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Everything posted by iiinterstate

  1. iiinterstate


    Recieved Florence as a frimp from a forum sale, and I am glad because I probably wouldn't have tried this on my own. My luck with florals is rare, and I think when I was going through the GC blends I wrote this one off. I was wrong, Florence is very very very nice. The berries and flowers are perfectly balanced, and the spice is just there enough to keep it interesting. The amber behaves on me too! It smells feminine (but not toooo feminine) and sophisticated, and is a serious contender for my wedding day blend. Yay!
  2. iiinterstate

    The Mock Turtle's Lessons

    I'm SO trying to stop buy so many aquatic notes....I have far more than I need and I'm glad to be one of the lucky few (it seems) that gets good long wear out of aquatics. But this is such a funny blend, I love it! Mint and lime with a cool splash of vodka in there (not too much though, I can't be smelling boozy.) This would make a great summer scent for sure. *resists temptation*
  3. iiinterstate

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    At first Zarita is just iris and orange blossom on me, a nice scent, but nothing to get too excited about. About 10 minutes later though, this is something else entirely! I've never found a cream note that works on my skin before, but this one is sugary and layers so nicely with the iris and orange. Then there's a hint of carnation that gives it a kick. I never thought of carnation as smelling spicy, buuuut it is. Not sure if I need a bottle yet, but I'll be wearing my decant for sure.
  4. iiinterstate


    Holy CRAP that's a lot of honeysuckle. I waited an hour... then another... BUMMED. Apparently honeysuckle is another floral note that I am like crazy. This is as pure as a single note on me, and incredibly strong. and this sounded like a great blend too. Sigh.
  5. iiinterstate

    What's the best coconut blend?

    I second this. I just found Obatala myself and its just lovely. I like the coconut in Carnaval Diabolique too, but its definitely a "different" scent.
  6. iiinterstate


    oh goodness...reading the description Nosferatu doesn't seem like something I'd like, but I was way wrong. herbs and sweet wine with a base of lovely dirt scent is what I get. As time goes on it becomes less sweet and DEFINITELY more worthy of the name Nosferatu. Its dark and delicious, but not too heavy. This is quite different from anything else I have in my collection... I might need a bottle.
  7. iiinterstate


    Jabberwocky started out with a blast of orange and a hint of cool pine, but I think my skin ate the orange. 5 minutes in: Pine trees with the merest smidgin of orange. Ack, this is really strong and almost masculine. A little later: The pine has settled down a LOT and sweetened up a bit, but I still don't think this is for me. If you like pine, you should be ALL OVER Jabberwocky!
  8. iiinterstate

    Black Phoenix

    Interesting. Wet on me: I swear this smells like coca-cola. Never had that experience before. A few minutes later: Okay, its a little deeper and less sweet now, kinda spicy. Dry: Now this is quite nice. Very dark (appropriate) but still sweet enough to keep me interested. I'm not usually into heavier blends but this IS quite a sexy scent. Not sure if I LOVE love Black Phoenix, but I think it might grow on me. Definitely keeping the imp.
  9. iiinterstate


    At first this smells just like Agnes Nutter to me, which isn't a surprise. But where Agnes dried down into an autumn bonfire (and took her time to get there) Djinn is quickly becoming lighter and...not sweeter, but less acrid. Its a scent that stays in my nose after I pull away from my wrist. A few minutes later it smells almost gingery and green along with the smoke. I'm reminded of this bottle of ash that my father has in his basement. Its from when Mount St. Helens erupted way back whenever, and when I was little I always wanted to touch that ash. It looked as heavy as sand, but it felt like touching a cloud. I really like Djinn and I did not expect to. Its the scent of something both terribly destructive and full of life at the same time.
  10. iiinterstate

    Dragon's Tears

    Oooh I like this blend. On me, its a lot less resiny than regular Dragon's Blood, and a whole lot more salty florals. The Dragon is still in there though. As time goes on, it smells almost...melony. Odd. But nice!
  11. iiinterstate


    Tempest reminds me a bit of Lightning, but instead of citrus, there's something green in there along with the ozone. Now I know what salty is supposed to smell like. Its interesting. I'll give this one a fair try (wearing it for a day) but I think I prefer Lightning and Sea of Glass for my ozone moods. Definitely a good unisex scent.
  12. iiinterstate


    Yum! This is the scent of fresh REAL coconut, no artificial flavors here. I love it, and I have nothing else in my collection that's quite like this. A great summer scent for sure. I need a bottle. This would make a great lotion too.
  13. iiinterstate

    Kumari Kandam

    I never would have found this one if it hadn't been a frimp in a swap, and that's kind of sad. Clay, stone, and sweet cold aquatic. I really enjoy this, and geez...clay and stone? I have no idea how the lab does things like this. Reminds me a little bit of Moon of Ice, but less sweet and with better throw. I'm not sure if I need a bottle yet, but Kumari Kandam has my nose glued to my wrist for now. Hmm.
  14. iiinterstate


    Dorian is, in a word, DIVINE. I'm not sure how aged mine is (I received a partial 10ml in a swap) but this is sweet and sexy vanilla musk drifting in strong sugary tea. This is the vanilla-y scent I've been looking for, for sure! I know I'll use this one often, and I am quite sure my fiance will approve.
  15. iiinterstate

    The Lion

    Strangely enough, I usually don't care for amber or spices...until this blend! Damn. The Lion is very warm and spicy and certainly not cloying like I feared it would be. He's a friendly guy, Aslan in a bottle. A big cat that could kill you with ease, but instead rolls over for a tummy rub and a chin scritch. ETA: I was fortunate to find an aged bottle (at least 1 year) for sale on the forum, and everything delicious about the Lion clearly increases with time. Its spicier and a little sweeter now. I don't quite have the words to describe why its better...it just IS!
  16. iiinterstate


    This will be GREAT to wear when its really hot outside. At first the mint and eucalyptus were too strong, and that's saying a lot, because I love eucalyptus. I swear it cleared my sinuses. After about 20 minutes everything calms down and balances out. I don't usually wear violet - I get that soapy smell - but it works for me in this blend. I even get the boy's Stamp of Approval (very serious business). final thoughts: mint + violet = good stuff.
  17. iiinterstate


    When I first put this on, my fiance described it: "You smell like 7-11 in the summer when you walk in and stand by the slurpee machine." I rather like that smell, but I was still pretty glad when Lurid morphed from light currants and musk into LOTS more currant and lavender with the always-appreciated ozone. I don't really get any resin out of this blend, which is fine with me. The throw is great and its an unusual scent, but one that I can still wear at work. I can see this fitting very nicely into the few bottles that I rotate through the week, but it would also be good when I go out. ETA: Several hours later (like 6, seriously) I finally get the resin, but ONLY on my skin (not in my scent locket or my hair where I also like to apply). Combined with the musk its very nice and not overpowering, and the currant/lavender is strong enough that this morph doesn't bother me at all even though I usually avoid resiny scents.
  18. iiinterstate


    When I first put this on, it was verrrrry sweet. Worry set in because I ordered a full 5ml unsniffed. Then I waited about 10 minutes and suddenly Coyote morphed into exactly what I had hoped for when I read the description. Its furry and warm and spicy and woody. I can't describe it any better than the lab did. The only problem is, I think I ordered at the wrong time of year! This smells like a fall scent for sure. Lets see if it ages well.
  19. iiinterstate


    Perversion started out as tobacco and rum on me, which I don't find particularly thrilling. I left the test spot on my arm though and didn't think about it until about 5 minutes later. I think this is probably the first BPAL blend that has literally made me gasp. While I never would have thought this combo would work on me (although I had hoped!), its fantastic. My mouth is actually watering. The tobacco and rum have faded to the background, I think they're having an orgy with leather in the back room. Leather is clearly the Dominatrix type though. Tonka is the clearest note I get, with just enough chardonnay to sweeten things up. That's good. One should never mix alcohol and BDSM. I want a bottle. probably several. (thank you arcticghost!)
  20. iiinterstate

    Sea of Glass

    Wow, I don't know how to pick out the notes in this. On me it smells perfectly green and ozone which is exactly what I'd hoped for. Very fresh and light, but with good throw. I can see myself wearing this one often, especially in warm weather. 24 hours later: I really wish I knew what was in this, seriously. Its bugging me because it smells so familiar. I know it shares a lot of notes with other blends I love, but I feel like there must be some particular thing I'm reminded of.
  21. iiinterstate

    Carnaval Diabolique

    Ooooh I got nervous when I sniffed this in the bottle. I smelled lemon, but also something like MINT. Lemon mint makes me think of cough drops. Shouldn't have worried though. This is WONDERFUL. Wet on me is lemon goodness with heliotrope. Then it morphs super fast into lemony coconutty vanilla. Its DELICIOUS. This is definitely in my top 5. Everything I had hoped it would be! I have nose to wrist disease now. I MUST order another bottle of this before the circus leaves town. *sniffsniff*
  22. iiinterstate


    Aglaea is delicious. I get peach more than anything, but it isn't a one dimensional peach in the least. This is the first time I've really loved anything with amber in it, and the two notes compliment each other soooooooo well. Big ripe juicy peach deepened by amber. I'll hang on to this imp and try it again when the weather is warmer...might have to be a bottle buy
  23. iiinterstate


    A festive, dazzling blend, layered in mystery and intrigue. Patchouli, ambergris, carnation and orange blossom. Woo! Orange zest and carnation right away! This has a spicy kick I wasn't expecting. Later on: Now I can smell the patchouli and probably the ambergris too, although I can't pinpoint that one so well. For the most part, its orange and spice. A lovely fall scent. Maybe I'll hang on to this imp and see how it smells around October.
  24. iiinterstate

    Shadow Witch Orchid

    This is a beautiful floral. Not to strong, not too wimpy with my skin chemistry. I think I'll pass this one on to my mother who loves orchids, because its PERFECTLY orchid. *enables*
  25. iiinterstate

    Grand Guignol

    Yep, apricot brandy in a teeny vial. Beth nailed it with this one, but it isn't a scent for a recovering alkie like myself to be wearing around The description is dead on. I'm impressed, but I think I'll be swapping this imp.