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Everything posted by minilux

  1. minilux


    Aquatics are generally my least favorite type of scent, because they virtually guarantee a headache and/or allergy attack. I had to try Caliban, though, because hell, it's Caliban. So, I could not have been more surprised to discover what a lovely clean scent this is. I wish I had gotten some fern, because I can't say I detect any, but overall I am happy that Caliban has broken my 0 for 10 billion record with aquatics.
  2. minilux

    Schwarzer Mond

    Because my chemistry sucks, it more or less cranks up the amber to the detriment of all the other notes. Unless I'm having scent memory delusions, this reminds me a lot of some of the Beth experimental blends that were floating around a year or so ago. Even though amber is one of my arch-nemeses, something about these dark amber blends is perversely intoxicating. 99% of the time they're the last thing I would want to smell like, but I might keep a little smidgeon for the 1% of the time when I find myself in an amber-craving pervert phase.
  3. minilux

    What Not To Wear

    Here in Wisconsin that's pretty much how everyone who is not a student or a hippie dresses. Forget suntan hose, what I really want to know is why anyone who is not a nurse, a bride or making her first communion would ever wear white pantyhose.
  4. minilux


    The Tez is so unbelievably gorgeous and addictive, that I'm not sure I can articulate anything remotely intelligent that hasn't already been said. If you like deep, rich, luxurious scents, you must try it. And I can only imagine what it does with a more masculine chemistry, but I would not be surprised if any guy wearing it found themselves with a trail of admirers.
  5. minilux


    Lust easily could have turned into miniluxbane with the tag team of red musk and ylang-ylang (and I confess it did give me a bit of a headache, which I'm blaming on those two ). I find red musk to be the most brazenly sexy and intoxicating of Beth's musks, however it really is not really a me note, so it was ultimately the lure of patchouli that got me to try this. Much to my surprise and despite its tendency to be a bit powdery, I find this stuff amazingly addictive and intoxicating, and I can't stop sniffing my wrist when I wear it. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's some secret voodoo ingredient in this or lust spell cast over this blend.
  6. minilux


    I must be a glutton for punishment, since I decided to give Vixen another whirl because people are always raving about it. But, I'm afraid it is not meant to be, because it is so syrupy and sweet on me that I can't stop thinking that it should be poured over pancakes rather than worn as a perfume. Bleccch!
  7. minilux

    The Coiled Serpent

    I could have sworn I tried this and hated it, but now I'm thinking that my fear of the f-word (f****incense) kept me from trying it in the past, because I freakin' love this stuff. To me, it smells like an asskicking blend of patchouli, cedar and possibly something peppery (which are all good things in my book), and maybe I'm imagining it, but I'm also going to blame/credit it for some really wild and vivid dreams. I need a bottle of this stat!
  8. minilux

    The Italian Greyhound

    I greyhounds! I always expect the little ones to be really high strung and freaked out, so I couldn't believe it when I saw a pair one day (if I remember correctly, they were really fancy dogs with rhinestone collars ) and they were totally outgoing and came right up to me, putting their front feet on my leg and wanting to be petted. They are so dainty, though, that I would even be afraid of them being squished in my houseful of cats (or by my size 9 clodhoppers if I'm not paying attention).
  9. minilux

    Go Big Thread Count!

    Huskers? I thought they were called the Cornholers! I confess to having wasted an absurd amount of time watching those Time Life informercials for the 60s and 70s CD sets. They must be using some kind of subliminal hypnosis or something, because once I come across one of those, I'm totally sucked in and can't stop watching.
  10. minilux

    My mother is insane

    It sounds like the packages we get from my in-laws-to-be. A big box will arrive from them and it will have around $20.00 of postage on it because it weighs a ton and has been insured and then inside it will turn out that there's at least 2 lbs. of popcorn kernels and 20 VHS tapes of goofy movies we would never watch and other bizarre unrelated things. It's pathological! The ebay mom had me laughing until I was almost crying, and I probably shouldn't be laughing that hard, because I'm a terrible packrat who will usually manage to completely take over at least one room with all my clutter and if I lived alone, god only knows how much crap I would collect. As it is now, it's a battle I'm constantly fighting. Hmmmm...now that I've got valentina's address, maybe I'll start sending her bizarro packages.
  11. minilux

    Retail Therapy, a.k.a Enablement

    I think you got me with the coffee. Even though it's expensive, I can't stop thinking about it. I'm a terrible coffee and tea snob, and I looooove really smooth, dark, strong coffee and tea.
  12. minilux

    Basset fetishes

    I've heard tell of a few panty-snuffling Shelties, too (or maybe I should say panty-herders).
  13. minilux

    Basset fetishes

    I though almost all dogs were dirty panty-snufflers and laundry basket marauders. One of my female cats actually has a thing for stinky armpits. I've caught her rolling around in a frenzy on dirty t-shirts in the past.
  14. minilux

    Alpha bitches

    Good god, if this is the same coworker who slobbers food all over the place, then she is becoming more repulsive with every post of yours. She sounds more and more like she belongs on Married with Children or Jerry Springer instead of Seinfeld. Bleccch! Next you're probably going to tell us she used her toothbrush after it fell in the toilet.
  15. minilux

    Coffee house characters

  16. minilux

    Why do scents turn to baby powder on me?!

    Hey Punky, if you're not a patchouli-phobe, you might want to try Masquerade and I'll second clover's Sin suggestion. And if you're looking for something clean and fresh, you should try Embalming Fluid. I think it was Embalming Fluid that finally broke my massive losing streak of powdery scents. ETA: You might want to try Perversion, Urd and/or Sudha Segara as well. (I've only just had my first cup of tea, so my brain is verrry slooow)
  17. minilux

    Why do scents turn to baby powder on me?!

    Ha! Black Phoenix was one of the other culprits I asked Beth about, and I believe Spellbound might have been the third. White musk generally does not go powdery on me at all. If anything, some of the white musks are a bit too masculine, but I'll take masculine over baby powder any day.
  18. minilux

    Why do scents turn to baby powder on me?!

    I bet it's musk. A good number of musk scents (especially black or dark musk for some reason) turn to baby powder on me. A good number of scents from my first order turned to baby powder, but they didn't have any common notes that I could tell, so I emailed the lab and Beth said it was probably musk. Snake Oil was definitely one of the culprits. To this day, the one thing my boyfriend can say that is guaranteed to make me cringe is "do I smell baby powder?" I would also advise reading reviews before ordering. If lots of people are saying something smells powdery, then I stay as far away from it as possible.
  19. minilux

    Coffee house characters

    It's Valentina's Playhouse, guest starring the Perv Postman and Mr. Badfinger.
  20. Depending on your relationship with patchouli, you may want to give Masquerade a try.
  21. minilux

    Puddin' Tom in the fur

    If only he knew she would keep his cornhole clean. (sorry, couldn't resist)
  22. minilux

    Two Monsters

    I've had my bottle of Two Monsters for at least a month now and the first time I tried it I was afraid it was going to be a heartbreaker, because it was raging oakmoss and little to nothing else. Now, a month or so later, it's gorgeous and I'm betting it is going to get even better with age. Love it!
  23. minilux

    Puddin' Tom in the fur

    Ooooh, what a handsome orange devil! Are Mr. Mugz and Miss Bean getting acclimated to him yet?
  24. minilux

    The Best Ylang Ylang Scents!

    I must be in an extra-silly mood, because reading "ylang-ylang" over and over again in this thread is making me want to giggle. As others have said, Seduction seems to almost pure ylang-ylang, and since it doesn't appeal to me at all, I pretty much steer clear when I see "y-y" as a note.
  25. minilux


    Theodosius is gonna rock (like everything inspired by SeƱor Puddin)! I just ordered my bottle yesterday.