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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by iiinterstate

  1. iiinterstate

    Snake Charmer

    Resurrected version: very very excited to try Snake Charmer! It sounds like my dream blend. On me, spicy vanilla amber. It doesn't take long for the benzoin to come out, and it's delicious. Amber always runs a risk of going powdery on me, but not this time. It's a deeper, darker version of snake oil. I really like this a lot and will probably grab another bottle for aging. ETA: I set my bottle aside for aging and came back to it today. Its already soooo much smoother than it was when I originally got it. I'm glad I stocked up!
  2. iiinterstate

    Candy Phoenix

    Fizzy pomegranate! The originator of this thread has it right, Candy Phoenix and Sticky Pillowcase are close cousins, but CP is definitely the pinker of the two. I'm reminded of pixi stix done classy. It's very light, which is good in my mind. A candy/foody scent that won't become cloying throughout the day.
  3. iiinterstate


    Such a novel concept! It's almost guaranteed that I won't like this at all, but I couldn't resist giving Toad a try! Motor oil for sure. My brother is a mechanic so there's one scent I know very well. I actually like this quite a bit. I expected a very masculine and burny scent, but this reminds me a lot of Phoenix Steamworks. After a little while, the tobacco starts to come out (I love me some tobacco) and what I presume is the scorched waistcoat. But still, shockingly gender neutral and quite pleasant. Against all odds, I think I'll be getting myself a bottle of Toad! I'm very curious to see how it will age.
  4. iiinterstate

    The Gaoler's Daughter

    I always try gardenia against my better judgement. I am getting fresh white flowers with a neroli base. I love neroli, but I was really hoping for more of the other notes to come out and play (they don't make an appearance on my skin). Oh well.
  5. iiinterstate

    The Head of Holofernes

    I'm reading over the notes now and not entirely sure why I wanted to order this decant. Something must have jumped out at me but I can't remember what it was. In the imp it's grape bubble gum. On my skin it reminds me a bit of fresh Blood Garden, must be the wine. Very very wine. I think I was probably hoping for more leather and pomegranate, but the wine is overpowering.
  6. iiinterstate

    Sugar Cookie

    Holy moly. My first mental response is to recoil a little from the sweetness, but this is quickly drying down into a perfectly gorgeous sugar cookie. Oh man. I've started shying away from foody blends because I don't tend to wear them too much, but Sugar Cookie might be a brilliant exception. I So. Sugar cookies baked to a perfect golden brown... maybe with the tiniest bit of spice.Someone else suggested laying this with Snake Oil. I bet it would be WONDERFUL.Bottle.Holy moly. My first mental response is to recoil a little from the sweetness, but this is quickly drying down into a perfectly gorgeous sugar cookie. Oh man. I've started shying away from foody blends because I don't tend to wear them too much, but Sugar Cookie might be a brilliant exception. I So. Sugar cookies baked to a perfect golden brown... maybe with the tiniest bit of spice.Someone else suggested laying this with Snake Oil. I bet it would be WONDERFUL.Bottle.
  7. iiinterstate

    Hanerot Halalu

    OH MY. I get sweet orange right away, no idea why. Dries down a bit into pure beeswax love. So far I don't get any smoke, but I can tell already that I will need at least one bottle of this. This blend is light but definitely present, if that makes any sense. One of those gorgeous oils that is likely to make people wonder what on earth smells so amazing, but wouldn't ever guess it's a perfume.
  8. iiinterstate

    Jacob's Ladder

    I'm excited for this one even though amber is a big risk on my skin. So far it's very faint on my skin... surprising. There's a little bit of spice in there. As of now it reminds me of the Lion... just no Egyptian musk and a lot more powdery. I don't know. I guess I was expecting more WOW with this scent. It isn't bad, but it's nothing to be excited about with my chemistry. Sigh.
  9. iiinterstate


    If only I could get my husband to wear BPAL! This is a gorgeous mossy cologne blend on me... just a tiny tad too much cologne for me to pull off.
  10. iiinterstate

    Nowhere in Particular

    Yet another blend I ordered a decant of because the notes were too interesting to pass up. First impression on my skin is GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN. Super green. Like I am rolling around in a bag of green green leaves. After a little while I get the apple note that other people seem to pick up on, but it's so sharp I don't really care for it. If you are a leafy green scent lover, you need a bottle of this right away. It's almost as green as a Blade of Grass.
  11. iiinterstate

    The Sea Rat

    Like some other reviewers, I didn't get any berry at all until it touched my skin. Now it's mostly berries and herbs with a heavy musk base. I'm really not sure how I feel about this yet... it's so STRONG. After a little while it gets salty, which is appropriate, seeing how this is the SEA Rat. I do rather like it, but I don't see myself wearing it often at all.
  12. iiinterstate

    Snow Bunny

    Snow and pine. And quite strong! I like it in the beginning stages... it reminds me a lot of Moon of Ice. However, I don't think I need a bottle of this one. Pine becomes too much after a short while.
  13. I had no expectations for this scent at all, only curiosity. Aquatic, but not too light. The rain note smells more like ocean to me, but sweeter. I don't get the dust note... at least I don't think so. Sadly this is a little too generic smelling for my tastes, but I'll hang on to the decant for a little while... just in case.
  14. iiinterstate

    The Magi

    Weird! I also get cola from this, which is...new. It sticks around but doesn't overpower like it seems to for some other reviewers. I suspect the wine grape. After several minutes it dries down into something more resiny. I'm definitely getting the comparison to Midnight Mass, but it's lighter and... brighter to my nose. I think I actually prefer Magi! Later: I loove this blend. I recognize the ambergris acting much the same way as it does in Lyonesse (my favorite vanilla scent). Its gorgeous.
  15. iiinterstate

    Midnight Mass

    wet, this is BPAL's famous incense note (one of my very favorites). As it dries, I detect heavy woods... cedar for sure. Normally I don't care for cedar, but combined with the resins (I suspect frankincense and myrrh) along with the beeswax, I really like this, and will buy a bottle.
  16. iiinterstate


    This is wonderful! I hope I can find more. It smells smooth and herbal to me in the bottle, but wet on my skin the frankincense really comes forward, along with a smidge of beeswax. I really can't pick out any individual notes as this dries down, it's so perfectly blended. Very soft, herbs and resins, and something that's almost fruity. I love it. 6 months later: I'm glad I picked up an extra bottle of Tabella, because it's aging beautifully. The whole blend is smoother now, the herbs are less sharp. For me it makes me think of old, worn wood wood polished with beeswax. It's definitely a serious blend, but not SO serious that I won't wear it on a regular basis. Beautiful.
  17. iiinterstate


    Wet: wildflowers and cream on me, with no plum in sight. Dry: There's the plum! And the wildflowers have mellowed a bit, but they're not overpowered. Overall: Beautifully blended and very feminine. I like it a lot and I may need a bottle for spring. Floral haters, do not fear this blend. The longer it's on my skin, the more I love it!
  18. iiinterstate

    The Little Sparrow

    unfortunately my review is much the same as the first. At first, this is a nice, dry, ambery blend, but in about 30 seconds flat it dries down into the Powder of Doom which I have never experienced before. Sigh. I'l hang on to the imp for awhile to see if it changes with settling time. I hope so! I love the concept.
  19. iiinterstate

    Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues

    In the imp this is very very sparkly citrus, and upon applying it's mostly the same with a hint of herbs. The fruitiness hangs in there... I think it's mostly the currant, but the lemon rind really keeps it from being too sweet. Have we ever had a blend with lemon rind before? Because I'm loving it. Overall, this is a solid musky+currant/lemon on my skin, and I like it a lot! Great throw as well. Not sure if I need a whole bottle yet, but I'll be giving this one an all-day slather test.
  20. iiinterstate

    Snow White

    I can see why Snow White is so popular! My bottle is from 2004. This blend is definitely more perfumey than things I usually select, but I like it a lot! I definitely get the creamy almost-coconut that people mention, a whiff of cool florals... I really don't know how to describe it except to say that it's beautiful, and I can see this finding a spot in my regular rotation. Definitely picking up another bottle or two if the new version is anything like this one!
  21. iiinterstate

    Asp Viper (2006)

    Note: This bottle is about 1 year old. Almond is either lovely or horrible on my skin, and more often it's the latter. This time is different! In the bottle, this smells like creamy almond, and on my skin, it's more almondy. After a few minutes, there's a hint of mandarin in there, but if I wasn't looking for it I'm not sure if I could pick it out. Not in a "this not gets lost" kind of way, it's just so well blended. This dry-down outcome is really interesting. In terms of throw (and this blend has quite a bit), I get almond and myrrh sweetened by Snake Oil. On my skin, the SO is much more apparent, I still find the mandarin, and the almond is less detectable. I can't stop sniffing myself. This is lovely! Boomslang is still my favorite (and most hoarded) of the Snake Pit blends, but I believe Asp Viper is a solid second place.
  22. iiinterstate

    MVJBA: Dog Days of Summer

    I really can't explain it any better than the previous posters! This is wildflowers, grass, and evening to me. I'm not usually big on floral blends but this might be one to hang on to. It truly smells like the field next to my parents' house. I agree with zankoku_zen, I think there's a smidge of coconut in here too. edit: wearing this to work today, and I love it even more. There's something almost incensey about the flowers, and my husband really likes it on me. There might be another bottle in my future.
  23. iiinterstate

    MVJBA: Summer Summoning Spectacular

    Such a strange combination of notes! I'm surprised at how well they work together. In the bottle this is soooooo syruppy it makes me nervous. On me, it's a whole lot different. Definitely scorched fields, which is awesome. After about 10 minutes I get a big whiff of incense (yay!) but it settles down pretty quickly into incense-y scorched grass, which is fine by me. There's the occasional hint of pancake, and if I really look for it I can smell the coffee. I'm interested to see what this will be like in a couple of weeks when things have melded together a bit. Overall, I like this blend and I'm glad I have a bottle. It's definitely one of those scents that will have people wondering what smells so good, as opposed to who smells so good, if that makes any sense.
  24. iiinterstate

    Lilith Victoria

    Wet: If I didn't know better I would swear this is TKO. Sugary lavender. Drier: Lavender is still going strong, but I definitely detect Dorian in here. No Snake Oil yet, and no fennel, which was the note that had me worried Later: This needs a couple of months at the very least to live up to it's full potential, but oh man, it's going to be glorious aged. I almost wish (read: definitely wish) I had bought more. As of now it's mostly lavender and Dorian which is LOVELY. I can't wait to see what this is like a year from now!
  25. iiinterstate

    The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil

    Oooh this is good stuff. I bought a partial bottle off a forumite, aged about 1 year. Like everyone else, I get a ton of caramel/vanilla deliciousness. I picked up on the iris a bit as well, which made me nervous at first (I tend to amp florals all to hell, no pun intended) but the heavier notes keep it at bay along with the carnation, which adds a teeensy bit of spice but little more. The sandalwood is what makes this blend a new favorite for me. It keeps the foody from running over into TOO foody.