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Everything posted by DARKBEAUTY28


    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    I saw that some people noted some resemblances between these Tikis and some GC scents: Moana smells kind of like 51 Marae smells kind of like Euphrosyne Anyone else notice any similarities between the Tikis and any of the GCs?


    Hmmm, I get orangey red hots from this one. Not terrible, but not really my style. My nose is definitely calling something cinnamon, and of course that is the red patchouli. Interesting...


    Oh wow, at first I was like "eh, this one is just okay". I then put the imp I have up for sale on ebay. I went to work out and while I was, this super sexy rich scent wafted up to my nose. It was so gorgeous! I then stopped my work out and hurried to ebay and cancelled my auction. Wow Haunted is a keeper! It smells like a slightly richer, more amber-y Snake Oil. I bet this one is a hit for attracting men! May soon become one of my favorite BPAL's.


    I really like how this smells when I put my nose up to my wrist. It's like an airy lavender scent that really smells PURPLE. Then as I move my wrist from my nose I get the spiciness. The spiciness is a little unsettling for me. Okay, I just smelled my wrist again and the spiciness seems to be disappearing. Might be a keeper after all.


    Ohhh this one is very nice. Smells like a honeyed tropical flower. Reminds me of Hawaii a little bit. This is a very relaxing scent. Would get a big bottle!
  6. Does anyone else remember a scent by Victoria's Secret that was out a long time ago called Whispering Mist? Oh man, I loved that one. I tried to google the fragrance notes and what I found was: A mix of: Orange, Jasmine, and Violet Any BPAL suggestions? Thanks!

    Sugar Moon 2008

    Wow, this smells just like something else that I own, but now I can't figure out what it is! Now I'm going to have to go sniff my massive perfume collection to find out. Anyway, I really like this scent! Sweet and fresh...it seems like it might work on a guy and a girl. Okay off to figure out what it smells like...then I will update.

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Thanks PersephonesChild!

    White Rabbit

    Lol okay what I get from White Rabbit while wet is bandaids or formaldehyde. Ugh. It starts drying down to a nicer spicy scent but not that much nicer. I would have to pass on getting a full size of this one.

    Bon Vivant

    This scent is very strawberry and champagne...but not as cloying as the VS Strawberries & Champagne. Bon Vivant is sweeter and lighter. It almost has a strawberry lemonade smell to it. I really like this one. It is great for spring or summer or even anytime when you need some mood uplifting. I'm glad I have a 5ml on hand!

    Queen of Sheba

    Okay WEIRDNESS. I have an imp of this and a 5 ml and they smell somewhat different from each other. My imp is more like an overly peppery peppercorn scent and I didn't care for it. The bottle's scent has a sweeter spicy scent more similar to a peppery Dana O'Shee. I prefer the bottle scent but find it strange that the imp is different. Hmmm, now I wonder if other imps I own smell different than the full sizes! Oh well, this scent is decent but isn't the best BPAL I've tried. I'll have to think about whether or not I want to keep the imp and the bottle. I think it might be the peppercorn and saffron that are making me not like it.

    Blood Rose

    I do think this scent is beautiful and has a different twist to it that a regular old rose or tea rose scent doesn't have, BUT it is so light on me. I can barely smell it. I would have to put quite a bit on to be able to smell it well. I really like it though. It's like an edgy rose...a daring rose, and that makes this fragrance sexy! Just wish I could smell it more while wearing it!


    This might be the most beautiful BPAL I have ever smelled! It is so fresh and I actually get a juicy grape-ish-ness from it. Mmmmmm! It is nice and crisp. It also has pretty good staying power. I must locate a bottle of this....


    When I first tried this scent I didn't think that it was that wonderful and figured that I'd get rid of it. However, about ten minutes later I put a little more on...wow, it's NICE! I'm glad I tried it on again! It is a beautiful white floral tropical scent. The gardenia and orchid stand out the most on me from what I can tell, but they aren't overly creamy or cloying. It is a somewhat sweet fragrance. Overall, the only downfall I find with this one is that it might not be strong enough. I am the type who likes her scents to have a nice throw to them, and this is sort of on the lighter side. I don't want it to be more cloying, but just a tad stronger...I want people to really smell this gorgeous fragrance! I noticed something a little strange about it. It has a VERY tiny bit of the sweet scented baby doll smell to it, which I also get from Dragon's Milk, but in a different way. The crazy thing is, I LIKE the scented baby doll smell! I loved the way my Strawberry Shortcake and Charmkin dolls smelled when I was a kid. Anyway, try Marae because it is a great scent!

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Is there a BPAL that smells similar to Acqua di Parma Blu Mediterraneo Mandorlo Di Sicilia? Description: Bergamot, Star Anise, Jasmine, Green Almond, White Peach, White Cedarwood, Musk, Vanilla, Coffee On me it smells like vanilla and almond but not much else. It is a pretty sweet scent but isn't cloying. Any suggestions? I have Dana O'Shee, but it smells somewhat maraschino cherry on me, whereas I am looking for vanilla almond. TIA!

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    Vice is chocolate-y foody. Drink Me is major foody.


    Smells fruity in the bottle. Wet it is very tropical, I get a touch of pineapple and banana. The fruits are blended well. As I'm wearing it I still smell the mix of fruits, but the scent is kind of tangy, which I am assuming is the peppers. Overall, it is so good! One of my BPAL faves! Only thing is it doesn't last long on me.

    The Apothecary

    Tea leaf with three mosses, green grass, a medley of herbal notes, and a drop of ginger and fig. What I get from this scent is Sunflowers! Mainly that is what I smell when I have this on and strangely that isn't even one of the notes! It's lovely and bright.

    Death Cap

    It opened as DIRT on me and makes my stomach turn a little, but then it began to change. Now it is more sweet and the dirt is mixing in with the other notes. It smells nice but it is really hard for me to get around the dirt note, so to a new owner this goes!


    Wet: Cocoa-ey, powdery, slightly fruity, kind of cotton candy-ish. Dry: Cocoa and baby powder, very feminine. The cotton candy note stays. A nice light scent. Not a deep rich chocolate. Strangely it smells richer on one arm than the other. Overall, a good buy. Not my fave BPAL, but nice. Foodie/dessert scent lovers will like this one.

    What BPAL is the most like Shalimar?

    I thought Snake Oil would be similar to Shalimar, but it actually isn't. Snake Oil is much sweeter (almost powdered sugar sweet) and smells so much richer. Shalimar has a lemony note that make the scents much different. Both have an incense vibe but they don't smell that much alike. I have Snake Oil on one arm and Shalimar on the other right now.

    Midwinter's Eve

    Hmmm....this is definitely a winter fragrance. The first note I get is pine...funny I don't see that in the description. Yes, pine like a Christmas tree. I do smell the berries and they mix fairly well with the pine, but the pine smell is throwing the scent off. I wish this was purely winter berries on me. I'm not sure if I will keep this one.

    Pumpkin Patch II (2005, 2006)

    Wet this is scrumptious nutty cocoa pumpkin. It gets slightly richer as it dries. Very different than any other pumpkin scent I have ever tried. Now the pumpkin is almost taking a back seat! Strange. It smells like something I have smelled or experienced before but I can't place it...maybe it isn't as much a scent that I smelled but when I smell this it takes me back to when I was around 8 years old. Not sure why. There is a note in this scent that is familiar but I just can't place it...it's almost perfumey. This is a well blended fragrance. I gotta figure out what that familiar note is...

    Lady Luck Blues

    Wet, the honeyed rose is strongest. This is a light scent on me. It's changing just a bit and the rose is poking through a bit more, but this is still extremely faint on my skin. I think this might be one I'm going to have to mix with another rose scent like London or Rose Red. This one is just too light!

    Rose Red

    Wow! This one is niccceeee. I smell the green stem of the rose like others do. Very bright, and I am getting a green apple-like note. This is super fresh and tangy! I really, really like this one and am glad I bought a bottle. Might sound cheesy but I want to swim in this! It is a definite mood lifting type of fragrance.