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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by deusdexmachina

  1. I would just like to apologize to anyone who received spam from "me." The damned Chinese spoofers had fun passing around my email address, apparently. It's probably best to delete anything you've received from me in the last week or so. Again, I'm sorry for any issue this caused anyone.

  2. Just finished watching "Religulous" with Bill Maher. That was astounding...truly. I guess I needed a reminder of humanity's capacity for self-serving ignorance, bigotry, and idiocy. Well...at least it portrayed the issues with utter hilarity. ;)

  3. Ugh, NOW I see why most emergency rooms and urgent care have metal detectors and formidably armed guards.

  4. Nursing another bout of anemia. This sucks.

  5. Whew. Moving is all done, and we're mostly unpacked. What a nightmare. Thanks again to Glynnis Christine Dexter and Tony Lloyd for all their hard work on moving day :)

  6. Finishing the last few little items for our move tomorrow. Ugh, I am NOT looking forward to this.

  7. I miss my Lily...she is with her "Aunt Glynnie" right now. I can't wait to go "scoop her," as her aforementioned auntie would say. ;)

  8. House-hunting with J.T. in Asheville; its a lovely day here.

  9. No matter how much I try to not let it get to me, I find rude and inconsiderate people absolutely INSUFFERABLE.

  10. Hanging out with Glynnis and Tad :)

  11. For those of you who are anime fans, I am compiling a list of "commandments" for those programs. You see, anime characters are not bound by the same rules of time and space that you and I are. Here is a preview of my #1 anime commandment:#1: Thou shalt not have parents. No, seriously. Think about it. In every anime you watch, (with perhaps one or two exceptions) at LEAST one main character is orphaned. Uh huh, see?

  12. On the way to chemo...awesome. :(

  13. I <3 Death Note. That is all.

  14. I am dreading the arrival of summer. There is nothing I despise more than South Carolina summers (except perhaps summers on the bayou.) I need to move somewhere like Alaska, where they spend 3/4 of the year in night.
