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Everything posted by iiinterstate

  1. iiinterstate

    Hay Moon

    Lemon, astringent, bug spray... all that when first applied. I'm glad I read the reviews first, cause I think I need to let this sit awhile. After a minute or three the lemony smell is starting to fade into the hay note I had hoped Bezoar would be for me. I still smell a little citrus but its much nicer now. 15 minutes into the game... sweeter and drier. I get the honey now and it is acting as it should. Amber is playing nice too. I do like this quite a lot. Half an hour: Now this is JUUUUUST right and exactly what I had hoped for. I remember in one of the Will Call threads someone said this smelled like sugared hay. I agree and I adore it. SO glad I sprung for two bottles. A very wearable summer blend that will age perfectly, I'm sure.
  2. iiinterstate

    Mead Moon

    oh DAMN, I knew if I only ordered one bottle of this I would love it, but if I ordered more than one I would hate it terribly. So I got one bottle. I was afraid of booze and whatever gruit is, but Mead Moon is sooooooooo good and will only improve with time. Gah. I can't even describe it beyond spicy-sweet goodness like none I have ever found. There's something to it that borders on fruity but isn't quite. I really didn't care for O at all, but this is exactly what I thought it SHOULD smell like. This is probably my least worthwhile review ever. Once I come down from my BPAL high I will do a better job.
  3. iiinterstate

    L'Autunno Bath Oil

    drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. Those of you who are constantly refreshing your mailboxes waiting patiently for your CnS's will not be disappointed! In the bottle, this smelled far too sweet for me and I thought I might end up passing it on to my mom, but the scent in the bottle and the scent on my skin are two completely different worlds. My tub is less than comfy, so I slathered the bath oil all over myself towards the end of my shower, and was pleasantly surprised to find that I smell like deeeeeep dark brown sugar and cinnamon, with a base of cedar (a note I usually dislike) and sage+myrrh (these blend SO well). Best of all, now that I'm all dry, I still smell delicious!
  4. iiinterstate

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    Okay, so about a month ago I bought a partial bottle of the Ifrit (maybe one imp was left, and I used it quickly). I looooooooved it, so I bought a full bottle with my next order. In my new bottle, I can't smell a THING. And on my skin it isn't much better! Very very faint spice. My old bottle (what's left of it) smells as strong and lovely as ever. Is this an aging thing? Or is there such a thing as a bad batch? I've got both bottles in front of me and they smell like completely different oils.
  5. iiinterstate


    In the bottle: Apple and spice and smoke. wet on me:More spice and smoke, and then myrrh. This is the stage where fig can either overpower or be nice to me. *anticipates* a few minutes later: Seems like the fig is behaving! I'm getting mostly smoky musk and apple now. Smells like toasted Coral Snake. I really can't describe this except to say I wish I could get my hands on another bottle without buying the whole set (my debit card would die). It's all the wonderful smells of autumn in a tiny bottle of awesome. Not foody in the least (to my nose) but the smell of the outside on a perfect fall evening, completely with a bonfire.
  6. iiinterstate

    L'Autunno Atmospheric Spray

    I got this at work and absolutely COULD NOT refrain from testing it just a little bit in my office. Two spritzes, that's all. At first I couldn't smell anything, but then it was like a big bloom of Autumn wonderfulness all over the place. Hopefully my officemate likes it too, because a little goes a LOOOONG way. I can see I'm going to be addicted to the Lab's atmospheric sprays. I usually hate anything fig or patchouli on my skin, but in the air it is intoxicating. The smoke is there too, and although its pretty subtle, I'm sure its what keeps bringing the autumn feel to this scent. Black tea is a perfect compliment. I think I'm going to wish I ordered all the inquisition blends....they aren't still up, are they? edit: OMG THEY ARE.
  7. iiinterstate

    L'Heure Verte

    I couldn't help trying this one even though rose+me=always bad. It smells almost tart. I definitely get the opium smoke and absinthe. I can't pick out any scorched sugar which is a little disappointing, because I LOVE that smell. Lilac comes out after a few minutes, and weirdly, for the first time in the history of my BPAL addiction, the rose is nowhere to be found. I do like this quite a bit. It smells a little more perfumey than the average blend I go for, but it might be high time I added something of this caliber to my collection. The longer I wear it, the more I like it.
  8. iiinterstate

    The Torture Queen

    a very "white" scent... kind of clean smelling. Mostly chrome and gardenia on me. in fact, that's really all I get. I keep waiting for the vanilla musk or the amber, I usually amp amber like crazy, but its nowhere to be found.
  9. iiinterstate

    The Blockhead

    I bought a decant of the Blockhead for the experience. I didn't expect to actually LIKE it, but I do! The leather note is the strongest, and it works with my skin much better than most leather blends have in the past. The bubblegum adds a hint of sweetness but doesn't overpower like I assumed it would. There's a teeeeeeeny metallic edge to it as well. A beautifully balanced blend. I'll be getting at least one bottle.
  10. iiinterstate


    I'm not sure what went wrong on me, maybe it was a couple of things. I think red musk + patchouli is just the combination of doom. Individually they can work, but together... no. And the lotus isn't helping much. However, I think I prefer the root to the blossom, which is good to know! Marianne is kind of a muddy smelling floral for me. I can kind of pick out the mimosa but not much else. Disappointing. I thought this sounded promising. Sigh.
  11. iiinterstate


    Hmm.. I was not expecting to like Clemence much, mainly because of the patchouli, but it is behaving. I don't get any tea at all, but the carnation is RIGHT THERE AT THE FOREFRONT. The patchouli grounds it though, and the spices make this much more than a typical floral blend. I'll definitely need to try this out on an all-day test, but it might be a bottle purchase. A good autumn-y smelling floral, imho. Edit: 10 months later, my imp smells like straight up chai, which seems to be what everyone else was getting all along. Hmm. Still nice, but I haven't gotten around to buying a bottle yet.
  12. iiinterstate

    Pickled Imp

    in the vial this smells just like Shub, which is a good first impression. On my skin there's a lot less spice, and no pine to be found anywhere. It keeps bordering on the edge of smelling...cardboardy. Its definitely cinnamon STICKS instead of just straight cinnamon (on me). I'm really not sure about this one though. Not exactly what I expected after reading the reviews. I'll wait a few days any try it again.
  13. iiinterstate

    Wezwanie / Hold

    This is sooooo much better than I had anticipated. I get mostly hazelnut and vanilla with a bit of myrrh. On my skin it fades very quickly into honey and amber (this tends to happen with me) but in my scent locket and my hair it stays all day. Its been well over 8 hours and I'm still getting gentle wafts of almost-foody-but-not-quite. Sandalwood never makes an appearance, and that's just fine with me. This is gorgeous! Someone else said that this is reminiscent of Storyville, and I have to agree. Storyville without the musk, if that makes sense.
  14. iiinterstate


    This certainly does remind me of The Antikythera Mechanism. I'm sure its the oak, but in Haloes it is INFINITELY smoother and more blended with the vanilla. I get a little bit of spice from the ginger, but it behaves and stays in the background. Overall, this is a very very nice woody vanilla blend. After a couple of hours I can detect the amber a little more. I never get any lily of the valley which is kind of weird... I usually amp it. I like this a lot, but I'm not sure whether I prefer the Antikythera Mechanism yet. At any rate I am glad to have a chance to try it!
  15. iiinterstate

    Nanny Ashtoreth

    I smell wood and leather. Mostly wood. Somewhere, far far far away from my decant and most likely underground, the amber, berries, and musk have been bound and gagged and beaten into silent submission. Hopefully that's their kink, because It seems to be a pretty serious situation.
  16. iiinterstate

    Red Devil

    When I first put Red Devil on it smells EXACTLY like Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo. That changes pretty quickly, but I can't pick out any particular notes except pepper. Not to say that pepper rules the blend, its barely there at all. Whatever is going on seems fruity and a little floral, and quite frankly, I'm lightheaded after sniffing it. Is there Dragon's Blood in here? Fiance's comment: "You smell like nine things."
  17. iiinterstate


    I was hoping to get the blackberry that everyone else seems to have picked on from this blend, but Baneberry really smells like slightly herbal soap to me. Odd, I've never had that reaction from berries before.
  18. iiinterstate


    oh goodness, what too me so long to test this imp? I've had it sitting in my imp box for at least a couple of weeks, and its clearly made of awesome. Definitely comparable to the smell of gingerbread, but not foody. I LOVE it! Resiny spicy deliciousness. Good throw as well, Shub is not overpowering, but it definitely has a noticeable presence. This is a bottle buy for sure. Even my fiance says he doesn't dislike it (the highest of compliments). I can see this being one of my regular fall blends.
  19. iiinterstate


    This smells EXACTLY like Butter Rum Lifesavers! It must be the rum. In a few minutes I can kind of pick up on the tobacco, but it seems dry. The coconut is there a little bit too...but mostly rum. This doesn't really work on me, I'm afraid. Too bad, but at least I have learned a bit about what my skin does with a rum note. ADDED Aug. 7: In the bottle this smelled so strongly of rum I was almost afraid to put it on (I don't care for strong booze in a scent). At first, it was much the same on my skin, and then dried down to sweet coconut. About an hour later it is a delicious blend of dry tobacco, coconut, and rum. Its similar to Perversion (one of my all time favorites) but...more sugary. More foody for sure, and with stronger throw. I REALLY like it. Note: This is an aged bottle, not sure how long. But in my opinion Elegba ages beautifully and is worth hanging on to for a bit if you don't like it fresh.
  20. iiinterstate

    The Dormouse

    Yep, this is tea. And I do agree that it is dizzying! I really can't smell anything else. My nose is giving me the same feedback it did with White Rabbit, this is nice, but I don't think its something I could actually wear. I'd scent a room with it in a minute though. In fact, I think I'll set this aside for my oil burner. If you're looking for a strong tea blend, the Dormouse is for you!
  21. iiinterstate

    Deep in Earth

    Deep in Earth contains three notes I'm not entirely familiar with (everything except dirt). I'm honestly not exactly sure what I'm smelling. Not much dirt in there... seems like more moss than anything, but its surprisingly nice. I get what people mean when they say this goes aquatic after a little while. After about 20 minutes it smells like very very wet flowers with a moss base. Interesting, but not my thing. Great throw though. I put a tiny dab on my arm and its filling up the corner of the room where I sit.
  22. iiinterstate

    Destroying Angel

    Wow, I was expecting something a little closer to Death Cap, smoother and more earthy smelling. Destroying Angel is sharp and bitter, and almost green smelling. I definitely don't get any dirt from this. Eesh, not for me at all.
  23. iiinterstate

    The Snow Maiden

    Oooh, never tried a daffodil blend before, and I smell it right away. However, the florals disappear quickly, and I'm left with something that truly reminds me of Moon of Ice, only fruity instead of pine-y. It definitely smells like winter, but also like spring isn't too far off. For the first time in my BPAL history, I almost wish the florals would stick around a bit more. My skin ate them and what's left behind isn't super exciting.
  24. iiinterstate


    Starts off as just florals, but quickly dries down to something that smells like more of a fruit blend than a vanilla/tonka/florals one. Its very very nice and sophisticated, but I was definitely hoping for that musk and vanilla. Oh well, off to swaps. I have other fruity blends I like just as well.
  25. iiinterstate

    The Blood Garden

    For some reason, I hadn't expected to it much, or at least not be totally wowed by it, but the Blood Garden is a real winner on me In the bottle, it smelled almost like wine (grapes of course) and I was afraid it might be too boozy for my liking. And at first, it kinda was. A lot of grape and red currant and what I assume is blood accord, although I've never smelled any. Very very nice, but it also smelled like I spilled a glass of (expensive) red wine on myself. After about 20 minutes the oak and leather came out and grounded the whole blend. Not to say they overpowered everything... I still get the fruits, but there's a delicious dark base to everything that keeps the Blood Garden from being a strictly fruity blend. I can also smell the ginger lily in my scent locket (not so much on my skin), and it is a perfect compliment to the rest of the blend.