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Lit Chick

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Posts posted by Lit Chick

  1. I just don't understand rose.

    Sometimes, it's perfection on me - true-to-life, vibrant. And sometimes it's just soap.

    Moon Rose is mostly soap, which makes me want to cry. It's odd, though. I'm liking it a little. It did not go harsh and astringent - rather it was a biting clean flowery scent.


    I think I will give this another go at a different TOM. Perhaps a shift in chemistry will amp up the flowers and tone down the detergent. Fingers crossed.

  2. A luminescent red scent: breathless with passion, flickering with desire, and glowing with ardent and reverential love.

    omg, I smell like my mom!

    Now don't get me wrong, my mom is an amazing woman. But I need to smell like me!

    That was my experience EXACTLY. I'm not sure if I'm going to swap it or see if my mom will like it.... because I need to smell like me, too. :D

    ETA: I'm wearing it again today. As it got to full-dry, I adored it. It passed out of mom-ness into pretty, pretty. But, after many hours of wear, I'm back to mom. It's a gorgeous scent, MUCH better than the perfume which she wears (I find that way too heavy and flat). Living Flame has all of the pretty notes of her favored perfume, and none of the ack factor.
    She's so getting this bottle from me - between this, Aeval, and Chaste Moon, I think I have a convert!

  3. Oh, sooooooo amazing!


    This is beyond gorgeous on me. It's balanced - sweet and airy, but warm and sensual, too. I feel stunningly beautiful with it on. And, it provoked my ONLY ooohhh aaaahhhhhh from others. When I slathered it on a bit and then got into a car with my hubby and parents, all commented on how lovely I smelled. My mom said I smelled like a goddess.


    A big, big bottle is in my future.

  4. I was soooooo sad that Dragon's Musk went powdery on me - and I was very afraid for this...


    But GLORIOUSNESS! This not only does not go wonky, it's beauty makes up for the DM disappoinment hundreds of times over.


    This is.... I don't even know. It's extremely potent - be careful when applying! The tiniest dab of the wand, and I'm wafting Dragon's Heart for hours. It's so strong that it's almost cloying, and an accidental slather would likely make me gag. But - after the initial aggresive burst of fragrance, this mellows out very nicely.


    It's so sexy musk, but in a very slinky, elegant way. Commanding, but not trampy... it has me sniffing myself so much I'm getting dizzy off the fumes. :D


    I love this SO MUCH!!!!! :P

  5. Yummy, but minty! Very minty! Mint in things - bring it on!

    But, mint on me.... not so much. I am all set to swap this out - but it's very cooling. I'm going to Arizona this weekend, and I'm bound to get all sweaty - so I'm going to see if it's a nice hot weather scent. If not, then off to swaps, where I'm sure it will find a loving home.


    Gonna try some booze smells, though - that part is nice!

  6. I am so sad! I had success with a few rose blends before, so I hoped this would like me as well. Nope. The second it hits my skin, the lovey, beautiful rose scent turns into soap. :P

    I envy those that can wear it. It was so pretty in the imp!

  7. OMFG.


    I may have to update later (as it's still fresh on me), but I'm too swoony.

    Yep - buttery. Not quite butterscotch... that's a little too sugary. More like butter rum.

    It's not terribly foody, but it is sweet. I'm not usually one to like the sweet & creamy, and this goes right to the edge of my tolerance.... but I do love it!


    Now, this is not a perfume smell for me. Too rich for that. But I imagine dabbing some on after a bath.... ahhhhhh. Better yet, wrapping my softly scented self up in the best towel I have. Makes me wish I had a fireplace. This is such a snuggly oil! I'm also going to try it as a sleep blend - it makes me feel comforted and safe - like I was little again and my mom was baking something yummy.


    ETA: Wore it at bedtime. Oh, there's the mint! Also, Chaste this is NOT. I had really lovely dreams about being kissed by a combination of two extremely sexy Irish men from my past. Grrrrrr. And while it did not go past kissing, I am married. And not to one of the men in my dream. So, there goes the chaste part. :P

  8. An immensely potent purification oil. Anoint your chakra points and palms with this oil, and anoint white figure candle, a personal fetish, or any other object representing you. Purges your soul of dark and morose thoughts, and vigorously cleanses away day-to-day irritation and misery. Helps relieve stress and anxiety, and clears your mind of ugliness and clutter.

    White Light:
    a very, very strong oil for physical, spiritual, psychic / mental and emotional purification.

    This is my first time starting off a scent - so bear with me. I have an untrained nose and I'm only just beginning to use scents in a magical way. That said:

    Seeing as this blend is very, very precious, I spent the first few days just inhaling deeply from the bottle. My first impressions were a clean, pure, slightly spiced herbal floral - but one that was not leaning towards one classification in particular.

    After being unable to figure out any notes, I had my husband (a chef) smell. He immediately picked up citrus zest, eucalyptus, and perhaps sage. It's very well blended - to my nose the eucalyptus is barely detectable, but there is a familiar fresh tingly clearing of the sinuses when you breathe it is deeply. Very gentle.

    Wearing it, there is a bright flare of the citrus that quickly becomes sweet and creamy. There's a waft of something spicy that reminds me of Love Me. I am also reminded of cardamom vanilla ice cream (which is one of the best things I ever tasted). My husband admiringly said it smelled like a cinnamon orange creamsicle.

    As it dries, the buttery spiciness asserts itself more, and the blend turns very warm and comforting.

    In terms of how I felt using it: it is very positive and balancing. I am prone to feeling extremes in emotion - I am easily excited. This made me feel harmonized, content, peaceful. It's truly an amazing oil.

  9. Fruit and I, we hate each other. You want to know how much? The apricot - it smelled nothing like apricot. Nope. It morphed into banana - my sworn fruit enemy. There was a juicyness, which I assume was the apricot mocking me. Juicy banana. Bleh.

    Oh - and throw? TONS. Scents usually stay very close to me - again - the fruit just taunts me. Begging for a fight. I swear - if any apricot or banana even crosses my path - they better watch out. :P

  10. This is simply a stunning blend. It's so fresh (that citrus note), very floral, and deep blue. It sparkles. As it dries, the blend goes from chilly cool to refreshingly still water... very hard to describe, but wonderful.

    I also have a very personal feeling for this blend - it reminds me very much of my engagement ring. It's a star sapphire, which can be a deep, dark blue in one type of light, and a translucent sky blue in another (and all the shades between). And obviously, there is a lot of sentiment I attach to that.

  11. I love this SO MUCH!!!!


    It's so perfect. I adore the grass, the aquatics, the floral - it's spring, and clean, and fresh - and there's not a hint of "glade plug-in". LOVE IT!!!!


    Only thing, not so much staying power on me. But that's fine, because I think my favorite time with this oil is the grassy brightness when it's wet.


    Beautiful. (Danube is jealous, though. I was in love with that, but Amsterdam stole me away... for now).

  12. Very interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about this one just yet on it's own.

    It's vanilla through and through - but not too sweet. It agree that it smells like ice cream - the good vanilla kind (no fakey stuff here). I'm not one for foody, which is why I'm on the fence.

    This went through a powder stage on me, but it backed off and went into full cream vanilla after a bit. Which is good. I'm thinking DH might enjoy smelling this on me.


    Another thing - Snake Oil smelled delish paired with Red Devil (after the tang of RD dried). Mmm-mm-good. And they very-dry dry down of the two is pretty nice, I have to say. The Snake Oil is very dominant, it's less foody... and I feel sexy. Not agressively so - just the right amount of femmine confidence. And I'm having an bad hair & skin day - so it's quite the feat!

  13. Lovely, but not *me*. Citrus goes wild on my skin, so this overpowered the lilac. There was also a waxiness to the blend while on me - almost soapy, but not quite.

    I may have DH try this. It would be a nice change from Antony, and it does smell nicely masculine (but not too much).

  14. I love this - it's very comforting. My mom drank copius amounts of black tea with milk and honey, so it makes me feel secure. It's like baking cookies or apple pie - the smell makes you feel at home.


    I originally got this imp for her to try - if she likes it, I'll have to get more for myself.
