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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ladyxbones

  1. So this is my first review, but I am wearing Love's Philosophy again today and each time I wear it and browse the forum I feel compelled to share how much I love it!


    I am totally obsessed with anything vanilla/foody, with the exception of overly-nauseating sweet smells, and was going to order a bottle of Snake Oil but then the Lupercalias came out and I decided to throw in Love's Philosophy instead last minute - needless to say I'm glad I did! I'm still pretty new to BPAL but my collection is rapidly growing and I've tried enough by now to know when I've found a gem.


    I've worn a vanilla oil for the past few years that was given to me as a gift, so when I first smelled Love's Philosophy I knew I would like it but figured it was close enough to most of my collection that I really didn't need to start hoarding it. After trying it I couldn't stop sniffing my wrists.


    This has AMAZING throw on me, and lasts longer than any BPAL oil I've tried. I don't get any plasticky smells, and while this is VERY vanilla, it is not a foody scent. I don't get cheap vanilla candle either, just smooth gorgeous vanilla with a warm contrast of what I imagine must be the saffron - I was a bit confused by the reviews of wintergreen, although during the drydown I do get a sharp scent which must be what everyone is talking about...then I realized the other day, this scent reminds me of my (late) grandfather's air freshener that was permanently trapped in the seats of his old Volvo! No wonder it's so comforting to me (it must've been a vanilla air freshener), and automatically I could see where the wintergreen would come in. This is a very well-rounded blend, and it makes me sad that some people have had little or bad luck with it since it works so well on me!


    Also, my mother absolutely abhors all of my sweet, cake-smelling scents and always scrunches her nose in distaste when I put them on, but the other day in the car she went "something smells nice, is that one of your oils?" and when I replied yes, she went "I like it, you smell like a cupcake". Then while I was at my new job, my supervisor came in and went "something smells good, like vanilla, what is that!" and when I replied that it was me she said she could smell it when she came in and loved it! Score = 2!


    I am definitely going to be ordering two more bottles while it is available. Rationally, I KNOW I will never even use up that much oil, but after wearing it out a few times it's quickly become one of my, if not the, top favourite scents - even considering how many different blends of vanilla I own, this one is just so gorgeous and perfectly balanced that I can't ignore that voice that says "Need more, must hoard!". Just in case..right?


    5/5 :P
