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Everything posted by Suu4LC

  1. Suu4LC

    Ave Maria Gratia Plena

    This is rather nice in the imp. A very pretty, wispy white floral with a touch of wood. I don't know if this will work on me, because I always amp woods to an obnoxious degree, but in the imp, this does live up to it's description as a pale and delicate blend. This is alright on my skin. Nothing goes 'off' about it. To my nose, it's a bit of a dusty, earthy jasmine scent with a touch of musk. The wood is actually behaving, which is surprising. Overall, on full drydown, this a pleasant, underwhelming, slightly woody floral. All the notes behave themselves quite well. This isn't something I need to run out and buy a bottle of, but if you are looking for a nice subdued jasmine then I would absolutely recommend this blend.
  2. Suu4LC

    Budding Moon

    This is an absolutely lovely asian floral, which is one of my favorite types of florals. It reminds me of a much greener version of Hanami. Very fresh-I love the plum blossom and peony. The only note that throws me a little is the lotus root, but it's not overwhelming. Not quite as nice as Hanami, but still beautiful and fresh and just a little fruity-Budding Moon is a wonderful and fitting name for this blend. So glad I picked a up a bottle of this!
  3. Suu4LC


    A mournful, poignant scent, thick with foreboding. Soft golden amber darkened with a touch of murky black musk. Oof, I actually get more musk than amber when I sniff this in the imp. I have the feeling this is going to go completely powdery on my skin. Yes, this is a very very powdery amber with strong black musk. Gah, unfortunately when it dries it starts to smell like a wet towel...kind of mildewy. Eeee. Chloriney...no good! I think the black musk just kills this for me, and the amber went uber powdery. To ye olde swaps it goes!
  4. Suu4LC


    Hmm. This doesn't smell very eerie to me! It's a light lemony scent-almost a bit like lemon cleanser. I don't smell any jasmine in this at all! Hmm, even on my skin, so jasmine. It's a slightly sweet, light lemon-tea perfume (seriously, can't smell jasmine in this even a little bit). Pleasant, but not my favorite of the light citrus bpal perfumes and not a haunting kind of scent to me in any way. I am going to give this some time to settle. Yeah, this was a very meh/bland lemony perfume on my skin. Disappointing!
  5. Suu4LC

    Ile de la Tortue

    Hot, heavy, humid floral in the imp. These kind of scents never tend to do well on me, and vetiver tends to be one of my enemies, but this perfume could prove to be an interesting experience. Oooof, this is VERY strong floral, very thick and overpowering when it hits my skin. It's a combination of very heavy florals and a note of humidity this is quite reminiscent of a jungle atmosphere. As it dries, a more earthy/dirt kind of note comes out beneath the floral perfumey smell, and there's something that's kind of...mildew-y. Blech. Guh, time to wash this one off-not for me at all. Kinda smells like someone spilled flowery perfume on old chlorine-y damp dirty towels...
  6. Suu4LC

    Baobhan Sith

    Oooo, I really like this in the imp! This smells exactly like what I would have expected from the notes. Lovely! If it smells this nice on my skin, this will be a winner. Meh. This actually gets very citrus cleansery...very much so. Yech...this just does not work well on my skin at all. Darn morphing! Totally citrus cleanser. I imagine this would be an amazing scent on some people, just not for me.
  7. Suu4LC


    Hmm, I don't get much blackberry from the imp-just the heather. It's pleasant, but not nothing to wow over yet. This is alright. For me, the lab's description of this is pretty spot on. I get pleasant wafts of sweet blackberry over a base of heather. It's nice, but I think heather is just a teeeensy bit too green for me. And as it dries I lose that yummy blackberry sweetness to a strong green scent that is totally not my thing.
  8. Suu4LC


    This was a frimp from the lab. It would not have been something I'd have picked for myself. In the imp, this is lavender and neroli to me, which a little pinch of rosemary. I do like lavender, but I have a feeling this blend won't compare to the bpal lavender blends I love. I'm not generally a fan of herbal or incense-y scents. Blehhh, this is sooo bitter on my skin. Really strong and pungent. The neroli is really amping and I am not a fan of neroli at all. Yep, this reeks on me and needs to be washed off. Super strong sour neroli with lavender and rosemary just ain't my thang.
  9. Suu4LC


    Ooo, this smells sooo pretty in the imp! I don't know what stephanotis is, but I just smell beautiful sweet orchid. Gahhhhhh no, this is terrible on my skin. Wait. Ok, there was just this really weird yucky note when I first put it on, that seems to have already faded. This is definitely more than just vanilla orchid scent. Wow, yeah, after that first initial blast of weirdness, this is REALLY nice! It dries down beautifully! The full drydown scent is absolutely divine. Yep. Wow, that's all I can really say. Sweet vanilla orchid perfection! Need a bottle of this for sure! That two seconds of weirdness is totally worth it.
  10. Suu4LC


    This has been on my list to try since I started bpal! I want to love this so much, but I don't always do well with rose or the lab's carnation... I like this in the imp though-creamy, honeyed florals. Hmm. This is nice on, but also, a bit odd. There's something a bit plastic-y that will hopefully fade. I saw another reviewer mention that this smelled like marzipan and that is definitely what it smells like to me! I am going to give this a bit of time to mellow and see how it morphs. Okay, I am very torn on this. On one sniff I love it, it's a wonderful sweet carnation (somewhat similar to Lush's Potion), on another sniff it's the plastic smell of My Little Ponies.... Damn, nope, this isn't going to work on me. On full drydown it loses it's fresh sweetness and becomes kind of sour and dusty smelling...so bizarre. Almost like the milk note soured or something. Gonna have to pass this one on and go for Potion when I need a carnation fix
  11. Suu4LC

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    Oh wow, this is so pretty in the imp! A beautiful unique violet-I think the gardenia really works well in this! If this smells as pretty on my skin as it does in the imp, I'm sold! This is a nice violet, but kind of loses it's uniqueness on the skin-the other notes seem to disappear. I like it, but I don't love it, and I definitely don't need it. I would suggest this blend to violet lovers though!
  12. Suu4LC


    I am very excited to try this blend! I've been looking for a good juicy berry blend, and this one seems to have a lot of good reviews! In the imp this smells quite like grape candy. Yummy and juicy and purple. Almost like grape bubblicious gum. I do hope it will mellow out a little on my skin, because as is I think it's a bit too much for me to actually want to wear... Hmm...it's a bit odd on the skin-I'm not a huge fan of neroli, and that might be what's throwing this blend off for me. It's not bad, it's just sort of weird beneath that purpley exterior. Eh, no, this just ends up being kind of weird on me. Gets kind of weird and dusty-loses all the sweet juiciness that made it so appealing. Darn. Off to the swaps.
  13. Suu4LC


    Oh my goodness, this smells SO divinely good in the imp. Sugared violet perfection! It definitely reminds me a lot of Antique Lace, which is one of my bpal staples. Hopefully my skin chemistry won't mess this up! This definitely gets more violety and less sugary on the skin, so it starts to differentiate itself more from Antique Lace. This is a much more purple smell than Antique Lace. Oh, so pretty. Creamy and sweet and violety goodness... OK. Yes, this is amazing and is getting shot to the top of my bottle wishlist! :D (Now just have to figure out how to get it without having to get Hope... )
  14. Suu4LC

    White Rabbit

    Hmm...this kind of smells like latex and sour milk in the imp...not a good combo... Hopefully this will be better on my skin... Gahhhh, no, this is not good on me. Like rubber gloves from the doctor's office filled with curdled milk and sugar...yeesh, this needs to be washed off NOW.
  15. Suu4LC

    La Primavera soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    This bar of soap seemed very unassuming when I took it out of it's rather beautiful wrapping. On dry sniff I couldn't get more than a generic soap smell out of it. Thankfully, this is not the case when wet. I felt like I was taking crazy pills though, because my nose smelled black tea with lemon, a light floral infusion and a pinch of sugar. I know, I know, there's no tea note in there...so my nose must just be going crazy. But that's what I smelled. Not what I was expecting at all, but very very lovely. Clean and sophisticated. This doesn't lather like crazy, but the lather it gives is very thick and creamy and luxurious. I will enjoy using this soap and look forward to seeing how it compares to the upcoming oil...
  16. Suu4LC


    This is straight bubblegum in the imp-pink and juicy and delicious!!! Yum! Hmmm...this is really weird on my skin...there's that bubblegum top note, and the sweet fruity lollipops...but that "heady womanly perfume" is making me cough every time I take a whiff *hackhackwheeze* From far away I like this, but it gets a bit funky if I get too close. I love that bubblegum note though...just not sure this is going to work for me. I want to see how it settles on full dry down. That weird note that was making me cough seems to be going away! Woohoo! Man, I really like this...sticky pink bubblegum without being too sweet or cloying...there's something delightfully sweet and naughty and even a little spicy about it. This is definitely going on my wishlist! The only bummer is that it does fade rather fast, but it's a price I'll pay!
  17. Suu4LC

    Embalming Fluid

    This smells in the imp pretty much exactly how I would expect this blend to smell-a combination of it's notes. The aloe is a bit strong on my skin. Kind of reminds me of when I used to get a sunburn and would have to rub aloe vera gel on my burnt skin. This is nice, but not my favorite of the light, citrussy scents from bpal I've tried. It's got too much of the aloe vera gel and lemon cleaner smell for me I think. To the swaps!
  18. Hmmm, I get that same kind of chocolatey scent that others were describing in the reviews. Hmm, then I start getting a woody scent. Gah, there are so many notes here, it's like I'm being bombarded. I can't pick them out @_@ Now I'm getting more incensey notes and woody notes and maybe some herbal notes. I lost that chocolatey scent and I don't really get any bitter almond or saffron or honey. Nah, this isn't for me. It's kind of a sweet honeyed insence-y smell on full drydown, but the incense is way too dark and smokey and strong for my tastes. I love that honeyed top note, but ultimately, I'll be swapping this decant.
  19. Suu4LC

    The Unicorn

    Lovely in the imp-soft white florals with a touch of herbs. Very light and pretty. Hmm...one of the floral notes goes a bit sour on my skin. It's not terrible, but it makes the blend not as pretty on my skin as it was in the imp. Or maybe that's the herbs...hmm...I am going to give this some time to mellow and dry. This was very nice. Not my favorite or the bestest bpal ever, but it is just a nice, misty, light floral with a hint of herbs that make it more interesting and complex than your typical perfume. This will go on my wishlist. I am not going to run out and buy a bottle now, but I will need to make sure to acquire one at some point.
  20. Suu4LC

    MVJBA: Spring Training 2008

    OH MY GAWD. The internet ate my first attempt at a review. Basically, this is blissful and delicious salty sweet caramel peanut brittle in the bottle that makes my inner foodie sigh with delight. But when it gets on my skin, it morphs into...burnt tires. I am heartbroken. I am going to try this again at a different time of month (if you know what I mean), but THIS SUCKS. *pout* EDITED: I TAKE IT BACK. That rubber smell was a new pair of shoes I was wearing that made everything smell like rubber. :D I tried it again later after a shower and no new shoes and did not get the weird smell from the oil at all. The oil is wonderful and delicious and yummy and sweet and salty caramel and peanut perfection
  21. Suu4LC

    Upa Upa

    Yummmy in the bottle. Not quite like a pina colada though. This is way more spicy and rummy than any pina colada I've ever had! I'm hoping I get more pineapple and vanilla once this is on my skin. Hmm. This is a bit odd on my skin. There's a little bit of a plastic-y undertone that's throwing me off...mostly though, this is just spiced rum. I'm really not picking up much of the other notes except for a leetle bit of coconut and maybe a hint of pineapple. Really, this is a rum dominant scent. Even on drydown, it's like 85% spiced rum, and little whiffs of the other notes. This was kind of my problem with most of the tiki scents I sniffed-the booze was just too strong on me. I'm not 100% sold on this scent, I was really hoping for a lighter coconutty pineapple scent, but I will hold onto this bottle for a bit and maybe see how it ages before it goes to swaps.
  22. Suu4LC

    House of Night

    This is kind of an ashy herbal floral to me in the imp. Dismal does seem to be a good word to describe it. House of Night becomes much more herbal on my skin with just a wee bit of sweet floral to round it out. I thought I would hate this, but it's actually quite nice. A very pleasant green herbal mixed with somber florals. On full drydown though, this turns to some kind of wood on me...grr. Whenever anything has a woody note in there my skin sucks up all the other notes and leaves me with a generic woody scent. I hate that. To the swaps pile.
  23. Suu4LC

    Temple of Dreams

    I am testing this as a sleep blend, not as a perfume. In the imp this seems to be a mix of lavender and sage. I am a big fan of lavender, so whether or not this will actually affect my sleep/dreams, I know I will find it pleasant. The sage/herbal note becomes much stronger on my skin, and a clove like smell peeks out. I like this quite a bit, though the sage gets a bit sour after it begins to dry down. Eeehhh, the more it dries down, the more sour and offputting it becomes. All I can say is that I definitely would NOT wear this as perfume even if I was testing it with those intentions. Now I am going to hope into bed and will finish this review in the morning with my reports of the blend's effects on my sleep/dreams. Ehhh, ok, morning now. I did not fall asleep any easier than I normally do and unfortunately, I had one of my recurring bad dreams...where I'm in a class and I have a paper due soon and I had completely forgot and haven't even started and I don't know what I'm going to do...damn. I HATE THOSE DREAMS. I also had a dream about being in a play that was rather interesting, but I freakin hate those school dreams where I haven't studied for a test/written a paper/etc, so this blend is not for me. I already knew my subconscious was full of lingering academic anxiety, I worry about it enough during the day, don't need to be worried in my sleep!
  24. Suu4LC


    Mmm, this smells very lovely in the imp! Sweet and innocent floral-mostly sweet pea and honeysuckle. I looove sweet pea, but honeysuckle sometimes hates my skin and I can see this blend going funky on me. On my skin the white musk and pear come out to play! Nice! This is a very nice blend. I'm going to give it some time to dry down completely, but to be honest, I don't think I need it. It's pleasant and nothing goes funky on me (the honeysuckle actually behaves!), but...I don't know. I just don't love it. Basically, when I think about everything else I have in my collection that I love, I know I would never end up wearing this. That said, if the notes sound up your alley, I would absolutely recommend trying this out. Very fresh and pretty and feminine.
  25. Suu4LC


    Hmm. I actually quite like this in the imp! Very unique. Hazy lavender and white musk. Very pleasant-not quite shocking, horrific, fierce or savage though! Of course, these things do change on the skin... There is a bit of bite to the lavender on my skin, but not in a bad way. Wow, this is beautiful. Very swarthy and sexy lavender and musk to my nose. I was worried about the ozone, but it is behaving quite nicely in this. The currant helps round out the blend. Added to the bottle wishlist