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Posts posted by Tajha

  1. Tajha, I looked at your wishlist but at this point, not knowing what-all you've tried and not seeing a real clear pattern for your wishes as far as what group of scents you most favor, I'm doing this completely thematically.



    >.> I'm kind of new about here... Just got my first order not too long ago, so I don't have too many things yet and there are so many different things I want to try! (Of course I may have went a little overboard with my first order, and they stuck in so many goodies on me that I have a lot more than I expected) I'm still in the process of feeling out what I like and don't like, so the completely thematic suggestions are just fine and much appreciated!




  2. I've actually got a few characters that I'd like to pick out a scent for... Think you can help?


    Character 1: Faith

    Faith was raised in a very religious Catholic family. She's currently enrolled in college and a the world religions class she took last semester caused her to begin to question the validity of her religion. She writes poetry occasionally, but doesn't share it, though she enjoys going to the local coffee house and listening to other people read their poems... At least she did until the night that a helicopter crashed nearby. She doesn't remember much from that night, just a whirl of noise, gunshots, pain, blood, and a man leaning over her asking whether she wanted to live or not... Now she hears voices and has a strange craving for blood which she refuses to take from living humans. She's convinced that God is punishing and/or testing her because she'd begun to doubt her beliefs.


    Character 2: Tajha

    Tajha is a healer through and through. She does anything in her power to help others, even if it means sacrificing her own happiness/wellbeing. She's patient and kind and can deal with pretty much any badness some one might through at her. She doesn't fear death or pain. She's extremely loyal to her friends, to the point that--while generally being a pacifist--she would not be adverse to ensuring that a painful and torturous death befell some one that caused enough harm to one of them. She carries a staff for knocking sense into people (the Reason Stick). She has always been the glue that holds the group together.


    Character 3: Ellywick

    Ellywick is a bard. Everywhere she goes she carries with her a pan flute that was given to her by her grandfather (also a bard). She's very charming in a somewhat shy-seeming/cute sort of way. She loves to tell stories, do simple magic tricks, sing, and most of all play her panpipes. She's strong for her size--only about 3 feet tall, being a Gnome and all--(for anybody out there that's played D&D, I managed to get her a 13 for strength :P And she's got a 19 for charisma) Somewhere in her travels she picked up a baby dragon (maybe she stole it from a slaver while freeing his 'lot' that's the sort of thing she would do). Its name is Nico and he can usually be found sitting upon her shoulder (again for you D&D people, I haven't quite finished doing the proper research, but it looks like a baby Copper) or otherwise nearby.


    Character 4: Alana

    Alana is (another D&D character) a half-Elf cleric. She spent most of her time working in a hospital, taking care of the soldiers who were wounded in the war that was ravaging her country. She's pretty in a sort of exotic way... Probably enough to make heads turn, but not quite enough to make jaws drop. She knows how to handle people in a variety of situations; some just need comforting to calm down and others need to be intimidated. Alana is pretty good at both. The favored animal of the goddess she follows is the owl, and Alana has an owl's talon tattooed on her palm.


    Alana and Ellywick both try to do what seems right to them even if it is against the law (Chaotic Good).


    I can't wait to see what you all come up with! ^.^
