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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by pooka

  1. pooka


    Wore this one for a night out on the town at my favorite piano bar... In the imp: Tough to put into words, but I like it... it has that sort of haughty, pointed, refined scent that you would expect from an angelic being. Rose was the most noticeable element, with the frankincense close behind... it kind of smelled like a wedding bouquet (or, at least, what I imagine a wedding bouquet would smell like, never having held one myself). Upon the flesh: Even more sublime. My body felt like a greasy stack of meat that the oil was sternly trying to overpower; "don't pay attention to this gentleman, he's far too unworthy to wear a scent as perfect as ME." More complexity of the florals as time went on, but... well, it kind of smelled like I spilled industrial-strength cleaning fluid on myself. Really nice cleaning fluid, but cleaning fluid all the same. As time wore on...: Mercifully faded out into soft sandalwood and wisteria (I think) notes. The rose and frankincense worked really well at the beginning, and these two worked really well at the end, but in the middle they were really fighting for conquest of my skin. Much like you would expect warring angels to do. I'll use up the rest of the sample, but that's probably about it... I agree with the assertions of previous posters that it's a bit too much like "traditional" rosey perfumes out there. (Though, given how things went for me last night, I suppose some people are quite fond of the scent.)
  2. pooka


    OK, this is my first review, so hopefully I do an okay job... In the imp: Holy hell, that's a lot of rum. I'm no rum connoisseur, but I can definitely see -- er, smell -- the "butter" aspect mentioned in the description. Kind of pungent, but pleasant, and with a definite spiciness. It's like a seedy portside on a humid summer night. On me body: Cloves just totally appeared out of nowhere. Checked to make sure I was wearing the same scent. All the buttery goodness, rummy tang, and almond notes replaced by clove with just a hint of Something Else (which I guess is the sassafras and bay... smells kind of like licorice). A few hours later...: All the spiciness has faded, and it's really just the almond that's left. I quite like how it was a boozefest in the bottle, a spicesplosion on the skin, and faded into a rich, but barely noticeable, aroma clinging to my wrists. Overall... I like it, but I'm not in love with it. There's definitely a right time and right place for this one (fortunately, I think I was in both of these while I wore it), and it's assuredly not for everybody.
  3. Wow, I sent an email and got a response from an actual person the same day... this is a first for the world of online retail. ^__^ Thanks! *crosses fingers that the package arrives soon*
  4. Sorry for adding yet another voice to this thread, but this is my first BPAL experience, and I want to keep it from turning into an unpleasant one. I placed my order on November 18th, it said "Shipped" on November 30th... and that's it. No USPS notification or anything. I understand that it's Christmas season and everything, but it's been four weeks and so I'm starting to get a little antsy. (A friend of mine placed an order a full week after I did, and received her oils several days ago.) Suggestions?