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BPAL Madness!

Lit Chick

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Posts posted by Lit Chick

  1. Oh, how I love this today....


    At first swipe, I was hit with the sharp, cold aquatic smell I was expecting. And then...citrus? Odd. It stayed sharply citrusy on me for a bit, with lots of throw - and then the sweet came. I braced for the cloying horror that I was sure would follow, but it never came. This blend found the perfect level of sweetness for my skin, and went no further.


    So fresh, so clean, and not in a "deodorant" type of way. I was expecting this to be a "bitch pants" scent based on the description, but I'm cheery and bright, despire wretched back pain. Oh, wondrous blend, I adore you!!! And so do my coworkers and callers.

  2. Wow.


    This smells like cold-hearted murder at first. Shockingly brutal, heartless.

    And then... something softens. It becomes a lovely, inviting scent. There is a touch of darkness there, but all the evil has gone away. It's... charming.

    If I think too much about that, it may put me off the oil. So, I'll leave it at that. Love it, prefer not to ponder it's complexity...

  3. Regan was the first BPAL in ages that I had to wash off. On my skin, the vanilla became increasingly sweet and intense. It's not unpleasant at all, but I have a low tolerance for sweet, foody scents. This made me feel like I ate a lot of vanilla frosting... bleh.


    I may try this again in a diluted form - it is very pretty, just too much straight from the imp.


    If you like strong vanillas, then this is the BPAL for you.

  4. :P

    Hmmm.... order a bottle now, or wait until my latest haul of imps comes in to see if Maiden will have a bottle buddy....



    This is very much like Lush Potion (or what I remember that smelling like), and I loved Potion. This scent is creamy and spicy and clean - pure without being childish. I cannot get enough of it - it makes me feel so calm and pretty. I've been slathering it on me before bed, and sniff my wrists as I drift off to sleep. Ahhhhh.....


    I may have to get a 10ml, as I want to swim in this.


    Just lovely.

  5. Wet: This reminds me of something. I want to say it smells old fashioned somehow... it's very ice-queen. I want to stand up extremely straight and look down my nose at people. I feel haughty.


    Initial dry - something starts to change - my skin is pulling out a note that is very discordant. The perfume is fighting with itself.


    Dry - After a long streak of perfumes staying true, I've hit another soapy one. All the regal, elegant, snobby floral has been chased away by my uncooperative skin.


    It's probably a good thing... I felt like a royal bitch while wearing it. While I was fine with that feeling, I'm sure others would not have taken so kindly to my utter disdain for the rest of humanity.

  6. This started out really promising. Warm, sensual, very nice.

    But alas, that was only when still damp on my skin. As soon as it dried, it turned to soap - very astringent. Well, that's my funky chemistry. However, I'm kind of glad to have a nice, fresh, popular imp to swap! Or perhaps use it to draw another poor soul into my world of obessive imping. Mwhahahaha. :P

  7. Innocent, soft and pure: sweet pea, carnation and water lily.

    Le sigh.

    I was thrilled to try Desdemona, as it was compared to Lush Potion. However, I am also missing the spicy carnation... I am not sure if it's the pea or lily, but carnation is far in the back.

    Even though isn't spicy as I hoped, this is very pretty. Very fresh - but not outdoor fresh. It's the smell of a beautiful day, but from your bedroom. It's sweet, but not overly so (I hate sweet on me). It's the pinks and greens of a Georgia O'Keefe painting. And just as feminine... :P

    I've been wearing this for hours, and it has tremendous staying power. It's not one that I'll be drawn to repeatedly, but I can see myself wearing this again.

  8. GAAAH

    Lost my post!



    Wet, I smell cocoa in with the rest of the scents mentioned. Odd...

    Initial dry, creamy spicy orange

    Full dry - Lush Karma. (Never smelled Icon) It's a better behaved, more balanced Karma. I used to wear that perfume.... and get lots of compliments. It's not something I find really lovely now, but I may have to try this in public.


    Overall, a very nice blend. I'm more of a floral girl these days, so the fate of my imp is in question. But, it does bring back fond memories of walking around Scotland (where I found Lush).

  9. Whooo-ooo!


    This took a while for me to test, as in the vial it was way too much. The chocolate smell was so melted rich that it gave me a hint of a stomachache (sniffing first thing in the AM, before breakfast).

    Today I was ready for the plunge.... and YUM. All the notes are there, playing happily on my skin.

    Today is a snowy winter day, and I feel like I'm snuggled up with a cup of cocoa by a fire, instead of plodding along at work. Yay!

  10. I wanted to like this very badly, because it does smell great. I adore the smell of cedar woods, and this is perfection.

    But I never attempted cedar as a perfume, and it does not work as such on me. It's overpowering as a personal fragrance.

    Sighhh. I guess I like to smell more girly. But I agree that this would make an excellent room scent.

  11. Just got around to trying this one. Normally I'm mad for new imps, but Queen Mab and Magdalene were being jealous.


    First sniff. Hmmm. Reminds me of Lady of Shallot. I thought it was a dark aquatic smell. Looking at the notes, it's the gardenia that the two oils share.


    First wet - Blooming gardenia, but darkened. I could not place the scent, so it must be the violet that gives it such a mysterious air.


    Initial dry - Very lovely shadowy floral,. I'm intrigued.


    Full dry - There's the vanilla. I'm thrilled. It's so well blended that it does not go foody or over sweet. I'm really liking this one. It's going into regular rotation, and just may be a candidate for a bottle.

  12. High hopes for this, as Red Devil worked like crazy for me.


    On, I thought it smelled pretty nice. Spicy and warm.. so far, so good! But my chemistry found a smoky note and pulled it out. WAY out. All I could smell was tobacco - like cigars. Now, I actually like the smell of cigars, but as a perfume, not so much. And since Red Devil satisfies all my romping needs, I'll pass on this.

  13. A stirring yet gentle perfume. The scent of love and devotion mingled with an undercurrent of heart-rending sorrow. A bouquet of white roses, labdanum, and wild orchid.

    First sniff - Yikes. It bites, and is nasty. But of course, I knew that would change, so on it went.

    Wet - Oh no, there's green herbs. We just do NOT get along. It is extremely soapy and harsh...

    Drying - the mean green is retreating, and I start to smell rose. Hmm. They dry is taking longer than most blends on me, but this is getting nice.

    Full dry - So beautiful. I thought I could not do rose, but rose and orchid are fantastic on me. I had not read the description before trying this (it was a swap surprise), and I thought sad white roses.
    It does have a hint of Queen Mab, in that the rose is dominant on me, and smells so true to life. But Queen Mab is happy, this is subdued.

    I adore this - so worth the wait until dry.

  14. Whooo.

    This one has staying power! Too bad it went wrong on my skin.


    I got all the herbal piney scent that the other reviewers mentioned. The nuances of the blend were lost, as my body only let the pine through. Not unplesant, but I discovered I'm not an herbal/woody girl.


    Still, I gave this a dry down attempt - and my body protested. I started smelling like sweaty pine. Very strange indeed. I think that's what the bitter citrus turned into.


    Ah well - the blends that are nice more than make up for the ones that don't like me. And this is one more to add to my enablement stash for friends.

  15. MMM.

    Buttery. A little spicy, a little sweet.

    Another perfect blend that doesn't go one-note on my skin. I smell wood, but I'm not woody. I smell incense, but I'm not Karma'ed out.

    There was one odd moment when it was first fully dry that I swear I smelled Xmas pine, but it quickly went away.

    There is very little waft off of me (which is great for work), and after 3 hours I'm already fading. This is a candidate for slathering instead of dabbing.




    And this blend now marks my offical worship of BPAL, and the start of my enabling to others. I'm carting my imps with me to the New Years Party... except the ones I lovelovelove - I'm also a selfish wench.

  16. This was not my list - I saw rose and thought no way! But I got it in a surprise packet, and I must say WOW! It is such a pure, perfect floral. It smells like heady, fully blown fresh roses in the dry down. My skin takes rose and runs with it, but YAY - these roses are perfection! There is no hint of the powerdey old lady smell I associated with rose perfume.


    On me, this is pure, sweet, summer garden bliss. :P

  17. I was initally worreid - the sweet cherry/almond blast from the vial was immediately backed up with a animal musk when dabbed on my skin - but hooray! The musk quickly fades to the background, providing an earthy an naughty base for the spicy florals. The almond (again, hooray!) turns nutty, and the cherry departs. This is a very mysterious and sexy oil - if I were to slather instead of dab, I think I might get up to no good.


    And now what has become a regular part of my reviews: This scent reminds me of Santuary Crystals, the magick shop where I used to live. (Which was not "head shop" smelling - more demure than that).


    I don't know if my chemistry is weird or I have a cold coming, but this seems to fade pretty quickly on me - but I seem to have that with a lot of oils recently. Well, I plan on using my imp, so we'll see.

  18. :P :D :D


    This is simply lovely. I'm not even sure I'll share it with DH... well, maybe.


    First sniff - it's very bright and fresh. I smell green grass (but not mowed lawn grassy), a hint of lemon, and what must be the basil. It's a beautifully clean, sunny scent.


    First wet dab - it turns masculine, and a bit generic. It's still quite nice, but not me. There's the tang of most cologne.


    Initial dry - Mmmm. Spicy, and still fresh! The herbs are back, and they've been peppered. I do not smell musky, incense or leather as separate notes, instead they deepen the freshness, make it very sexy and intriguing.


    Fully dry - The nose-tickling pepper has calmed, and I'm left with sweet herbs and spice, perfectly balanced.


    This oil makes me feel very narcissistic. I'm overflowing with confidence - I'm sure eveyone is finding me as witty, charming, and pretty as I do.
