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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by eyeska

  1. eyeska

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    If I were you, I'd definitely poke my head into the Recs for Role-Playing and Cosplay thread, just to see if anyone else has offered opinions on these characters already. Further: Djinn! I wear it to make me smell like bonfires, which it genuinely smells like. I'm not too great with aquatics, but I'd definitely suggest taking a poke through the Picnic in Arkham scents - not only are there some good aquatics in there, in my mind Lovecraft and Silent Hill have some similarities. Now why does that remind me of Othello? Arabian musk with two roses and a bevy of Middle Eastern and Indian spices. Gorgeous, that one. Okay, it's not GC, but I totally thought of the Blockhead from the Carnaval Diabolique for this - Rusted metal, leather, and a pop of pink bubblegum. Dragon's Hide (dragon's blood and leather) is an option, as is Tintagel (Spicy mulled wine flowing through the musky heat, warm leather and bright clash of armor, the damp branches of Cornish hawthorn, blackthorn, juniper, English elm and bayberry, and the magical tingle of dragon's blood resin). The Bow and Crown of Conquest also springs to mind - sage, carnation and cedar with lavender, vanilla, white musk and leather. Good luck!
  2. Anyone else find similarity between ('08 version) Schwarzer Mond and Melainis? I've not tested my Schwarzer recently but Melainis is on my wrist and ringing bells for that pretty hard, particularly during the first hour.
  3. The Chapel from the Carnaval is definitely an evil scent - "black incense, bitter wine, brimstone, and blood." It makes me feel malicious.
  4. I'd imagine those two are the leads (on me) for the similarity. It was really nice. Man, the best thing about Lady Lilith is that it works on me. Mme Moriarty doesn't quite, but Lady Lilith has red musk and delicious tea and orange and makes me super happy. I agree that there's a definite similarity to Embalming Fluid, too. I'm really looking forward to wearing it in the summer.
  5. I drank some tea with a friend tonight that smelled to me of jasmine and to him somewhat of chrysanthemums, and I also tried Skuld tonight - the similarities are startling! There's an underlying smoothness and fruitiness in Skuld that reminds me a lot of that particularly fragrant (and floral) tea.
  6. eyeska

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I think Ars Draconis scents have different labels too? (Also, I think the skull and crossbones is Jolly Roger, not Calico Jack-unless it's both?) Dragon's Milk does, at least. (God, how much do we all love Miss Twilight for having this Flickr photo stream??) Dragon's Claw has the same design. I suspect it's for all the Ars Draconis.
  7. eyeska

    Recs for Role-Playing Games (RPG), LARP and Cosplay

    I second Dee, and hedge Aziraphale, though I have never tried him myself and he is unimpable (though GC).
  8. eyeska

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    If that's indeed the case, I am an anomaly. While I'm not high-strung, I am prone to nervousness and overemotional...ity? Being overemotional. I use three dip-swipes of an imp (one on each wrist, one on my neck) on average, and careful dabs on my wrists, neck and sometimes collarbone from bottles, which usually lasts me several hours. It does vary from scent to scent, of course, but I get a good 15-20 uses out of an imp, easily, and each use will last at least three hours. I understand that everyone's different, but I personally could never use even a tenth of an imp at once. Fascinating angle to take this from, Gael!
  9. I'd like to say HELL YES on both of these! I love Wild Men on guys and girls, including my feminine (har) self, but I looooooooooooove it on the fiance! He's also gotten some great responses to it. And Dee . . . I've got two bottles of Wild Men for the two of us - we'll see how far gone they are when the Carnival is up - but I think I might have to get a bottle to follow up on zee imp of Dee, too. 'cause RAWR.
  10. eyeska

    What Scent Is This?

    I got a frimp of Belladonna in a recent order, and I noticed it's a very pale green . . . an awful lot like my Hemlock imp. It smells quite herby as well (although, grain of salt, it's Rappaccini's Garden, there's lots of green in many of those scents ) - I've not had a chance to compare them side by side scentwise, but does anyone have imps of Belladonna that are also pale green?
  11. eyeska

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    So I'm getting married this September, outside in a park. I'm totally with those who think a GC would be a good idea, what with the memories associated, but I'm also tempted to layer my "signature" with something to make it a little more unique, especially because the scent I consider to be my signature is Yggdrasil, which, while beautiful and obviously a HUGE fave, is . . . well, perhaps a teeny bit boring for the occasion? I like green scents, patchouli, spiciness, and musks. Can anyone recc something to layer with that which might make me just that much more beguiling?
  12. It probably has more to do with comforting/familiar smells and early associations with masculinity than it does with a creepy unresolved Oedipal/Electra complex. I think you're probably okay. Not to mention statistics! Lots of men* work on their own/other people's cars. It's sort of like being concerned because your beau, like your dad, likes video games, or reading books, which you happen to find kinda sexy. Good luck on finding him a scent! *Not to exclude women who work on cars Edited because I worry about clarity and inclusion.
  13. eyeska

    Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills

    On me, this is a fresh, woody-with-snow blend, with an underlying sweetness. I'm a little unsure about whether it's a keeper, but it is a very pretty, peaceful scent. I really like the musk in here, as well, it makes it much more a skin scent. I also can't help but wonder how well it would age. It also reminds me of Old Moon, which indicates to me that I amp fir and cedar isn't as much of a big deal as I've been led to believe by other scents.
  14. I am bumping this thread because I know there were a few Yule bath oils. Any suggestions for Winter Maiden equivalents, particularly? I find myself intrigued by the love it seems to generate.
  15. I realise that Mme is a bit off on my skin as 'tis (6 months of aging and she still has a medicinal scent, which is depressing) but I'm finding my Crowley decant startlingly similar to how she smells on me MINUS that medicinal smell. *grin*
  16. eyeska

    Green Tree Viper

    Snake Oil with four mints, bergamot, and green tea. I really, really, really wanted to love this, but unfortunately it has a medicinal quality on drydown starting about 5 minutes in that reminded me of fresh Mme Moriarty (I'm aging my bottle with high hopes!) and Snake Oil on my skin. It's kind of acrid/sour. The bottle I was working with was at least 8 months old after my last try. It smelled heavenly in the bottle and when still wet, the bergamot was really intriguing and of course, I loooove mint. Damn my skin chemistry. Thankfully, Electric Maenad was delighted to give it a good home.
  17. eyeska

    I need more Cherry!

    Thanks to both of you! I, like Apple, am not generally a fruity-scent person, so I definitely appreciate the guidance.
  18. eyeska


    I've let my decant settle for a few months in the interest of potentially letting the jasmine calm down, and it definitely worked - this is a light (and light-throw), sweet, heartbreakingly lovely floral on me. I don't get any powder. I don't think it will be a bottle for me, as I'm learning I don't like florals enough to wear many frequently, but this is gorgeous, and potentially something even a jasmine-amper should give a shot.
  19. eyeska

    I need more Cherry!

    Okay, so I get the picture with Black Phoenix, but it's been two years - does anyone have any new, exciting cherry findings, and particularly BLACK cherry? I will likely be ordering Earth Phoenix, and in discussing the notes with my fiance, discovered that he is extremely fond of black cherry and supports the idea of me smelling like it.
  20. eyeska

    The Illustrated Woman

    I let my bottle sit for a few months, because when I first put it on it was a VERY strong pine scent with little else. Not unpleasant so much as "HI I'M A PINE TREE," which just isn't my thing, my love of green scents aside. I am soooooo glad I did! I'm now getting this lovely balance of warm, sweet musky earthiness with pine that smells so unusual and gorgeous that I can hardly stand it. I keep associating this scent with Christmas, amusingly enough, and I suspect Illustrated Woman will see lots of wear this December.
  21. eyeska

    International Shipping Info+Questions

    Oh yeah. I have gotten three orders from BPAL myself so far and not one of them acknowledged that my package was anywhere other than picked up in Hollywood, twice until after I got it. A friend living in my city has the same problem. It seems to be something we have to put up with - thanks, USPS.
  22. eyeska

    Scent for Halloween?

    Wearing Arachnina today, to go with the spidery-vampire outfit. I feel like I should wear Graveyard Dirt, though, so I might swap (or layer?).
  23. eyeska

    How to make a paypal order.

    Honestly, while I don't know if the Lab gets the emails without the line breaks, MOST people's Paypal messages have been looking like that these days - and it looks very clear to me. Except for the part where you're missing off one of your imp packs, unless you intended to get a six-pack of totally random imps. (I think I'm counting that right....) If you missed 6 imps, then I'd definitely email them - but otherwise, you should be good.
  24. eyeska

    Pumpkin II (2008)

    This is one of the first scents I've tried that has the leather accord in it and it actually smells like leather on me! I am totally elated, but it gets better - the pumpkin is rich, smooth, and melds beautifully with the leather and rich spiciness I'm getting. A bit sweet and dark and just a little naughty. On the long drydown, I had an exchange with a friend - Me: "It's like picking out pumpkins at the patch in your leather jacket!" Her: *sniffs* "Or dancing in the patch in your bondage dress!" I like her assessment better. This is divine and I'm so happy I got a bottle!
  25. eyeska

    Ars Moriendi recs

    Zombi is seconded! Twilight is really beautiful, too, and I just put on Danse Macabre because I couldn't quite remember what it was all about - It's somber and earthy (but not earthy as in dirt...if that makes sense? it's like outside but not necessarily outside with trees) with a hint of green. I suspect people who do better with frankincense than I might have even more insight, but it seems very autumnal to me. EDIT: And now it's changing on my skin, I should know better than to post right away - it's got more trees in there, on me at least.