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Everything posted by iiinterstate

  1. iiinterstate


    AAAACK. I guess almond REALLY doesn't like me at all. Nope. Not even a little. This reminds me of Queen of Sheba, which I didn't care for either. Too bad, I like the sound of a nutty blend. This is just overpowering on my skin though.
  2. iiinterstate


    In the bottle and wet on me: Smells like plum. I looooove plum. Dry: Now the jasmine is in there. and the musk. It all smells nice. Fiance says it smells like lotion. I like it overall, but I prefer Jester and Bordello. I could do without the jasmine for sure.
  3. iiinterstate

    Black Lotus

    Eesh. Bubblegum with a bitter note to it. At least I know I don't care for lotus now.
  4. iiinterstate

    Wings of Azrael

    I smell mostly myrrh and juniper, which is nice, but nothing to go crazy over. I'm a little disappointed because I like Lily of the Valley and was hoping to find some here. Oh well.
  5. iiinterstate


    I don't think I like frankincense. Or maybe its the rosemary. Or both. I love lavender, neroli, and verbena. If Arcana was just those three notes I would be ordering up a 5ml right this second, but with the other two the whole blend just smells odd on me. Its not a BAD smell by any means. Just not something I want to wear. Regardless, I keep sniffing my wrists and feeling confused. I think its the rosemary. Maybe. Arcana seems like a scent that has deep meaning attached to it that I don't understand, if that makes any sense at all. Lots of lavender, a hint of verbena, and then an herbal earthiness I just can't get comfortable with.
  6. iiinterstate


    Someone else described this as smelling like a crayon, and it kinda does. Started out all ginger, and then I think it was the jasmine that came in and turned it into crayola. This one isn't for me.
  7. iiinterstate

    Kindly Moon

    I'm so glad I got to try this! There's so much going on here, but not too much. I can't pick out individual notes in the bottle. Gardenia and moonflower come through first, followed by something I can't put my finger on. Its smells green whatever it is. A little later, I smell the peach blossom, followed by the beeswax (a note I have ALWAYS wanted to try but could never find in any blend that would work with my skin chemistry). I can't find the vanilla, but the peach and beeswax save this from crossing the line into too flowery. After wearing this to work for a couple of days, I'm not QUITE sure if I'll keep this one. Its beautiful, but it fades very quickly from my skin. In a scent locket its very nice...even after a full day it still smells fresh and peach blossomy. I'll think about it, but Kindly Moon might work better on someone whose skin doesn't eat florals.
  8. iiinterstate


    Wow, I don't usually care for straight-up florals, but I read such raving reviews of Szepasszony I had to try it. It starts out aquatic and a tad bit ozone-y with a little tiny hint of flowers underneath. I had to slather to get the full experience. Now that its dry, the flowers are stronger, but the ozone (that IS ozone...right?) doesn't give up. Its sharp but beautiful, and unlike any other floral scent I've tried. When I sniff really close, its almost peppery. The aquatic quality never goes away, so this scent never goes old lady or powdery on me. The description is perfect. I can smell the flowers AND the storm.
  9. iiinterstate


    Huckleberry and red currant with the incisive bite of neroli. OHHHHH the love. In the bottle, Jester reminds me a bit of Bordello. Sooo juicy. When I first applied, it was all huckleberry and currant. This smells like something you could drink. Now that its dry, I can smell the neroli (I am loving neroli this spring) which to my nose, brings this scent down from super juice time to a more sophisticated, velvety berry. Definitely going on the bottle list. I need more fruit in my life. (thanks to Delphinine for this frimp!)
  10. iiinterstate


    Lightning slashing the midnight skies over the endless reaches of the ocean. The electric tang of ozone, marine notes, and a drop of sharp rain. I loooooove me some ozone (I feel like I'm in the minority on this one sometimes) and that's exactly how Lightning started out on me. Pure ozone in the bottle and on my skin. After about an hour, I got a nice, light (but definitely noticeable) lemon note in there. I liked it quite a bit, but I'm not sure if I need a bottle yet.
  11. iiinterstate


    Hmm...I'm not sure. To start it was all minty with a teeeny bit of grapefruit in there. Now I can't pick up the grapefruit at all. Like someone else has said before, it reminds me of gum. Waited a little while and there's the champagne, but there is so little throw I really have to try to find it. I think I will try this once more and really slather it to see what I get, but I'm not sure this imp is for me.
  12. iiinterstate


    I just received Akuma as a frimp from the forum sales (thanks LunaSea!) and I think I really, really, reallly like it. It starts out all orange and neroli, which was unusual but not in a bad way. Now the raspberry is coming through, and its a nice light and fruity scent. Pretty much like everyone else has said already DEFINITELY great for summer. I can't smell it constantly, but I get wafts of it as I sit here. Very uplifting and sweet without being too sweet. *makes a note for next order*
  13. iiinterstate


    oh NO. I didn't care much for Snake Oil when I tested it, but today I decided to wear Boomslang on a whim (full application includes hair, clothes, scent locket, and skin) and I looooOooove it. Its like someone took Velvet and made it all spicy and seductive. (and I love me some Velvet.) The only thing that made me wary was how dark the liquid itself was. I'm very pale and had to make sure I rubbed it into my skin otherwise I would look like the victim of an unfortunate Mystic Tan. The lasting power is great, the throw is great (but not too much, my cubicle-roommate can smell it but she says its really nice and not overpowering at all.) The problem now: I need to try more Snake Oil blends ASAP. Oh, my aching bank account.
  14. iiinterstate

    Antique Lace

    I thought I'd reviewed this once before, guess I just thought about it I tried this frimp awhile back and didn't care for it much...it was mostly florals and kind of nondescript. But tonight (a couple months later) I brought it out again for whatever reason, and now I understand why so many love it so much! I thought aging took longer than that, or maybe my nose is becoming more refined. Antique Lace is an airy but definite vanilla, with even lighter linen and florals behind it. The longer I'm wearing it the more I'm enjoying this vanilla. Not sure yet if I need a bottle, but I'm glad I gave this imp a second try.
  15. iiinterstate

    Queen of Sheba

    I don't want to say it, but this is the first blend I have absolutely hated. I must amp honey or almond or SOMETHING, because this was just overpoweringly sweet on me. I put a tiny dab on and my whole apartment was all honey/miscellaneous sweetness and I couldn't wait to get it off. I'm disappointed... this sounded like a combination I might like.
  16. iiinterstate


    At first I was a little disappointed...this seemed all fruit, which I like, but it was kind of flat and nondescript. Like if you took a lot of different melons and cut them up in a bowl. All the different nuances sort of cancel each other out. About an hour after applying (to my skin and a little in my hair) I can smell wood and something green along with the fruity. Its still developing, but there is a lot of depth to 51, I just can't put a name to all the notes! Verdict: so far its not love, but 51 is definitely intriguing. It deserves a few more tries for sure.
  17. iiinterstate

    Schrodinger's Cat

    I don't know what on earth prompted me to order a 5ml of this. Upon reading the notes, my first thought was "ew, what a combination." I guess I couldn't resist something so odd, and to my surprise, the kitty is a masterpiece. In the bottle: Tart "fizzy" citrus scent. I can pick up some of the oakmoss I think. Wet: All grapefruit with a little bitterness. I like that! It makes for a more sophisticated scent in my opinion, and not at all like a B&BW scent I would have liked as a teenager. Dry: Alternating all three citrus scents, and constantly changing. Right now it smells more lime, in the car on the way to work it was all tangerine. I can pick up the peppermint juuuust a little...it doesn't overpower the fruit at all. Every now and then I get a small whiff of chocolate, but it fits in there somehow. I can tell this is something I'll have to re-apply around lunchtime, but I don't mind! Definitely a scent that keeps my nose interested. Verdict: Glad to have a whole bottle of this. I'll use it on days like today (gloomy, snowy, and gray all around) for when I need some kind of a sensory pick-me-up.
  18. iiinterstate


    What in the world? This smells nothing like the other reviews, and everything like men's shaving cream. It must be the musks+sandalwood combination...but that's odd. Both of those notes usually behave nicely on me!
  19. iiinterstate

    Love's Philosophy

    In the bottle: Sweet foody vanilla. Wet: sweet foody vanilla with none of the dreaded wintergreen I keep reading about. Dry: I was really hoping for more depth here. Its just vanilla, like cream soda. Nice, but not awesome. Hopefully it will grow on me.
  20. iiinterstate

    Agnes Nutter

    I knew Agnes Nutter was a risk when I ordered it, it seems like a love it or hate it kind of scent. However, the description was so interesting I couldn't resist. Luckily for me, I LOVE it. In the bottle: super strong gunpowder. I think acrid is the word...it makes my eyes water. Wet: same as in the bottle, but slightly sweeter. I can smell the rusty nails now and its incredibly accurate. I only put on the tiniest bit but its very strong. Dry: This dries to a lovely spicy scent on me, like a bonfire with dark, dry wood. The gunpowder is still there, but its not overpowering. I'll wear this often.. and probably tomorrow! I have yet to come across anything quite like this and I'm glad I took a chance!
  21. iiinterstate


    This is AMAZING. Thank you Lab! I never would have found this on my own. In the bottle: very green. Wet: still green, but I can smell the bark and something sweet. Dry: WOW, this is exactly what I have been looking for in an earthy scent. Its green and woodsy but not too heavy. Like everyone else has said, it smells like the woods. I live right next to a forest preserve, and this smells just like fall in my neighborhood. LOVE IT. Dry later: The lily really comes out more, and it smells sweet and woody...it almost seems like there's a little cinnamon in there. STILL LOVE IT. I've already ordered a bottle. ETA: This is exactly what I hoped Zombi would be for me before I discovered my skin's funky reaction to rose. So if you like dirt, but don't care for/can't wear rose, this is the stuff.
  22. iiinterstate

    Moon of Ice

    I was a little worried about this pine in this one, but I shouldn't have been. It starts out all pine and eucalyptus on me, and reminds me of slobbering pine (which I happened to like), but now it is cold like I expected. There's a sweetness...white florals I assume, that blends soooo nicely. I wish I had better words for it. Moon of Ice is definitely a winter scent, but in a light, sun-on-fresh snow-in-an-evergreen-forest kind of way.
  23. iiinterstate


    Argh, another bummer for me. I was hoping the other potentially strong notes (especially the tobacco) would come out, but alas, my crazyridiculous skin chemistry will only allow the rose note. bah.
  24. iiinterstate


    In the bottle: this was a crazy strong lavender/herbs smell I didn't think I'd like it. Wet: Oooh...there's something sweet in here, rounding off the sharp herbal edge. Dry: Now this is very very nice, definitely something to scent my pillow with before I go to sleep. I don't think I'd wear it as perfume, but I guess that's not really what its for anyway. If you've smelled store brand versions of lavender scent, this is a completely different experience. It's like you've actually buried your face in an armload of lavender. Lovely.
  25. iiinterstate


    In the bottle: almost a cherry smell. The honey is definitely there. Wet: super sweet. I hope this mellows out a bit. Dry: I can pick out all three notes, but the amber stands out most. Overall, this is too sweet for me. Maybe if I layered it with something... Oh well, at least it was a frimp