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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lunalight7

  1. Wow...thanx for the recs!!! I have a few of the Blood scents lined up for my next order and many of your rec's were already on my list. I can't wait to try them all...my next paycheck will go to the Lab
  2. Thanx for all of these rec's....wow...my list is ever growing....I'm gonna be poor...
  3. I really care most about scents w/ "striking distance" as well as staying power...I SO wanted Snake Oil to be noticed by others but, alas....only I enjoyed it if I sniffed my wrist or collar. After al....if the Love Potions really do attract others, then they would have to be able to detect it, no? I'm not close enough to anyone to be hugging up on them....I'm trying to GET to that point!!! I will look into Siren and Belladonna....thanks again for responding...
  4. Thank you SO much for the recommendations ! I have added your suggestions to my ever-growing list (some were already there). The point about body heat makes sense. Also, in cold weather, I'm all bundled up and the scent can't waft from my skin as much. When my hair is down, I plan to try putting some there. Also, I was thinking...and I realized that since I only have imps at this point, I am applying the oils quite sparingly. Perhaps when I have more oil to work with, I can really get down and slather/layer it on.... Thanx again...and keep those rec's comin'!!!
  5. lunalight7

    Looking for something along the lines of Michael

    Wow you really know your stuff! That is great info...thanks for replying.
  6. Thanx for the responses! Lit Chick, I didn't realize that alcohol gave throw to scents...I always thought that alcohol made the scent evaporate quicker and that perfume oils were more potent than commercial perfumes for this reason. Since BPAL oils are more potent than most, I thought I'd be scenting up the joint where ever I went. I will look into making sprays w/ my scents as an experiment. Thanx for the link to the thread.
  7. lunalight7

    Looking for something along the lines of Michael

    I'm bumping this up because I would love to hear responses as well. Michael is a fave of mine and one of the few commercial perfumes that throw and last for me.
  8. lunalight7

    Snake Oil

    OK this is weird.... I just posted a little while ago on another thread that I was disappointed by Snake Oil....now, I have to eat my words.... I received my first BPAL order today around 3 o clock and I immediately applied Snake Oil because, of the 16 imps I received, THIS was the one I had high hopes for. Alas, nothing but coconut hair grease. No spice, no amber, no nothin but coconuts. I was SOOOO disappointed and washed it off a half hour later as it had not changed at all. I proceeded to try and review the other 15 imps. Now, at 11:30 pm, I decided to try Snake Oil again because I could not accept the fact that this would not work for me.... SURPRISE!!!! Same oil, same day, different wrist, TOTALLY different scent-sation. Snake Oil is beautiful....warm, exotic, spicy, and golden....as I type this, the vanilla peeks out slightly, adding a lovely sweetness to this oil. Bloody sexy...I can't wait to get a big bottle to make bath salts, lotion, and whatever else I can think of to cloak myself in this scent. I will sleep in it tonite in hopes of erotic dreams....I could drink this, I love it so.... Give Snake Oil a chance if it didn't rock your world at first try...
  9. lunalight7

    Forbidden Fruit

    As light and innocent as your first time should have been. The fresh scent of lotus hidden behind lightly scented flowers, amber, and citrus. This was a freebie from the Lab...thank you SO much! In the bottle this smelled like fruity lipgloss. It was the last of 16 imps that I tried because I thought for sure that I wouldn't like it... WRONG! Although it did go on fruity, like berries and various fruit candies, after 5 minutes I smell nothing but lotus, which I adore. I don't smell amber at all but this scent has great throw (which I also love). This scent is lovely on me and it's a keeper....I feel a big bottle coming on....
  10. lunalight7

    Black Phoenix

    Black Phoenix was a freebie from the Lab! I like this one...from the bottle, it was all almond extract but quickly changed into a powdery-incense-y-pretty scent that is definitely dark and musky on me. I like musky scents and this one is more interesting than traditional musk scents. I also have Forbidden fruit on the same arm and the two smell nice together (Have to remember this combo!). I cant wait to see how Black Phoenix morphs over time. For now, it's a keeper.
  11. lunalight7


    Initial/wet: Movie popcorn dripping w/ artificial butter Dry down: Almost immediately, the rum smell emerges and reminds me of the yummy rum balls I buy at airports upon returning from the Caribbean. Final Impressions: It's only been a few minutes but I think I smell a hint of coconut lying underneath the buttered rum. I definitely like this scent....it was a freebie sent with my order (Thanx Lab !!! ) and I'm glad because I would not have ordered it for myself. I'm not sure that this is a scent that I would want to wear but we'll see how it morphs. I'll definitely use the imp...it might smell interesting layered with my ginger souffle body cream....
  12. lunalight7


    First of all, thanx to the Lab for sending this as a freebie! I LOVE Bayou....Beth's description captures it perfectly...very aquatic...that's the word that keeps coming to mind....I have on three other scents and this is the only one that throws itself up at me, forcing me to enjoy it. I like strong scents so Bayou is great for me. I can imagine that this would also smell nice and clean on a man. It is definitely a blue-green and even white scent....white frothy foam on the edges of waves on a beach....brilliant....I can't wait to try this as a room scent too! It reminds me of this potpourri that I love. Thanx again Lab!
  13. lunalight7


    Delight is a very nice floral but as someone stated, somewhat generic smelling. After 10 minutes it has faded almost completely. It might be nice for layering but alas, I like to leave scent behind me everywhere I go. It is worthy of another try though. However, I will probably swap this after using up the imp.
  14. lunalight7


    After about 15 minutes, this smells like damp wood that has been cleaned with Lemon Pledge. I will edit this post if it morphs later (which I expect it too). I do not detect any cocoa or vanilla...a slight herbally incense maybe....but mainly wood.
  15. lunalight7

    Belle Époque

    Belle Epoque is very pretty but I do not detect vanilla or snadlewood at all....only light, soapy, flowers. It smells like a fine French milled soap. The scent is VERY faint and I can barely smell it if a inhale deeply from my wrist. It might appreciate this more if I could detect other notes and if it had more staying power...after 15 minutes, it's almost gone... I will try it again.
  16. lunalight7


    I am wearing Midnight on one wrist and Belle Epoque on the other so I am immersed in flowers! Midnight smelled immensely sweet straight from the bottle but immediately dried to a soft, silky floral with an intense violet blue note that pokes through. I love it. It doesn't seem to have much throw but I will try again later. This is a keeper.
  17. lunalight7


    I adore Regan....I am so glad that i ordered it based soley on its description. It is a velvety purple scent that clings to me...no throw at all but I can't stop sniffing my arm...there's a satin smell to it if that amkes any sense...like the scent has an oily quality to it (besides the fact that it is obviously an oil)....this is just brilliant...great job Lab!
  18. lunalight7


    The notes in Hunger blend so well on me that I couldn't pick out anything at first...I just knew that I LOVED it! After reading the description, I realized that it was the narcissus that pokes it's head through a subtle vanilla-orange-cream scent that is absolutely delectible....This would be lovely to cloak the body with, as in a lotion, or to scent my sheets with....Big Bottle for sure....I am in love. This is what I was hoping for in Snake Oil.
  19. lunalight7

    The Unicorn

    I couldn't have said it better than blackrayne did...The Unicorn, when first applied, smelled like Lemon Pledge. But quickly morphed into a beautiful white-light green-almost yellow scent that tickles my nose...I had to check the description to see if champagne was included in this! I absolutely love it...it reminds me a a Linden scented linen spray that I love from L'Occitane. Just beautiful and definitely on my big bottle list. Would be nice as a room scent too....
  20. lunalight7

    Love Me

    That was EXACTLY my first impression! I recall thinking "Who would want to smell like this?" It was strong, medicinal, and stinky on me...like linament or something. Now, after about an hour, it has morphed into something incense-y, smoky, and red smelling....very intriguing, to the point that I can't stop sniffing my arm...I still am not sure about this one...I will have to try it again when Aunt Rose leaves town. Perhaps it might work as a room scent....if not, off to swaps...unless it lives up to its name...then I will have to keep it soley for "work" purposes!!!
  21. lunalight7

    Come to Me

    My first BPAL order arrived today and Come to Me was the third oil I tested. I love it...it isn't herbal at all on me but soft, clean....very clean...very light floral...it clings to me without any throw so I may use this for a lotion scent to layer with the straight oil. This oil smells exactly like a China Musk oil that I used to buy from street vendors in Harlem. For that reason, it evokes fond memories for me. Now let's see if it lives up to it's name!
  22. lunalight7


    I am new to BPAL and I just received my order today. Unfortunately, Aunt Rosie from Redbank arrived today too...so I don't know if this will affect the scents....I am trying out four scents at a time. O was the second scent that I tried and at first, I smelled NOTHING...literally...just a greasy smell without any perfume at all....I was diappointed until aafter a few minutes, I noticed a lovely scent emerging from my wrist...the note that I am loving the most I think is the amber....it's warm, comforting, and very pretty...I can even imagine this as a room scent....I'm not really getting a sex vibe, but this is a keeper for me.....I am looking forward to trying again later in the month...
  23. lunalight7


    This is my first post so I wanted to doffer a positive review...that's why I chose to review Desire first.... I am new at this so I am not as familiar with the individual notes as most of you are...but I do not get any fruity or vanilla notes in this scent....Desire is smoky, incense-y, and musky on me...but in a soft, powdery way...this must be the patchouli and bergamot I guess...in any event, it has great throw and I can't wait to try it again after Aunt Rosie from Redbank has left town...