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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by iiinterstate

  1. MY LOVES: Boomslang- especially aged. This is my very most favorite of the Snake Pit blends, and I wish it never had to go away. Western Diamondback - My fiance loves this scent on me, which is funny, because I thought it smelled more masculine than what I usually wear (which doesn't diminish my appreciation one bit!) Death Adder- The only vetiver blend that's ever worked on me. It's delicious. And I love opoponax. Temple Viper- Because I'm a sucker for champaca. This is what I'm wearing right now, actually.
  2. iiinterstate

    Graveyard Dirt

    I'm not at all surprised to find that this is the dirtiest dirt blend I've ever come across. I don't know what to say beyond that. I'm reasonably sure I wouldn't wear this by itself, even though I LOVE the smell of dirt. I'll layer it with some things to see. eta: oddly enough, my fiance really likes this one on me. I already have one bottle on the way, but maybe a backup wouldn't hurt
  3. iiinterstate

    To Autumn

    Wet: If I didn't know better, I'd swear there was cocoa in this. After a little time I think its the combination of nutmeat and apple. Drying: Mmm, warm is the word for this one. Spicy and buttery at the same time, but it's not quite foody to my nose. Is galangal earthy smelling? Because I don't get any wood or moss. Overall: This is a very nice blend. Not sure if I need a bottle at this point, but I'll use up my decant while I decide
  4. iiinterstate


    ...Vicks' Vapo Rub? I wish I were kidding. This is a dead ringer. I have only ever heard amazingly awesome things about Samhain and I'm a tad bit confused at the moment. Later: much the same. I think there's a bit of allspice in there now, but that's all.
  5. iiinterstate

    The Shattered Pumpkin

    Wet: WHEW! INCOMING PUMPKIN! with the merest smidgin of dirt. I am definitely reminded of why I felt okay skipping over the pumpkin patch. After a few minutes: Now I get quite a bit of leather. In fact, leather is what I smell right now as I type this more than any of the other notes. Usually that would be a good thing, but in this blend it seems like too much. Later: Ack, I'm trying to give this a chance. The water-weeds have made an appearance, and the leather has mellowed, but this is still too much for me. eta: In the words of my fiance, "You smell like a leather jacket."
  6. iiinterstate

    The Goblin Rider

    I used to be crazy about ozone, and then got a little sick of it. Now it's been long enough that I like it again. This blend is quite unlike anything else I own, that much is clear. Wet: Ozone-y pine, mostly. After a few minutes: Oh good, the pine is chilling out a bit. Now there is more opoponax. I really don't get any cedar at all, which is just fine. I like this blend, it's different, and I love me some opoponax. I'll have to decide how often I'll wear it before I decide if I want a bottle or not, though.
  7. iiinterstate

    Chant D'Automne

    wet: WHOA vetiver. Hi. How are you. Confident? You don't say. after a few minutes: much the same. The vetiver is drowning out everything else, it seems. fifteen minutes later: Now I get the leaves and charred wood. This is the ultimate in smoky scents. I want to like it more than I do, but for now it's just too much vetiver. I'll hold on to the decant for awhile to see how things settle down.
  8. iiinterstate


    wet: Oh damn this is going to be so good. Initially it is carrots and grain and musk. Much lighter than I expected though. With molasses in there I thought this ran this risk of being too heavy. Dry: Someone described this as wholesome and breakfast foody, and I definitely agree. The oats are much more prominent now, and the apple is there too, but it's very light and fresh. (I'm glad. I've got so many apple scents coming to me now I don't need another one with an apple-y base!) I like this very much, and will be getting a bottle.
  9. iiinterstate

    Sugar Skull

    2008 version. This is the first Sugar Skull I've tried, and it seems to be a love it or hate it kind of thing based on past reviews. In the imp this smells like a weaker Gluttony. Color me wary. Me and Gluttony are not friends. Wet on me: The only way I can think to describe it is sharp, which doesn't make much sense to me either. There's definitely brown sugar in there, but its under some kind of bitter fruit note I can't identify. Dry: Looks like I'm one of the "love it" people! This smells like brown sugar baking in the oven (like, as a topping for a pastry or something) with just the lightest hint of fruit to keep it from getting boring. BOTTLE.
  10. iiinterstate

    Sticky Pillowcase

    I love the concept of this scent so much, but I really thought it would be tooo sugary for my tastes. Wet: This smells like strawberry bubble gum! suuuuuper sweet, I hope it calms down a bit. A few minutes later: Ahhhh better. Now I get the cotton pillowcase in there softening things up. Wow, quite a difference from initial application. I really expected this to be such a mixture of candy goo that I wouldn't be able to pick out individual notes. Not so! I swear I can discern everything, even candy corn, which I never though of as having much of a scent. This blend is complex and sugary, but by some weird BPAL miracle, not cloying. I'll definitely be grabbing a bottle of it. (Possibly two.) eta: The "lint" note reminds me so much of the linen in Antique Lace, which I adore.
  11. iiinterstate

    A Blade of Grass

    Wet: Fresh cut grass. Juicy grass, if that makes sense. It really seems like single note, to be honest. After a few minutes it is more or less the same. I like it a lot, but I'm not sure if I need a whole bottle.
  12. iiinterstate

    Hellhound on My Trail

    as soon as the will-call reviews came in for Hellhound, I was alllllll over it. I'm glad! For the first few minutes, this is very VERY herbal and spicy. My fiance says I smell like gingerbread. (not bad, but not what I was hoping for.) After about 10 minutes, GLORIOUS tobacco comes through. I'm not getting any of the brimstone that I was afraid of, and the bourbon vanilla is starting to come to the forefront. Less herbal now, but still spicy. An hour or so later it is the vanilla I was hoping for, and lives up to the hype. NOT a foody vanilla, its dark and heavy but not sweet. I'm so glad I bought multiple bottles of this, it is going to age BEAUTIFULLY. Anyone who is put off by the initial herbiness should hang in there with it for awhile.
  13. iiinterstate

    The Phoenix

    oh man, instant favorite. When first applied, this smells shockingly green to my nose. I don't know how else to describe it. But that stage doesn't last long. It starts to smell salty almost immediately, and has an unmistakable aquatic feel to it. However, it doesn't affect the throw. The gunpowder made me a tad nervous, as I only like it in small amounts, but I don't pick it up at all in this blend. The lime is very very faint, like someone squished a lime on the deck of a ship a long long time ago. After about 15 minutes, this settles into a woody aquatic with..well... it can only be described as a dribble of Snake Oil. The blood resin sweetens things up a little bit, but not too much. I can see this also working on a man. I love it! I might even have to track down more...
  14. iiinterstate

    Fearful Pleasure

    Well, this is the first of the 'weenies that I'm going to need multiple bottles of. Wet, its delicious spiced apple. Like very very fresh cider made with the freshest apples imaginable. As it starts to dry, things get smoky and darker, and I pick up the orange peel. Right now, I'm not getting any sassafras, but this bottle is brand new. I'll test again in a few days but I already love it. This is too delicious. I'm sure with time it only become ABSOLUTELY amazing. Must have moar.
  15. iiinterstate

    Ichabod Crane

    In the bottle (and when its wet on me) I smell mostly wool and pepper with a little beeswax. Strangely enough, no muguet at all, and I usually amp it. After a few minutes, there's definitely tea. Still pepper, less wool, less beeswax. In the drydown, I get mostly tea. In fact, its all tea. Not a bad thing, its a nice scent, but either my skin is eating the other notes or this needs some time to settle.
  16. iiinterstate


    This season’s Ridiculous Scent! As creepy as Spooky was spooky, this is the scent of butterscotch-kissed, caramel-smothered red apples spiked with a blast of coconut rum. yummmm. Sweet caramel apple and coconut, easy as that. Usually caramel goes weird on me, but not this blend! Deliciously foody. I'll definitely use my decant. and I'm also hungry now.
  17. Lyonesse has turned out to be an excellent vanilla blend on me, but it needs a little time to settle.
  18. iiinterstate

    Lune Noire

    I picked up a bottle of Lune Noire on a whim, even though I don't usually care much for florals. The tonka made me do it, and I do have a bit of a love of champaca as well. At first, LN has such strong floral notes it actually made my eyes water a little, but after about 20 minutes, everything settled down a bit. Now I'm mostly getting champaca and gardenia with a bit of pear. It's very nice. I'm not absolutely positive it's my taste yet, but I'll have on to it for awhile and see how we get along I chose to wear this to work today, and I've decided that Lune Noire is a lovely and complex scent that's definitely me. After about 8 hours of wear, the primary note on my skin is still champaca, but now it's balanced beautifully with the tonka and amber. I will be keeping this bottle and tracking down another one. I imagine this will age well!
  19. iiinterstate

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    in the imp I smell mostly leather, which I love. Wet on my skin it's leather and white musk, which I also love. It seems vaguely masculine at this point... I'm hoping the other notes will come out a bit and even things out. After a few minutes of patient waiting, this dries down into a GORGEOUS leather/vanilla blend. I did almost think it was going to be too manly for me, but wrong! It took a little while, but the lavender and carnation amp up just enough to make this perfect. I need a bottle. I bet this will be spectacular aged as well.
  20. This IS an SO blend, but Boomslang makes me feel sexy as hell, especially aged. Oh many, deep sexy spices and chocolate. Fiance wants to eat me up. And I'll let him! I also second anything with skin musk. The Illustrated Woman is a killer blend, and the skin musk note makes it smell so... well... natural. Like I emitted it from my own pores and it belongs on me. I don't know if you have any interest in TAL blends, but I've had significant success in reviving my own libido with Caliph's Beloved. I like to wear a tiny bit in my scent locket during the day and surprise the boy after work. heh.
  21. iiinterstate


    warm, woody, and a little spicy. Not unlike church pews It's a nice scent, but something I'd be more likely to scent a room with rather than wear.
  22. iiinterstate

    I Died For Beauty

    Wet: I get a lot of violet straight off the bat, which is hit or miss on me depending what its blended with. I think ylang ylang is a miss . Looooots of flowers and a hint of frankincense, and its very strong and SHARP. I don't get any grave loam which is a disappointment. Oh well.
  23. iiinterstate

    The Music of Erich Zahn

    Wet: WHEW, vetiver! I'm trying not to let the vetiver scare me off, it seems like this blend is one you need to wait on. It only takes a few minutes for the vetiver to chill out a bit, and now I have the resins coming through that I loooove. The tamarind is there too, a little bit tart. This really is a nice blend overall -- opoponax and vetiver are so great together. I'm not sure if I need a bottle yet, but I'll definitely wear this at full slather to see. Final impression: spicy resins and earthy vetiver with a tad bit of tamarind in there for some kick.
  24. iiinterstate

    Two, Five & Seven

    Okay, so usually I avoid rose scents like the plague, because I amp rose and it covers up ever other note. But a beloved forumite friend frimped me Two, Five, and Seven, and I had to try it out. Apparently, when the primary notes are roses, I do quite alright! In the imp, this smells like slightly sour roses, a scent I prefer to the more powdery rose I usually get. On me this is very soft (shocking, seriously) and complex rose blend, but truly lovely. Usually rose is far too strong for me to like much, but this one works so well!
  25. iiinterstate

    Quirkiest, most bizarre oils

    Here's another vote for Intrigue. It is full of notes I wouldn't normally put together in my mind. It didn't smell BAD, just...odd. The cocoa didn't overpower though, like it usually does on my skin, so that's a plus! Blockhead was also surprisingly lovely and I did not expect it to work AT ALL.