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BPAL Madness!

miss apple

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Everything posted by miss apple

  1. miss apple


    Libra - I bought this because it's my bf's sign so I thought it would be a nice companion to mine (which is Leo) In the bottle it smells a bit citrusy - maybe some floral mixed in. Once on - very lemony! Now that I see what notes are in this I'm surpised since I don't see lemon or anything citrus listed. I usually don't like lemon in a perfume but this is nice - I'm not getting that lemon pledge scent that normally happens so this is probably my nose being weird. After about an hour the lemon fades and something sweet emerges - sandalwood and flowers. It's not rose to me and I have no idea what rose geranium smell like but it's very pretty. Definitely not a scent I would have bought based on the notes listed but it turned out very nice. I may try layering it with Leo.
  2. miss apple

    Belle Époque

    Belle Epoque - I admit that I bought this mostly for the name. It's my favorite period for art and design so it immediately piqued my interest. In the bottle it's a light sweet floral and no specific notes stand out. Once on, it's very soft and a bit powdery. I'm mostly smelling a mixture of vanilla and sandalwood and maybe a hint of lily. Something gives it an exotic edge, a whisper of decadance, the opium maybe? It's all quite lovely and I'm glad I decided to buy a big bottle of this.
  3. miss apple

    Mabon 2004

    Mabon has been sitting in my box ever since it arrived several months ago. I tried it once and while it was nice, it didn't seem to stand out to me at the time. I decided to give it another try after I couldn't quite figure out what kind of perfume mood I was in today. This is the perfect thing to wear when the weather is cold and there's snow on the ground. Winter brings me down and this lifted my spirits with its lush fall boquet. I don't notice the blackberry wine or apple cider much though I suspect they give the light apple blossom and woodiness an undercurrent of faint sweetness that makes this such a delicious scent. It's crunchy leaves, acorns, earth, and fruit all mixed up together in a wonderful warmth. I'm very glad I rediscovered this today
  4. miss apple

    Centzon Totochtin

    Centzon Totochtin In the bottle - red wine, almost overpowering with a tinge of dark chocolate. Once on, mmm the chocolate is more prominent and there's a little hint of coffee. It reminds me a bit of Mata Hari without the florals and, as other mentioned, Kali. After a few hours the red wine, chocolate, and coffee notes have blended together to create a lush, heady perfume. This is a fabulous oil and I think it may be one of my top ten
  5. miss apple

    The Caterpillar

    I was intrigued by the Caterpillar but the vetiver and patchouli notes made me a bit hesitant. I thought it might be too heavy but I was quite wrong. In the vial it's a very earthr sort of scent - kinda reminds me of this head shop that used to be in town where the guy behind the counter would smoke cigars and burn incense. Once on....mmm this is a really interesting scent. It's a cross between dark soil, smoke, and flowers. It's sultry and indolent. I can see the hippie quality to it but it's much more sophisticated. I'm suprised at how much I like this - and I will be getting a big bottle for sure.
  6. Blood, Cathedral, Penitence, and the Caterpillar are very incensey to me.
  7. miss apple

    All Saints'

    All Saints - in the bottle I get a mixture of flowers and incense. Once on, it becomes a bit more incensey. The scent reminds me of this incense that I used to buy from Pier 1 years ago called Primavera. It was a favorite of mine and I was sad to see it go but this brings back a nice impression of that scent. After an hour I notice an undetrtone of something that reminds me of rain-dampened slate. It's an interesting contrast that keeps All Saints from being too flowery. This is a lovely oil that puts me in a reflective mood.
  8. miss apple


    Eve - in the bottle it's mostly honey with a touch of floral. Once on the honey spreads out a bit more evenly and the flowers come through - the apple blossom maybe? About an hour later the rose is very prominent and blends beautifully with the honey. This is sweet and light and yet a tiny bit seductive. A lovely scent that lasts for hours
  9. miss apple


    Grog - in the imp, it reminds me of butterscotch schnapps - sweet and yummy. Once on it's a little more boozy but I don't really smell rum, it reminds me of a Buttery Nipple shot (one of my faves) I thought this might become too cloying after a while but somehow it retains the buttery sweetness without becoming sickly and is lighter than I expected. I think a big bottle may be on order
  10. miss apple

    Can we order single notes?

    Single notes were discontinued in October so we are unable to order them anymore
  11. miss apple

    Egg Nog

    Egg Nog As others have mentioned, it smells exactly like the drink. That's a good thing because I like the scent of egg nog more than drinking the actual beverage. It's vanilla with a bit of nutmeg, sweet and yummy. Sadly, it disappeared about an hour after I applied it so I'll either slather or keep it for a room scent.
  12. miss apple


    Bliss - in the bottle it's all chocolate. If there was one oil that I'd drink, this would be it. Once on, the chocolate is still as deliciously rich but the scent has deepened and developed into something more - there are other notes but they are mostly hidden and only serve to enhance the cocoa. This is foody yet not too sweet and one of the best chocolate scents I've ever smelled (along with Velvet) It stays true to its form hours later and only gets better. A big bottle is definitely on the list.
  13. miss apple


    Yuletide (2004) In the bottle it has a fruity sweetness. Once on, it's not as sweet and there is a bit of a chill underlying the fruit. About half an hour after applying it morphs into a wet cigarette smell. It's not bad enough to make me want to wash it off as it's a rather curious scent but I'm not sure Id wear it as a regular perfume. A couple of hours later, the wet cigaratte is gone and now I can smell a light spicy frutiness. The final drydown is nice so I may give this another try.
  14. miss apple

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    Le Serpent Qui Danse is a sweet vanilla floral. Here's the description from the website: "A sinister, darkly seductive scent inspired by poetry of Charles Baudelaire. Violet entwined with vanilla and gardenia." I have an imp and have been meaning to order a bige bottle for a while now. It's quite nice.
  15. miss apple

    layering with Angel?

    hmm, I think I'll have to give it another try then. Things certainly can smell much different on the skin.
  16. miss apple

    layering with Angel?

    I went back and sniffed Xiuhtecuhtli after reading this thread and I just don't see the Angel comparison...I sure wish I did though
  17. miss apple

    Hear ye! Hear ye! Birthday threads now have their

    I just noticed this - very nice to have them all in once place. Thanks!
  18. miss apple

    Queen of Spades

    Queen of Spades - I love the little card picture on the bottle! First sniff, mmm deep and purple. Once on this develops in to a dusky fruity scent, a little plum, a little sweetness. This is a cool weather scent good for pairing with warm velvets, dark and intense with an undercurrant of seduction. It's a strong oil that last for hours and yet is never overpowering. Simply wonderful, I do wish for the return of this lovely perfume.
  19. miss apple

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I haven't been able to wear anything for a week now because every single oil was making me break out. I think I was stressing a lot and that's why my skin became so sensitive. Hopefully it'll calm down in a few days.
  20. miss apple

    Motivation help needed!

    Queen Mab is a wonderful, rich, seductive, dark scent (I have an inner goth girl that peeks out every now and then ) Cathedral is deep resiny oil that evokes gothic imagery in my mind. Black Dahlia - a meloncholy floral. On your list I also love Kali, Blood Rose, Blood, and Spellbound.
  21. miss apple

    Wolf's Heart

    Wolfs Heart - I love the bright red color! Overall first impression is sweet and musty. On - mmm, this has to have Dragon's Blood, it's rich and ripe. The musty smell has developed into a muskiness that adds a nice layer of warmth. There's a hint of floral as well. I was expecting something a bit more fierce or feral but this is really nice - I may order a bottle
  22. miss apple


    Wolfsbane - in the vial I can sense the woodiness and not much else. Once on, several different notes pop out. There's a fresh lemony scent, pleasant and not too citrusy. Underneath there's an earthy quality, a bit like fresh dirt with a metallic edge that mingles nicely with the lemon. Something green hovers in the background. This is quite an interesting oil and it wears well. I'm not sure if I'd buy a bottle but I'll use up the imp.
  23. miss apple

    Nine Mysteries

    In the vial Nine Mysteries is all mint. I haven't found a mint scent that I can wear so I'll give this one a try. Once on, it's still very minty and cool. After a few hours there is a bit of sweetness that overlays the mint. It doesn't change much from that but it does wear well. This is a cool relaxing scent and though I'm not sure I'd buy a bottle, I'm glad I was able to try it.
  24. miss apple


    Sloth -in the vial, dark and murky. On, considering this has vetiver, I'm suprised I don't feel compelled to wash it off. It's an earthy sort of scent with a bit of sweetneess. It does exude an aura of indolence-the kind of feeling that makes you want to sit on the couch and watch the home shopping network all day. It's an interesting oil and I'll use up the imp for those sorts of days
  25. miss apple


    Jack - in the bottle, pure sweet yumminess This doesn't change much once it's on and retains the wonderful sweet scent it has in the bottle. A blissful blend of buttery pumpkin, vanilla, and a bit of spice. It's foody and comforting and one of my top ten big bottles.