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BPAL Madness!

Lit Chick

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Posts posted by Lit Chick

  1. Sharp lavender - and there's something else in there that makes me think of diapers. Not soiled ones - but still baby diapers. Not my thing.


    Except, I relaxed and slept so freaking well that it was a miracle. I've had terrible back pain for a few weeks now, and all I do in bed is toss and turn, trying to find a comfy position. That night, I slept like a log, straight through. Last night, again a restful sleep.


    Thank goodnes for Somnus!!!

  2. Oh. My. God.


    This is a Holy Grail scent to me. Instantly gorgeous - perfection, making me swoon in the bliss of it.


    I can't describe any notes of this - only that it is a second skin scent. It does not smell like perfume - it smells like me, but obviously better. As if I bathed myself in rich, scented cream - dried myself in warm afternoon sunlight, and then wrapped myself in silk.


    It's also a very feline scent, in terms of how it makes me feel. Languid, sensual, content to stretch and curl up on the couch in a puddle of light. It makes me purr. :P

  3. Very very pretty. It's a light floral, much lighter than I expected - but you can smell the night in it.

    When wearing it, I am reminded of dusky summer evenings at my Aunt's house, where you could see the bats coming out to feast on bugs.

    It's very soothing to me. Ah, I love bats, and I love their perfume!

  4. This was not what I expected...

    I was raised Roman Catholic, and my mother was a Canter - meaning we always sat very close to the front, by the incense. I loved that smell, but it was always thick and heavy - and inhaling too much would make me dizzy.


    Cathedral is much lighter that that incense - it's a very pleasant and comforting scent. The smell of wood is there, too - blended perfectly. I see what this is called "Cathedral" instead of just being a simple church - you can sense the space of high valuted ceilings, feel the light of stained glass windows.


    I'm surprised that I liked it this much. I cannot wear it as a perfume, but I'm finally getting an oil warmer - this will make my apartment smell divine.

  5. Crisp and clean, slightly biting when wet. It's summery, very fresh. DH has not had a chance to smell it on me yet, because it's too fresh and crisp (and it's still freezing winter).

    I will hang on to this, because while it's not me at the moment, I have a feeling this excellent in the summer. The perfect antidote to "don't-touch-me" humidity. We shall see.

  6. Oh, the joy of BPAL.


    Kali, when wet, is a nightmare. So sweet, so cloying.... exactly the type of thing I hate. It's ripe and juicy.... and errgh.


    And then, it dries. And oh, the pure bliss of that dry-down! It's so hard to pin down the notes. It's a strong floral. No! It's spicy! No - there's chocolate! Wait - some incense! And it sounds hideous to me to have all those things playing together - but hey - that's why I wear and Beth creates. This is sexy and playful, one I could wear for a variety of occasions. I have a feeling this will become a staple fragrance of mine.



  7. Well, this did not get a test run with the DH... I guess I do not like sweet cinnamon!


    This smelled like cinnamon dough on me - sweet, slightly spiced, with a strong hit of yeast in the background. My husband thought it was nice, but it was overpowering to me. If it had smelled toasty and not doughy, perhaps I would have had more success. Not for me at all.


    Off to swaps!

  8. This blend walks there very fine line between sharply clean and soapy.


    Wet, it's a bracing ocean breeze that comes across a meadow. It's a very nice mix of sunny freshness and stinging bitterness.

    Dry, well, I cannot tell. It fades quickly on my skin.


    This was very masculine. So much so that even if it did not disappear, I would not wear it (I'm a girly girl, I guess). I am very eager to have my husdand give it a go, though.

  9. At first, this is extremely strong, fruity, and herbal. Then it goes soft and nice, and then it just goes.

    I have had this on for 3 hours, and there's just a hint of light fragrance left. I'm wondering in my TOM is sucking the life out of the blend, or if my sniffer is off. My hands are very icy cold right now, so perhaps that's why?

    I liked this when I could smell it, and the aura that's currently left is very pleasant. I will try this as a slather later and see what it does for me Voodoo-wise.

  10. Whooo!

    I smell civet, or a strong musk. YAY! Now, the only other civety blend I've worn was Red Devil. And DH jumped my bones. So even though I do not like civet/musk, I like the effect. It will be the weekend before I see what this does though.... sigh.


    Drydown - cake! Cake with a teeny bit of lemon icing. I like it a lot. It's not too foody - I don't feel like I just ate the cake. It's just yummy.


    Wow. Civet to cake in a few hours. Neat trick.


    ETA - WOW - this one changes with body chemistry. First review, it was my TOM. Lovely. Today I tried again - ew ew ew. Civet for a long while, then powdered sugar. Tons of throw. I did not care for it, because this time it was over foody. My regular chemisty amped the heck out of this, and it was too much for me. Fascinating.

  11. I do not do sweet. Especially not candy. I expected to hate this with a passion.


    I kind of like it. I'm shocked.


    It's pink bubble gum. It's rock candy. It's the old fashioned cotton candy, before they started making it blue and purple and taste funky.


    It baffles me that I like this.

    I don't know that I'd wear this much, but I do see adding it to a bath, or putting a dot on my wrist after I've had a cranky day. It's so pure and lighthearted. It makes me want to ride the Tilt-a-Whirl.


  12. I agree with the reviewer that said it smells like a church at Easter. I smell Easter lilies, and lots of them. So strong that I almost sneeze from the memory of pollen.

    White lilies are the only lilies that I can handle, so yay - this is almost too much for me, but it's nice. There is an earthy base to the screaming floral - I think that's what saying "pollen!" to me.


    This is very like Villainess Datura soap. I think they would go lurvely together. Mmm, maybe some Dragon Blood lotion after a nice long Datura shower.... mmm.

  13. I knew this would be bad on me (honey hates my skin), but I had to try it anyway.


    I got Bubble Yum. Original Pink flavor. It was that tooth-rottingly sweet.

    But I was determined to wear this one. Honey be damned! So I waited... and then the rest of the notes came out. Unfortunately, it was a strange, strange combo. Did I forget to mention that I cannot wear green scents? Perhaps I was hoping two bad notes would combine into something harmoniously lovely.


    Alas - this did not do anything nice on my sad, cranky, floral and musk lovin' skin.


  14. I have yet to solicit anything that might be construed as amorous.


    Is it me or him???


    Ah, perhaps you have not found the right oil! I have tried appx 50 blends, and only one has ever gotten me pounced on. And it was an accident. Red Devil, which I thought smelled awful in the vial, got all over my fingers. And DH smelled it, and lloooooooved it.

    Based on the wet smell, I would have washed it off - but funny thing, that's the part he likes best (I think there's civet in it. Not my fave, but gets him going). The blends that make me want to jump myself get no reaction from him. :P

  15. :P :D

    My post was eaten!




    Wet: This was really promising. Lovely woody fragrance, spiced with warm cinnamon. Smelled heavenly.


    Dry: And ths cinnamon starts to take over - I smell like cinnamon imperials. It's very sweet - too sweet. I'm not liking it.


    Full Dry: DH said I smell like potpourri with cinnamon sticks thrown in. I still only smell candy. Etiher way, it's far too sweet on my skin - and it has lots and lots of throw. This gave me a little headache. :D


    To swaps!

  16. Looks like I can add another 5ml to my next order!


    I agree, at first this reminded me of Queen Mab, due to the orchid. Orchids love me so! But this was a darker orchid, a bit shadowy.


    A few hours later, and Phantom Queen's slightly wicked undertone vanished, replaced by crisp, sunny apple. It does not smell fruity by any means - it's barely detectable to my nose. It brightens the blend.


    I do not get a lot of throw, but I'm content to apply this liberally and often. Every stage is gorgeous.

  17. I've been putting off my review of this because I can't decide if I like it or not. Scratch that.... I like it. But is it a me scent? Not sure.


    This is really gorgeous - It's sitting by a lake on a summer day, with the sun sparkling down on you. You're all alone, everything is quiet, you feel at one with everything around you. A perfect, transcendant moment.


    However, it is not a winter scent. I cannot make up my mind if it's me, because it's too bright and cheery for the 2 feet of snow around me. It makes me crave summer, and feel the cold all the more harshly. I'll se how it is in a few months, when the temperature is more cooperative.

  18. I love testing oils completely blind. I have no internet at home, and so when I get my latest swap in, I'm usually at a loss for what's in it, and what the general consensus is. So, Libertine was a delightful surprise!


    At first, the clean smell that others have mentioned threatened to go soapy. In fact, it was a tad astringent, but there was a pleasantness that gave me hopes for the dry-down. I was not disappointed. The musk was the most identifiable note - everything else blended into something warm and soft.

    It must be the musk, but this reminded me a little of Red Devil after a few hours wear - but not as overtly sexual. Libertine is a more understated afterglow. Beautiful.


    Libertine faded rather quickly on me... I will be using my imp up, but a bottle purcahse will depend on future performance.

  19. Oh, such high hopes, only to be dashed.

    This smelled wonderful at first. So bright, juicy, cheery.

    Then, like so many perfumes that start sweet, it got sweeter, and sweeter. This turned to pure candy on me. Candy with lots and lots of throw - as if the oil was trying desperately to flee from my horrible skin chemisty.

    And finally, it gave up and turned to powder.


    I will agree that it is a brilliant blend - it fairly sparkles in the vial.

  20. Delirium indeed!


    This was a constantly changing oil one me. All of the notes were very independant, and stood out, but they all took turns. I got dizzy from all the olfactory twirling.

    However, there was one note... or maybe it was the combination of fruit and flower, that did not work on me. Underneath it all, there was bitterness. Very subtle, but it unnerved me.

    So far, not many fruits have like me. Ah well.

  21. So - I'm the only one who smells cola? Really?

    This was all Rum & Coke on me. Ah, and it reminded me of my very first college party.

    Much too strong and sweet for me - it lasted all through the night and well into my shower.


    Sloth has the very odd side effect of making mint toothpaste smell and taste like rootbeer candy. :P
