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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Aeva

  1. Unfortunately, this really didn't work for me :( It is no doubt exquisitely crafted, but my chemistry wouldn't allow me to enjoy it. I'm not a fan of sweet scents in general (although they can be wonderful at times, like the famed Snake Oil), but this scent was *cloying* on me. The beeswax note turned to pure sugar/baby powder, and the smokiness (which I hoped would be prominent) disappeared immediately. By the dry down, there was nothing but a terrible plastic/fake vanilla stench that makes me nauseous. I can tell this would be beautiful on someone else, but my skin likes to turn anything even remotely sweet smelling into a cloying nightmare. :( As for how it smells in the bottle, it smells just like a blown-out candle..and it's amazing how well done it is! If only it were meant to be..
