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BPAL Madness!

Lit Chick

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Posts posted by Lit Chick

  1. This blend hates me.

    There was something lovely going on, but a bitter note killed it all. Very odd. It's like there were 2 perfumes, one really nice, one evil. I could smell such bright cheery sparkling goodness, but something bitch-slapped me into retreat... that was the only thing that lasted through the dry-down.

    I will honor the imp's very clear wishes, and pass it along.

  2. So pretty.


    There's a bit of grenadine in the initial wet stages. Odd, that while cherry stinks on me, candied cherry is nice!


    There was a post from a mom who uses this as her child's magic bedtime perfume, to calm and bring sweet dreams. I see why. I wore this to bed, and it was so soothing and gentle, and very unlike my usual sleep blends of Quietude and Snow Moon. I got the deepest sleep I've had in weeks... thanks to drifting off while wrapped in such a comforting scent.

  3. <Homer> Mmmmmmmm....Eat Me.....drool...</Homer>


    I generally do not do foody, but I'm learning what works. THIS WORKS. Holy bandersnatch, this is fantastic. It's like an incredibly rich shortbread cookie with a dollop of jam. As it dries, it gets more cake-batter.

    It's sweet, but not sugary. I think that's the key for me.


    So amazingly good. But it drove both the hubby and I to eat pound cake last night.... so also dangerous. :P

  4. Auuuggghhh, the disappointment.


    This went 100% Ivory soap on me. Wet, drying, full dry - no morph, just soap. I blame rose. Seems that I can wear blends with rose as the dominant note, but when it's there as a supporting scent - it gets angry at me and wonks out.

    Off to swaps with her!


  5. This reminds me of an oil blend I wore a bit in college. Sweet and slightly spicy amber and sandalwood. It's not bad at all, just really not making a statement. It's boring me because of the association with college - but instead of friends and parties and intellectual stimulation - this smell makes me remember the hallways, desks, and all the dull bits. It's not Baghdad - it's Damen Hall between periods circa 1997. :P

  6. First sniff, it's rich but not heavy. Not at all what I expected.

    First application - it goes very perfumey - super strong florals - but very nice. I love it.

    And then my skin eats it. Seriously, there was no throw, and barely even a hint of scent for 20 min. Weird.

    After those 20 min, I get bitter soap. Still barely there, but bleh.


    Given the notes in here, that's not suprising. Half are great on me, the other half ick. So, this started out fine, but my chemisty chewed it up and spit it out. Just as well. I don't feel very vengeful. :P

  7. Well well well. Very interesting.

    Sweet and fruity in it's very wet stage, but not a candy sweetness. Fresh lovely plum. I thought I hated fruit, but I love the plum.

    And hello, musk. Just as the musk starts to maybe be too animal,a very fast cinnamon moment. That morphs into a muted creamy spicyness. Yay for carnation!

    I LOVE this. However, my skin is eating it alive. 3 hours of wear and I'm left with the tiniest hint of fragrance, like I took a bath in something really nice. Ahhh - and this would make the most fabulous bath....

    I might have to buy a 5ml.

  8. ... Her perfume is starry and crystalline, a jewel-clad and glittering paean to night: dazzling white musks, white rose and night-blooming jasmine with the soft moss of moonlit meadows, a waft of Egyptian incense, and a gentle breath of moonflower.

    I've learned so much since I started BPALing. As a newbie, I would have smelled this and gone "ICK!" and that would have been about it. However... this is a really lovely, very traditional, elegant perfume. I don't wear scents like this, but at least now I can appreciate it.

    It's a really vigourous floral, and it has a good amount of musk in there. It's not right for me, but this is one everyone should try. I have a feeling that if it works, it would really really work and be an OMFG oil.

  9. This is very nice. At first, it's very dragon-blood, but in a much lighter way than I was expecting. It's fresher somehow. In the dry down, the woods really take over. I started to get nervous, because the only really awful reaction I've had to an oil was with Grandmother of Ghosts, and it started to smell similar. However, this wood was much softer. It melted right into my skin and turned into a very cozy scent.

    It's very masculine, but in a protective (not sexy) sort of way. It's a warm cuddly blanket smell.

  10. This is impressive. It starts of as a sweet, traditional floral, but with a juiciness. Wet and full without being fruity.

    As it dries, I get more of the rose in the form of soap. There's enough herbal aquatic to keep it from being acrid soap, though. I do not smell like my great-aunt's powder room, yay!

    Fully dry, the soap is gone and it's a delicate, clean, floral. It smells like fresh spring air, with just the hint of blossoms.

    Excellent and unexpected!

  11. This is a very delicate, gentle floral. It's so soft and lovely, with the fragile smell of spring.

    It goes by so fast on me, though. If I did not have too many bottles of florals that bowled me over, this could become a favorite. But as it is, Budding Moon is just too demure for me. My skin loved it for 10 minutes and then devoured it.

  12. So, I was not a Snake Oil fan when I tried it. Also, Snake Charmer left much to be desired. When I read the comparisons to both, I was prepared to be disappointed.

    But - this is wonderful. I smell the booziness when it's first wet, but then it quickly turns into a sweet, soft, sexy musk. It's very well behaved on me.

    It also made me snuffle my elbow for hours. I did not tire of it at all.

    At the very final dry-down, this had a bit of play-dough smell, but it was after evrything else was long gone.


    I also smell sassafrass in this. There's a delightful touch of the sweet rootbeer that I love in Laudanum. Perhaps a dab of that with Snake Oil would be a decent replacement when I'm done with my bottle.

  13. Lightning slashing the midnight skies over the endless reaches of the ocean. The electric tang of ozone, marine notes, and a drop of sharp rain.

    Dead on - a crackling ozone smell. It's dry lightning - the kind that comes before the storm.
    My skin cannot do ozone - it;s just off. The husband had more success with this - crisper and less burnt.
    I think I prefer the smell of wind and rain to the smell of lightning, so this is a pass - but as far as the ozone smells go, it's a winner.

  14. I think I like this one. It's spicy root beer, and odly enough that smells really very pleasant on me.

    The husband hated it - it was thick and dark on him. But on me, just sassafrass with a playful attitude.

    It's not a bottle-worthy scent, but it's one of those that I'll always want an imp of, for those craving moments.

  15. Heh.

    Tried this on the husband last night. He sniffed and said "It smells like Stetson." I'll have to take his word on it, as I've never smelled that knowingly.

    It does smell like a very standard, very traditional aftershave. It's not cologne - pure aftershave. And that's not bad at all. There's something very nice about a smell that's just pleasant, as opposed to sensual, seductive, etc.

    As for the boy's reaction, he deemed it a nice change of pace.

  16. This is almost wonderful. But alas, my skin HATES tea. It goes bitter on me.... oh god it's awful (tea in general that is).


    If this did not have tea, it would be a bright, luscious, goregeous scent. Fresh and a little sweet. Very cheerful.

    Too bad the tea note stays so strong - ugh. I'm so sad.

  17. This is a ridiculously good aromatherepy oil.


    When wet (5 min or so), it's all Vicks. Medicinal, but very sinus-clearing. Which is exactly what I needed today.


    It sweetens and calms as it dries - and it so pretty. Unfortunately, it fades away to nothing. Unless that's my slight cold...


    I'm using my imp like crazy today, and it's really perking me up. I might even get a bottle - this would make such a good bath!

  18. I smell lavender and lemon. And then I pass out.


    I really slathered last night, and the husband said it smelled like cake. Which sort of makes sense, as he's made lavender pound cakes with lemon icing before.


    The smell to me is nothing special - but I was having a hard time getting to sleep last night and this worked wonders. My brain simply would not shut down, but after a few deep breaths of Quietude, my mind went blank and I slept hard.
