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Everything posted by iiinterstate

  1. iiinterstate

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    Cherry-candy-goodness! I don't know if I would wear this out or anything, but if I'm having a down day and sitting around the house, I'll reach for it for sure. This is an undeniably cheerful scent, even if its a little "young" for daily wear.
  2. iiinterstate


    I like this, but its nothing like I expected. After I put it on, I had to go back and check to make sure of the notes. I got absolutely NO musk from Mania, just sweetened grapefruit and the cool edge of what I assume is strawberry leaf. Interesting!
  3. iiinterstate

    Fire of Love

    How strange. I got a pretty much a single note of ginger from this, which is nice, but not something I need.
  4. iiinterstate


    I get mostly smoky wood and fig, and then after drydown the cocoa comes out a little. Its...well...an intriguing blend, but not for me.
  5. iiinterstate


    The best way I can come up with to describe Mandrake is dusty. But not in a bad way! To me it smells like flower bulbs and dry grass. Its nice. I think I would use this to scent a room more than I would use it to scent myself though.
  6. iiinterstate

    Death Cap

    Edited for clarification I'm surprised Death Cap doesn't have more of a following. It's a soft, powdery vanilla on a background of dirt. Really light and lovely, not at all a bad dirt smell. After maybe an hour, it dries down into something a lot creamier... a bit like amber? I love it.
  7. iiinterstate


    Bah. I love the sound of this, but my skin apparently doesn't care for rosewood any more than it cares for rose. (it was worth a try) I smell like potpourri and I am jealous of those of you who get a complex blend out of this one. Sigh.
  8. iiinterstate

    The Organ Grinder (2006)

    An odd scent really. At first it smells like just almond milk with something sharper in the background. Usually I amp almond so I started to get nervous. Now I smell the tobacco and patchouli and the pine is just BARELY there (a good thing... too much pine is a no no.) This is nice, but its too masculine for me. However, now I know not to be afraid of pine. It IS possible for it to live in a blend and not overpower!
  9. iiinterstate

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    I'm confused. When *I* sniff this, I get primarily soap with a little chocolate in the background. When my fiance sniffs my wrist, he says I smell like delicious fudge. I don't know what to think. I wish I could smell it.
  10. iiinterstate

    Phoenix Steamworks

    I really did not expect to like this at all... metallic notes seemed like a stretch, even though I like unusual scents. I have no idea what gold is supposed to smell like...but this smells like gold anyway. It starts out with just the metallic notes mixed with incense which is nice and gender neutral, but as it dries, there's a very nice sweetness that comes out and makes Phoenix Steamworks decidedly feminine. For me, this is a nice blend, but my fiance LOOOOVES it and wants me to wear it on special nights out. His words: "Now you smell like a real perfume instead of some strange fruit concoction!" Looks like a keeper.
  11. iiinterstate

    Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman

    This is another one of those blends that the lab just NAILED. Flowers and hot metal, yes. I keep sniffing because its so dead on. I'm not sure sure if I like it enough to buy a bottle, but I think I'll keep my decant. Kataniya is too interesting to pass on just yet.
  12. iiinterstate

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    On me this smells just like the description, sugary incense and flowers. It seems like there might be a touch of ozone in there as well... it has that electric/cold smell to it. At first it seems sort of nondescript to me, but as it settles on my skin I'm really starting to like it a LOT. That sugary smell is what does it. This will be a bottle purchase.
  13. iiinterstate

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    Buuuummmmmed. I was really looking forward to Mme. Moriarty, but all I smell is red musk and heavy patchouli. Its kind of a dusty smelling combination on my skin. No vanilla, no fruit. Boo. I keep sitting here sniffing and waiting for it to get better, but I think I'm out of luck on this blend. Off to swaps with my decant. EDIT: 5-8-09 Okay, so I had to try Mme again, because I am stubborn. I swapped my decant away a long time ago, but I bought a bottle fresh from the lab on an impulse. I'm not sure whether my tastes have evolved or whether my decant was "off", but I smell much more potential in Mme than last time. Still mostly patchouli, but not in a bad way. It smells almost like very very dark tea sweetened with a smidge of fruit juice. I think in a few months, I will like this quite a lot. EDIT AGAIN: 1-17-11 I am persistent, damnit. I want this scent to work on me, and it should! I got distracted from perfumes for awhile, so I left my previously purchased bottle alone practically since I tested it from the first edit. Now, I can honestly say that I like Mme without any reservations. I gave up on it being fruity and let it be its dark sexy self. Wet: has that medicinal smell that other reviewers mention, but that starts to fade right away. Drydown: The patchouli is rich and lovely, and blend smoothly with the musk. I don't pick up any fruit but the vanilla is definitely there, just darker than I expected. After a bit: THERE'S the pom and plum. Its quite subtle. I get more of it in the throw than when I sniff closely. Wow, it really adds an interesting edge to the earthiness of this blend. Overall: Dark and sexy, but with a definite feminine edge. Love it! (FINALLY) I will definitely need another bottle or two to age.
  14. iiinterstate


    I always *discover* scents after I can't get them anymore. Sigh. Tanuki is great. Juuuuuust enough fruit, juuuuust enough floral, juuuust enough...miscellaneous. Its light and balanced and I really really like it a lot. I'll definitely use my imp.. and maybe keep my eye out for a bottle.
  15. iiinterstate

    The Queen of Hearts

    HELLO FLORALS HOW ARE YOU. that only lasted for a minute. I love both of these flowers, but I'm not getting any cherry at all which is sort of a bummer. Oh there it is. I think. Mmf. So much floral. I must amp lilies. Too bad, this one isn't for me.
  16. iiinterstate


    oh YUM. I've been looking lighter, summery scents, and Yemaya is GREAT. Honeydew indeed. That's almost all I smell. The moss and florals make it a little more complex, but overall this is melony goodness. I need a bottle for this summer, nothing I have is anything like this!
  17. iiinterstate

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    Really ridiculous, insanely inappropriate, and staggeringly silly! Cranky groundhog musk sweetened up by chocolate-covered black cherries, cardamom, French vanilla, and caramel. I HAD to try EGM because I see it everywhere and it sounded like something I might enjoy. At first its nice...Chocolate and cinnamon, but it dries SUPER fast into a dust cinnamon smell. Hmm. Its not BAD, just a little bland. I'll try this one again in a few days, but it might be one for the swaps. Oh well, the bottle is too cute!
  18. iiinterstate

    Pumpkin III (2007)

    Yum! This is exactly what I was hoping for! Creamy pumpkin and chocolate. Pomegranate comes in and out the way fruit tends to do on me. Now there's a little bit of caramel, but not too much that its overpowering. I was just about to order a bottle of Bliss the other day, but now that I have this, I've got my chocolate fix for a little while. Ohhh I wish I could eat this. NOMNOM. Edit: This is one of the scents that I find works better in moderation than slathered. When I had just a tiny dab on, I had plenty of throw and could smell the delicious on me, but when I put a little more on, it was too much sweet and the individual notes got lost.
  19. iiinterstate

    Green Tree Viper

    I'm dead set on trying all of the Snake Pit blends, and i thought Green Tree Viper seemed especially promising... Minty SO? Sounds great! Wet:Medicinal mint with a hint of snake oil. After awhile: less minty, more snake oil, but the medicine smell still sticks around. Not the vanilla mint I was hoping for. A few hours later: Just snake oil left now. Nice, but I've already got a bottle of SO. I'm tempted to keep this around and let it age and see what i get, but after reading the reviews on some aged bottles, it might not be worthwhile. Looks like this snake is off to swaps and sales.
  20. iiinterstate

    Tiki Queen

    strangely, this reminds me a LOT of Zarita the Doll Girl. Creamy florals, only here the florals are creamy because of coconut, and have a hint of candy tartness behind them. My skin eats it up really fast Its a nice scent, but I'm not in LOVE with it (and secretly glad...I've spent way too much money this past week and I've got a bottle of Zarita on the way.) I'm happy I got the decant though, it was worth a try!
  21. iiinterstate

    Thirteen (13): July 2007

    13 is a morpher on me. it starts out with sweet sweet chocolate, peach, and I think orchid on my skin. Maybe its the honey that makes the chocolate seem so sugary. About an hour later it suddenly turns spicy. My first response is cinnamon, but its not that kind of spice... must be the clove and ginger coming out to play. After the spicy state comes a nice smoky cocoa scent. I think the fruit is mostly gone at this point (I'd say about 4 hours in). I LOVE cocoa, and I love the spicy stage of 13, but I'm not entirely sure I love the blend as a whole. The jury is still out. At the very least, I'm waiting until a hot summer day when I want to smell like cocoa but not feel smothered by it.
  22. iiinterstate

    Milk Moon 2007

    A fertile scent, generous, life-affirming, and swelling with a sense of triumph, warmth, and abundance: sweet milk, golden honey, fig fruit, pomegranate, dates, and white grape. Straight out of the bottle, this is sweet milk (I'm a little afraid, some people seem to think it turns sour after awhile), but as soon as it hits my skin I start to get the fruity side of things. Is that pineapple in there? Wait...no...pomegranate and fig. But I have to think about it to separate the two. After a little while Milk Moon is dries down into something more subtle and far less juicy, but its still rather refreshing. I'm not sure if this is true scent-love, but I'm definitely interested in how this works on me in warmer weather. Hmm.
  23. iiinterstate

    Tiresias, the Androgyne

    :D So far, this is the most delicious of the CD blends I've tried (and I flipped big over a few of em), and I never would have gone for it on my own (Thank you Jennifer!!!). Its caramel and burnt sugar, toned down with sandalwood and patchouli (which I usually run from without a second thought) OH. Just enough food, just enough wood, a hint of tobacco but not in an old cigar kind of way. Overall, BEAUTIFUL. I can't keep my nose away from my wrist. Definitely buying a bottle. Probably two. I wonder how this will smell in a year? Several hours later: Still true scent love for me. *sigh* The throw is still incredible and deliciously caramel. A new favorite without a doubt, and definitely hoardworthy.
  24. iiinterstate


    Oh my. I knew I was going to like Bliss, I just had no idea how much. I almost expected it to be too sweet because this is milk chocolate, but its perfect. Remember the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie? Where at the beginning they showed all the different kinds of candy being made, and there was an image of glorious, warm, rippling fudge... This smells THAT good. I've been disappointed to find that my bottle of Velvet is slowly becoming more and more sandalwood, but now I think I've found a suitable replacement!
  25. iiinterstate


    In the bottle and on me: WHEW LEMON AND LAVENDER. Lucky for me I like both. Very strong lemon though, not like lemon candy but more like lemon zest. Use: Okay, usually after a long day of wedding planning and other horrors I keep DREAMING about doing those tasks, resulting in a poor night's sleep. I know Nanshe is supposed to promote psychic sensitivity, but I think she took pity on me last night. I had 8 solid hours of blessedly dreamless sleep (I do NOT want to be dreaming about caterers and centerpieces) and woke up refreshed. No portents and symbols for me. Maybe that's a good thing.