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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Suu4LC

  1. Suu4LC

    King Cobra (2006)

    For the longest time I just didn't "get" Snake Oil, so the snake pits had never done anything for me. Well, it took a few years, but I finally get what the fuss is all about! So I am excited to sniff more Snake Pits (and one day to go back and retry the ones I passed on!). In the imp, this is an extra resin-y frankincensey Snake Oil blend. Like the darker side of Snake Oil magnified. On my skin, it is pretty much the same. A beautiful, resiny/frankincense heavy Snake Oil. As it dries, it smells almost more woodsy to me. Basically, this blend smells pretty much like what you would imagine. Snake oil and frankincense, basically a Snake Oil that is extra woody, smoky, resiny, and incensey. I have other SO type blends that I love more than this, but if it sounds up your alley, you at least need to grab a decant! It did happen to dry down completely to be a bit powdery on me though, which is the only thing I would have to warn about. However, my skin tends to overpowderize blends in general, so it may just be my wonky skin!
  2. Suu4LC

    The Hesperides

    Hmm...this could be lovely appley goodness on me, or I could just amp the wood to death Hmm...I can see how others get minty from this...sniffing it in the imp, I got it too..very odd. It's sort of a minty, appley, leafy blend. LOL, yes on my skin it's totally wintergreen-y bubblegum. No wood at all. Maybe a touch of apple. How bizarre...pleasant, but not what I was expecting at all. This fades pretty fast, and has a weird minty lipstick-y smell as it dries. Just, totally odd. Not what I was expecting at all and not something I need to hold onto.
  3. Suu4LC

    The Black Apple Of Saturn

    Reading the scent description, I would have never thought this one would be for me. I don't generally like dark scents and none of these notes jump out at me as something I would want. I'm a super foody/light florals kind of girl usually. But when I sniffed this proto at will call, I fell in love. In the bottle this is sweet and sexy and smoky. Evil sexy apples, but not in a delicate Snow.Glass.Apples way, in a dark, vampy, rawr kind of way. On my skin, it's sort of the same. Not really "appley" to me. Just fruity, juicy, sweet, sexy and smoky. A little Lune Noire-ish to my nose in some ways. It's hard to describe, but it's sexy and beautiful and I love it!
  4. Suu4LC

    Blood Amber

    Amber tends to go powdery on me, so it is such a hit or miss note for me. I've never had much luck with dragon's blood either. But this has been on my wishlist for a while, so I am excited to give this imp a shot. This is nice in the imp-sort of a light musky dragon's blood with powdery amber. Yup, on my skin this is a musky, juicy dragon's blood with amber...it hasn't gone TOO powdery yet, and hopefully it will stay that way! Nice and sweet and pretty. Yeah, this actually never gets too powdery. It loses a bit of its sweetness on drydown, and smells less sweet and musky and more rich and resiny. It really is a pretty straight up dragon's blood and amber resin scent. On full drydown, however, this does go quite powdery on me. Like sweet dragon's blood powder. I would definitely recommend dragon's blood fans try this, or if the combo of dragon's blood and amber sounds good to you, this smells pretty much how the description describes it. Unfortunately, it just didn't work for me!
  5. Suu4LC

    The Chicken-Legged Hut

    Ah yes. Magical chicken feet. I remember sniffing this at will call after it first came out and being so scared of the description, but finding the actual blend pretty pleasant. Now it's time to try it for reals! Mmm yes, this is so yummy in the imp. Not foody yummy. Wonderful warm spices! Burnt in the best possible way! So curious to try to this on my skin! Mmmm...warm hay and spices. OMG I love this. Such an amazing autumn/winter scent. I definitely also get that oaty/nutty scent that other reviewers have described. Delish! Who knew Magical Chicken Feet could smell so good! Seriously, this dries down amazingly. The spices mellow out a bit on full drydown, and its this warm, nutty, herby, spicy, awesomeness. Love it! Would definitely pick up a bottle or partial of this one day!
  6. Suu4LC

    Laurel Honey

    I like bpal honey, though it can sometimes go powdery on me. In the imp this is an earthy/woody green + sweet honey. I do love that honey note, but green scents really tend not to be for me... On my skin it almost smells like a citrussy honey for a second, then that starts to fade into the green scent + honey. Very green. There is some note in this that is just going weird on me...this happens sometimes. It's almost like a chloriney note on top of the honey. I have yet to figure out what note reacts like this on my skin. Harumph! It definitely did not smell this way in the imp. The weirdness does fade as this dries on my skin. This blend is definitely a morpher. It ends up being a slightly sweet, honeyed, powdery green note on me that is actually not bad. Powdery, but not TOO powdery. In the end, sort of dried to generic honey powder. Pleasant, but nothing special. Gives me some hope that maybe one of the other apiary honey blends will work for me!
  7. Suu4LC


    Hmmm...I was getting really excited seeing tangerine and saffron, two notes I really like, but had to stop dead at vetiver. It is my doom note. I am always looking for a blend where vetiver works on me, but I still haven't found it. Amber has the tendency to go powdery on me as well, so something tells me this won't by my magical vetiver blend. But bpal constantly surprises me, so I have to give it a shot! In the imp, I pretty much just smell vetiver Boo-urns! Grrr...yeah, on my skin, same thing. Just straight vetiver. I really don't get any of the other notes at all Same on full drydown-basically, this was just a straight, slightly sweet vetiver scent on me. So vetiver haters, beware, this probably won't change your mind. Vetiver lovers-check this out! It may be far more complex on you than on me!
  8. Suu4LC

    Snooty Rose

    Rose is totally hit or miss on me. I love the lab's plum note, so I am pretty excited; however, sandalwood and other woods tend to amp like crazy on me, so I'm not sure how this blend will play out. In the imp this is sort of a sweet, red fruity rose. I think the plum gives it that sweet fruitiness, but I don't really notice the plum on its own. I also didn't notice the woods so much, but that doesn't mean I still won't amp them! Very rosy on my skin. Sweet fruity candy rose grounded by soft woods. As it dries though, at least on me, it gets more and more rosy, and I sort of lose that juicy sweetness...hopefully I won't lose it too much! On full drydown this sort of went to a candy powdery rose scent. Sort of pleasant, but not like they sexy juicy fruity candy rose I got when this was wet. If I wore scent lockets I might have held onto this, because I think it would be a great locket scent, but since I like perfume I can wear on my skin, this one will have to go. My skin just powderized it way too fast!
  9. Suu4LC


    In the bottle this just smells so sweet and juicy! Juicy red fruits and mango! Yum! On my skin, this is delicious sweet juicy fruity musk! Soooo yummy! I love the pom, cranberry, blackberry and mango. Ugh, so delicious! If those are notes you like, and you like fruity blends, then you have to give this a try! Red musk is hit or miss for me, but it goes SO well here with those fruits. Loooove it! I really adore this blend-it's sweet and fruity and musky and red and juicy and totally wearable!
  10. Suu4LC

    The Great Sword of War

    This is such an interesting sounding blend. I love saffron and tea and mandarin, cocoa, red musk and tobacco are hit or miss notes on me. I wonder how this all goes together! This is really hard to get a handle on in the imp-sometimes it just seems like a burst of sweetness, other times the mandarin is most pronounced, some times it seems tea based...this is probably going to be morpher. On my skin its sort of this intense pungent mandarin and red musk scent. I get a bit of the other notes, but it all mixes together in a weird way... As it dries, from far away it is mostly just a red musk scent, then up close its a musky pungent mandarins scent. On full drydown this starts to go SUPER powdery on me. Like seriously sweet powder. O_o Yep, basically dried down to straight sweet powder. Not sure what note did it, but boo-urns! I hate when that happens!
  11. Suu4LC


    Hmm...I'm not a huge shea fan, but I am curious as to how this will smell. In the imp, it's a sharp green herbal slap in the face. Much stronger and sharper than I would have expected...I am wondering if it will mellow out on my skin. Yes, the shea does come out a lot more on my skin. This is a strong shea/milky/green scent. I'm really not big on milky scents, and as this dries it gets more and more milky to me. As this dries, it is definitely more of a milky/creamy shea scent with a touch of green, as opposed to that herbal green slap in the face. This really does continue to mellow nicely as it dries. It smells completely different on my skin than it did in the imp. A much more relaxed shea scent. It's sort of milky, without going sort of sour the way milk scents tend to do on me. This ends up drying very powdery on me. A sort of soft powdery shea/herbal scent. This one is a HUGE morpher, and I imagine it would smell very different on different people. It didn't really work for me though.
  12. Suu4LC


    This is sort of a hot, dry grass/hay scent. Not as zomg!GREEN as others reviewers have felt it to be. Actually sort of subdued and pleasant. Yeah, this would not normally be a me kind of scent, but I am finding this surprisingly enjoyable. Soft light green/dry hay scent. There's also something weirdly nostalgic about this to me...I can't put my finger on why. It also almost has a touch of sweetness to it. Again, I am not usually a fan of hay scents or green scents, but this is super pretty... Seriously, I never thought a hay scent would be for me, but there is something almost light and pretty about this on my skin. Soft sweet hay and a touch green and perfumey. I could almost see myself wearing this. It continues to dry down beautifully. This was sort of a surprise hit for me. I don't think I would need a full bottle, but I would definitely be on the lookout for a low partial. A beautiful, gentle sweet hay scent that is just so totally wearable!
  13. Suu4LC

    Snow, Glass, Apples Soap

    This soap was such a pleasant surprise for me. I had been holding onto it for a long time, and was worried the scent would have faded-and I have sometimes found Villainess soaps a little too softly scented to begin with. I had nothing to fear. This soap held its scent beautifully. This bar has such a beautiful scent-a crisp, chilly, slightly minty, pale apple scent. Crisp and striking. Soooo beautiful. Sex and apples and vampires indeed. Like the other Villainess soaps, this has that same luxurious, creamy texture. You don't get lots of suds, just a rich thick creamy lather. This is definitely one of my favorite of the bptp soaps and I will enjoy the heck out of this bar! So glad I finally cracked it open!
  14. Suu4LC

    The Deep Ones

    Oh goodness. I am not an aquatics fan, particularly salty aquatics, but in my quest to try all the bpals, I'm going to have to suck it up and give this a go. In the imp, it is pretty much what I expected-intense salty aquatic, though not quite as seaweedy as I was fearing. Smells like a dark blue aquatic to me in the imp. Yeah on my skin this is a heavy blue/black aquatic. Salty, but not overwhelmingly so. Sometimes aquatics just go so weird on me, but this is rather behaving itself. Its sort of calm and pleasant actually. This was actually far more mellow than I would have thought. It lost a lot of the saltiness when it dried down and was a soft dark/blue aquatic. It's not really for me, but if you fear aquatics like I usually do, this was actually quite pleasant and tame on drydown.
  15. Suu4LC


    I love vanilla, carnation, and apple blossom so I am pretty excited to try this. I like neroli but sometimes it can be overpowering, and sweet pea is hit or miss on me. In the imp this is sort of a sweet candy floral scent. I can't really but my finger on any note specifically, but this sweet and light and fun. Yes, on my skin this is a sweet candy floral. A bit powdery, a bit creamy-very yummy! I definitely get the vanilla and carnation and they go great together. Same with the apple blossom-I forgot how much I love this note! So pretty! This was a wonderful sweet fruity/candy floral blend. Loved the vanilla, carnation, and apple blossom. If this was a regular gc I could see myself having picked up a bottle. I'm not sure I would go crazy looking for this, but I may keep an eye out for a bottle one day.
  16. Suu4LC


    This has been on my wishlist forever. It just seems like such a simple, but unique combination. I cannot wait to try it out! In the imp this is light, sweet mandarin. Almost powdery before it even hit my skin, which worries me a bit because I powderize blends very fast. But, I am always looking for citrus blends that last, since my skin eats citrus super fast, so who knows, maybe this is the one. It is lovely and sweet in the imp. Oh, this is very pretty on my skin. Sweet mandarin gorgeousness. Delicate and beautiful. I don't specifically notice the fig, but there is something grounding this blend, which I can assume is the fig. However, it's not that meaty fig I've noticed in other blends. I am curious to see how this sits on my skin and how and if it will be morph. Wet on my skin, it is sooo beautiful. Hmm...as this dries, it almost smells like soap. Not soapy, but like a nice bar of soap. Clean and a touch citrussy, but not sharp/fizzy citrus. Subdued and creamy but sort of bland. This is the scent I was left with-a soft mandarin soap scent. Pleasant, but not something I would need a bottle of.
  17. Suu4LC


    In the imp this is a bright, light floral with a touch of frankincense. It's not super rose-y, at least not in the imp. I tend to amp sandalwood, so even though I don't notice in that much in the imp, it may come out a lot more when it hits my skin. Yes, on my skin this is like 95% bright, light floral. A bit perfumey. But unequivocally a flowery perfume. Still not getting much sandalwood and barely any frankincense. I actually am not even really noticing rose-the calla lily and wisteria are doing the heavy lifting in this blend. It is pretty and innocent. However, this ends up fading to a soft sandalwood scent. Pleasant, but unmemorable. I imagine on the right person, this could be a gorgeous light floral incense/sandalwood, it just didn't really do anything for me. Rose haters-I never really noticed rose in this blend at all! Rose lovers-you may be disappointed because the rose in this is not really noticeable, at least it wasn't for me.
  18. Suu4LC


    Hmmm. I have the feeling this will be a bit too incense-y or smoky for me. I also tend to amp sandalwood like crazy. I do enjoy lavender though, and think this could be an interesting blend. Wow, this is an interesting scent. Definitely get the nag champa and tobacco, which goes well with the lavender. The sandalwood is sharper than I usually think it as. I can see how some would describe this in the imp as astringent. I feel it could mellow well on the skin. Very smoky and mysterious. This is quite nice on my skin-a sexy, smoky resiny lavender. The sandalwood isn't overpowering the blend. The lavender really works here, and it's fun to see it sexied up in a non-sleep blend. I am actually REALLY enjoying this. There's something so unique about this blend, it really hard to describe. I never thought this would be something I would pick up, but I am totally digging it. Sexy lavender/nag champa/incensey/tobacco loveliness. No overwhelming sandalwood. Sort of reminds me Pothon Meter in a way...without the cognac and with more lavender...really digging it!
  19. Suu4LC


    This has been on my wishlist to try forever. I loooove pear. White musk tends to be a great note on me, and I like lily and rose, though sometimes they are a bit strong for me (and rose sometimes goes sour). In the imp this is a sharp, light floral. A touch of the sweet pear in there as well. I think this could mellow nicely on my skin. Hmm..oh my skin I lose a lot of the pear--it is mostly a wispy rose and lily scent. Floral haters beware, this is definitely a floral based scent and not a fruit based scent. The floral is just enhanced with a sweetness from the fruit. I think the rose is the most obvious note to me, but the lily is definitely there as well. The musk is definitely present as well. On full drydown I get a soft, powdery, musky white floral/rose scent. It is pleasant enough, but somewhat generic and unmemorable. Maybe on the right person they will get more of that sweet pear, but on me this blend is just meh.
  20. Suu4LC

    The Illustrated Woman

    There are notes in this I love-skin musk, vanilla, and honey, and then notes that make me nervous-pine pitch, patchouli, and tobacco...but I know this blend is super popular and I am excited to try it! In the imp it is almost all pine and earthy/patchouli notes. I don't get my beloved notes at all Hopefully those other notes will come out on my skin. Hmmm...I think I can see why this is so popular, though I can tell it probably won't work for me. It is a smoky/sweet pine scent, the sweetness coming from the vanilla and honey and the smokiness from the tobacco, grounded with a bit of earthy patchouli. It's a bit of a heavy scent to me and really, I think you have to at least sort of like pine pitch to enjoy this because to me it's the strongest note. I do like the dry down on this blend best-there's a lot more sweetness and vanilla. It is still a base of pine pitch, but the patchouli calms down and the smokiness of the tobacco pairs well with the sweet vanilla. I still don't get much skin musk and the honey is really only there in by adding sweetness to the blend. I would not need a bottle of this, but it's a lovely blend and I really can see why it is so popular.
  21. Suu4LC

    L'Examen de Minuit

    In the imp, I mostly get the frankincense and myrrh. A touch of florals, but they are not particularly distinctive in the imp. A dark, deep incensey scent for sure. Too bad I don't notice more plum, because I love lab plum. On my skin, this is much more floral. Still dark and incensey, but I get that rose otto and a touch of lilac. A pleasant incense scent for sure. For me though, I enjoy these types of blends for their ambient quality and not so much as perfume. As this continues to dry I get a lot more and rose and a bit more lilac. Rose haters beware-it is definitely noticeable here. On full drydown, this is a powdery frankincense/floral blend. Not sure which of the notes went powdery, but this is a problem I run into frequently. My skin just loves turning things to powdery. I could see this type of blend being a lovely ambient room spray, but it didn't work on me as a perfume.
  22. Suu4LC

    Glowing Vulva Bath Oil

    Eep! I have had this decant sitting around forever! I am a huge fan of BPTP bath oils, and have used them both as bath oils and as end of shower moisturizers. Since it is still a bit too warm in SoCal for baths, this was tested as an end of shower moisturizer. Like the other oils, this does not disappoint in the luxurious quality of the oil. It is rich and silky and leaves my skin soft and smooth. With regard to the scent of this blend-it's funny, I remember not being enamored with the perfume blend back in the day. If it was the same note blend as this, I can understand why. Personally, I am not a huge teak or lotus blossom fan. However, I can see why this blend is so popular. The teak and lotus keep it from being too foody foody. The cream accord is sweet and lovely, and the teak and lotus give it a sexy spiced/earthy quality. I would not have needed a whole bottle of this, but I will greatly enjoy my decant!
  23. Suu4LC


    Hmmm. Lotus and I don't usually get along. Rose is hit or miss on me. Hmmm...in the imp this is quite pretty. Sweet florals with a touch of rose. I can see how other reviews would think a wine or champagne note was in here. Or a bubblegum! Yes! Not what I expected in this! On my skin, the bubblegum-yness starts to become more recognizable as lotus. The rose is really pretty here. Not sour (which sometimes happens with rose on me) or old lady-ish. Lotus and rose just really go well together. Very pretty. As it dries the rose comes out quite a bit more. A sweet rose. Lovely! Ok, I am totally digging this! A lovely rose scent! A bit sweet, a touch of spice...as I said before, the lotus really goes so well with rose! I don't see myself clamoring for a bottle of this, but I would absolutely go for a partial. It is such a wonderful rose scent, I would absolutely recommend this to rose lovers! After a while this does go rather powdery, but it stays pretty long enough to be enjoyable. Would need to be re-applied every hour or few hours if you powderize it like me.
  24. Suu4LC


    This sounded SO beautiful. I knew I had to get a bottle. The only thing I am worried about is the amber, since sometimes it goes super powdery on me. This smells SO good in the bottle though. It's sort of hard to describe...like pure sweetness in a bottle. All of the notes sort of blend together to create this essence of classic sweet light florals and spices. Mmm! So pretty on my skin! Sweet loveliness. A touch of mandarin/orange flower. So far, not going immediately powdery, which is good. Spectacularly pretty. As it dries, it IS going powdery and loses a bit of the complexity of the wet scent, but it is still very sweet and pretty and not total powdery doom. On full drydown this is quite powdery. It loses the different dimensions it had in the bottle and wet. But I feel it will be hard for me to let this bottle go because the wet/fresh scent is SOOOOO good. It will just need to be reslathered constantly. I'm going to hold onto this, see how it ages, and see how often I wear it. I imagine on people who don't amp powder from amber this is insanely perfect.
  25. Suu4LC


    Hmm...I feel like I should know what oleander smells like, but I cannot for life of me remember. I'm not a huge patchouli person, and ylang ylang and neroli can be hit or miss depending on the blend. I really am not sure what to expect. In the imp this is a heady sweet floral. I definitely get the earthy/dirtyness of the patchouli. As I said I am not a huge fan of patchouli and I am pretty sensitive to it. I hope I get more of the florals and sweetness on my skin and less of the patchouli. On my skin this is a sweet heady floral-definitely get a lot of ylang ylang in this. It is on the verge of being cloying, but I think the patchouli actually helps hold it back from crossing that line. This is very very floral though. This is not a blend for floral haters. As this dries, it goes SUPER powdery. Very sweet floral powder. And that is what I end up with-a sweet powdery floral. I guess I got my wish of no patchouli, but unfortunately, powdery isn't my thing either