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Everything posted by SilverSerenity

  1. SilverSerenity


    Attempt #1 at Rosalind - soap. Soapy soap. Green-smelling soap, but soap nonetheless. Attempt #2 - grass, with a bit of a floral edge to it. It faded incredibly quickly, though - it's been 10 minutes and I can only smell it if I have my nose on my wrist.
  2. SilverSerenity


    I tried this first a few days ago, and was immediately put off by it - I wanted to love it, but it was waaaay too sharp and overwhelming medicine-smelling and gave me a headache. I had to go wash it off. I decided to try it again today and decided that I like it much better now. It's still a sharp scent, but is more a fresh and clean smell - I really smell the mint, with a touch of thyme and sweetness from the almond. A nice scent, but not one I can see myself wearing too often - I'm rather disappointed that I cannot detect any lavender at all - I love lavender and usually I can pick it out very well Though it'll be great on those days where I can barely drag myself out of bed.
  3. SilverSerenity

    Lady Una

    Oh. Oh my. I got a sniffie of this, and I kept sniffing the baggie the q-tip was in - sooooo good! So I decided to test it by swiping it on my wrist. Really, I'm in love. It's a lovely sweet honey-vanilla with just a hint of spice. Normally I cannot stand vanilla (far too sweet) but it's just perfect in this. Must get my hands on this one...
  4. SilverSerenity


    I got this one for my sister (she is a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland) but decided I needed to test it myself before handing it over On me it dried down to a very light scent. Creamy-honey, with just a bit of spice to it from the rose. Definitely a very soft, innocent and cheery scent. It's not very me, but I just know my sister is going to love it Edit: Just as I thought, my sister adores it, and on her the florals are much more noticeable. Also, is there catnip as a hidden ingredient in this? My cat just spent the past minute or so licking my wrist.
  5. SilverSerenity

    Vampire Tears

    I got a frimp of this and decided I had to try it out...it's very citrus-y, especially at first. VERY bright, and it gets very sweet as it dries. Once it dried it softened a bit, and while it's still very much citrus, the sweetness has died down a bit and I get a hint of the green tea and ginger for a bit of a dry spice. I can't stop smelling my wrist. Definitely a keeper for me. Perfect summer scent. Edit: Hmmmm, it's been a half hour since I put it on and now it's turned to gingery tea with a bit of honeysuckle. Iiiiiinteresting.
  6. SilverSerenity


    Oh, I do like this. It dries down to a lovely, sweet yet dry rose, which makes me think of an old-fashioned tea party in a Victorian garden. It also makes me want to hop on the next plane back to England. I feel I'm definitely going to go through this imp!
  7. SilverSerenity

    The Queen of Hearts

    I do rather like this scent, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to last very long and the cherry in particular fades very quickly. Still a nice, strong (but not overwhelming), feminine scent, though.
  8. SilverSerenity


    I adore this scent - it's a very light, sweet floral scent, not at all overwhelming. It seems to last quite a while for me, too - I'll put some on in the morning and 12 hours later I can still detect the scent of it. Definitely a favorite for me.