with my last order is I went to the site and created my order...let CCNow figure the shipping, then moved to PayPal for the actual order. I don't know if that is the best or easiest thing for Elizabeth, but if it puts more money in HER pocket, I'll use it unless she asks me not to.
  3. chai_girl

    The Lion

    I was just trying my sample...trying to figure it out since there isn't a description yet to help me. It started off strong...almost too strong for me. It wasn't a spicy scent but it wasn't sweet either. Maybe it is a musk. I didn't think I'd like it. As it dried, it mellowed into a softer, slightly sweeter scent...I'm imagining an African plain with yellow/brown grasses blowing in the breeze, heated by the warmth of the sun. There is a bit of floral blowing in from somewhere but I can't quite place it. It makes me want to stretch in the sun and snuggle down with a purrrrrrr. This might be a keeper.
  4. chai_girl


    I'm still a bit undecided on this one. The apricot and patchouli seem to be balanced on me. The image I'm getting is a bowl of fresh ripe fruit in a house that has been closed up for a while. The fruit is there, fresh and sweet, but there is a definite musky/earthiness about it. I'm not sure this is a keeper for me. It is a very interesting scent though.
  5. chai_girl

    CCNow or PayPal

    OMG!!! 10%! That's train robbery! Well, unless Elizabeth replies and says she has a reason she prefers CCNow (bookkeeping, etc) then I'll do the paypal route. I'm all for more money in her pocket rather than CCNow. That is what I did last time. Paypal includes your address so I just put my order in the comments section.
  6. chai_girl

    High John the Conqueror

    When I smelled this in the bottle, I got the grape scent...kind of like ripe grapes on the vine. After I put it on, the grapes were gone and I got this soapy scent coming through and I wasn't sure I was going to like it. I've had it on about an hour now and it is a very nice...I'm wanting to say golden kind of scent. I agree with no sharp edges. I really can't pick out a single scent but is very comforting and strengthening.
  7. chai_girl

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I did get a headache once from a scent, but I usually don't get headaches from scents. Granted, I have major sinus problems so not having a sinus headache is the more unusual situation. I can't remember what the scent was because I promptly swapped it...No problem since then. On a tangent, I did read somewhere that the doctors have finally realized that just because a headache has sinus headache components doesn't mean it isn't a migraine. Sometimes I get headaches that just resonate through my head and down my neck. I have all the additional symptoms of a migraine with the pain centered on my sinuses. My doctor won't give me migraine meds because he says it is a sinus headache. But nothing works until I break down and take my mom's migraine medicine (I know, bad Lisa!).
  8. I like Sin, Snake Oil and O for sexy scents. Which one just depends on my mood but I've gotten good reactions from all of them!
  9. chai_girl


    I'm getting a fresh cherry...like a Jolly Rancher Cherry. I'm not saying that is bad, because I really do like this scent, even though I'm not a fruity scent lover. This is a keeper for me. I think it might make a good room scent too. The scent has stayed true over the last couple of hours...very yummy About 5 hours after putting it on...it has faded to a nice powdery soft scent. I still like it and it still smells faintly like cherries. I put this on thinking I was putting on Old Shanghai (that's what I get for being in a hurry in the morning)....
  10. chai_girl

    Getting sick of orders showing up as delivered...

    I have ordered twice from Aromaleigh using their FedEx option. For the ground shipping to a home option, it was only one or two dollars more. I read after I placed my order that having it delivered to a business is cheaper. That would be cool for me. I go through the shipping dept. at least twice a day (more often when I'm expecting Lush ). Lush says they require a signature, but the one time I had it delivered to my house it was just dropped off. I usually have it delivered to work because it is a group order. I've never been required to sign for FedEx or UPS. The UPS guy usually hits my neighborhood late in the afternoon/evening. He will usually just ring the doorbell and run. I'm trying to teach my daughter to not open the door unless she knows who is on the other side so it still kind of freaks me out when I forget I have something coming. I'm standing there trying to peak through the frosted glass asking who is it, then I see the brown truck pulling way. FedEx just drops it by the door. Like I said before, my porch is really safe. I'm happy with whatever option Beth chooses, just as long as I don't have to go to the post office. My post office hours suck and they aren't open on Saturdays. I do have to say that I was amazed at my last Aromaleigh order. I placed the order on a Friday afternoon (like 3 p.m.) and it was already in FedEx hands by 8 p.m. that night. I received it on Tuesday even though it was shipped ground. That was pretty impressive to me.
  11. chai_girl


    I've been sniffing the imp I got last week and finally decided to put it on today. I really liked it when I put it on. It was a soft musky amber...then, for about an hour, it developed a musty (not musky) scent to it. I literally conjured up the image of a dusty attic and opening a trunk that had a soft sweet scent. I thought...okay, not for me...but then it changed again. This time it became a soft powdered scent with the amber dominant but not overpowering that kind of hung around in the background...I found this to be more perfumey than many BPAl scents, but not in a bad way. I IMed the other BPAL addict in my office after I'd been wearing it for about 4 hours and told her that scent was like memory that was lingering in the back of my head but wouldn't come to the front. It reminded me of something, but I couldn't quite place my finger on it...that is why I think it lives up to its name, Haunted.
  12. chai_girl


    I wore this one this morning and swapped it with another girl in the office in return for the Haunted she gave me last week. It is a very lovely scent. I didn't read the description until just now. I kept smelling plums with a hint of raspberry...go figure. The scent stayed true through the dry down. It didn't last long on me though. I reapplied just before I gave it away to get me through the day. It is a delicious scent and I think it would make a great room scent for me...especially in the summer. Ripe juicy fruit wafting through the house, but my imp wouldn't be enough to do that. I might have to get a 5 or 10ml for that. I just don't like to wear fruity scents...but the girl that sits one desk over from me loves fruity and foody scents. That is why I got the Haunted and she got the Carnal...We make a great BPAL pair ~grin~
  13. chai_girl

    Getting sick of orders showing up as delivered...

    I live in a house but we have a block of mailboxes down the street. There are shoebox size boxes (you have to have a key) and two large boxes that have keys (kind of like an airport locker, only the postman can remove them once they've been inserted). If I get something that doesn't fit in the small one, He puts it in the big one and leaves the key in the box. It is always so exciting to find a key! My BPAL shipments have always fit in the regular box though...as long as I check my mail regularly. The apartments in my area either have a similar set up or the office signs for the packages and you can go to the apartment office building to collect them. We don't typically have the smaller apartment buildings in Texas that you have in the northern cities...we have the huge complexes so that may be a bit different. UPS and Fedex leave packages on my doorstep. I have a sheltered porch area and I've never had anything stolen off my porch...not the bicycle, the scooter, the skate board...I even had a tv, vcr and stereo equipment waiting for the Salvation Army on my porch for a couple of weeks and no one took them! The only thing I have to go to the post office for is for a certified letter or when I get my quarterly mail order of meds. They leave a slip in the mail box. The thing is, I can just sign the slip and they will leave it in the box the next day. I don't HAVE to go all the way to the post office (it isn't the distance, it is the hours they keep because I have to come home from work during the day). Long story short, (too late!) I'm all for anything that will make things easier for the team at the lab.
  14. My recommendations would be either ~O~ or Sin...I wore O to a party the other night and even the other (straight) women were coming up and commenting in a good way. Hmm...maybe a few of them were bi...~grin~ I'm wearing Sin today, and I definitely think it is a sexy scent in a more romantic way than ~O~.
  15. chai_girl

    Ok, feeling human again.

    I'm glad to hear things are so much better for you! I was going to send another email since I hadn't heard from you, but I'll wait another day...Big Hugs!
  16. chai_girl

    Incapacitated for a day.

    (purposefully taken out of context) Hmmm...I remember a time when that actually might have been the case... In a very strange and silly mood after my own dr. visit today... Lisa in Austin
  17. chai_girl

    Incapacitated for a day.

    Big Big Hugs! Having had a kid and been through the induced labor (I'm guessing this might be something similar)...I totally feel for you. If you could call in sick, I would, but I know how the money thing is. Sending healing energy your way...
  18. chai_girl


    I got an imp of this as an extra. Unfortunately, I was taking some imps to work to share with some co-workers and I hadn't put the cap back on this one and it spilled all over the other oils. When I took out the other oils, my hands were covered in it. This is a very unusual scent. At first I didn't like it, but it began to grow on me. I've lived on the coast most of my life and it finally came to me that it was the scent of a wetland/swamp right after a big storm had come to clear out the murkiness...the murkiness lingers but it has this fresh scent weaving through it. I don't really know how to explain it but it was dead on. Not really a scent I'd wear but it did evoke some wonderful memories. Lisa in Austin
  19. chai_girl

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    I wonder if that is why I like O so much...hmmmmm... getting my submissive butt back to work... Lisa in Austin
  20. chai_girl


    mmmmmm...hot buttered rum...that was what I got out of it. I liked it as a scent, but not on me. It smells a bit too foodie. I might try it as a room scent though.
  21. chai_girl


    Mmmm...just put this on. I was a bit hesitant after Hellcat to try this. I'm so glad I did. For me, this invokes a dark night in the woods with just a touch of smoke drifting from a fire. I don't smell the almond but something is tweaking the myrrh and musk to help them blend. I think this would make a great room scent or candle scent. I think this is a great scent for centering and finding your balance if you are into energy work or pagan rituals. I might get a 5ml of this to use for ritual work and as a room scent when I'm feeling unbalanced. ~the list for my next order is growing~ ~Update~ As it has dried down, I'm getting sweet floral smell...not strong but just a touch. I'm not sure where that is coming from.
  22. chai_girl


    One of the girls in the office came over this morning to show me the imps she got in a swap (lol, there are 4 BPAL addicts in my office...how cool is that?). I put on a touch of Wrath and I'm in love! I have to add dragon's blood to my list of notes I like. This was a spicy cinnamon/clove, but not a chai cinnamon...more of a Big Red sharp cinnamon. I am in love with this scent and it is going on my 5ml (at least) list. I'm wondering how this would smell in a room diffuser or shower gel... Lisa in Austin Copied from another thread - Last week, one of the girls at work brought in a Wrath that she had swapped for. I put just a dab on my wrist since I was wearing something else. I don't know if it was the spicy hot cinnamon of the Wrath, or just the stress that normally comes with a deadline and pending reductions in force...but I was not able to tolerate the "high maintenance" person I work with as well as I usually do. I had to really work hard to not snap back at her when she snapped at me. I was to the point where I was about ready to walk out if she said another cross word to me. Was it the Wrath...or was I just PMSing?
  23. chai_girl


    I love this scent! Unfortunately, on me it smells very masculine. I loved the way it smelled but I couldn't stop thinking how much better it would smell on a guy! I accidentally ended up swapping for two imps of this. I gave one to a guy friend and I'm keeping the other for those days when I have meetings with the big dogs at work and need that extra boost. I work for a Japanese company and while they have come a long way, women are still considered not equal to their male counterparts...but I'm working on it and they pay me great money! Lisa in Austin
  24. chai_girl

    Reshipments: to clarify...

    hmmm...my order must be one of them too...mine's not here yet either....pout...pout...pout... Trying to send positive energy to Elizabeth and resist sending negative energy to the post office thieves...and hearing "we shall overcome" playing in the back of my mind... Big hugs to Elizabeth... Lisa in Austin
  25. chai_girl

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    One of the things you could do with a custom scent is order a bottle for your bridesmaids gifts as well. I was thinking the other day that the imps ears would make great party favors or thank yous. I'm thinking about ordering a couple of dozen imps of snake oil to give out as quick thank yous to people. Just my 2 cents...I've been married twice, both times by the justice of the peace...planning a wedding was way too stressful...lol Lisa in Austin