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Everything posted by djsiberia

  1. djsiberia

    The Grindhouse

    wet/in bottle : musk & vanilla dry : floral headache? this smells like perfume from the store...something my mom would wear. i totally dig this in the bottle...and i was so hoping to like it. maybe if if sits a few more months, the floral will die down and the musk, vanilla, and clove will peek through. as it stands i doubt i'll be ordering a back-up unless it really changes by august. ugg..this is totally something my mom wears from avon...stupid florals. musk. clove. vanilla. where are you???? i honestly loved this sniffing it from the bottle.
  2. djsiberia


    first initial sniff: wow...what is that scent. i know it... ok, i get small bits of carnation and spice and something i know. after i decided to try it on my wrist because i was so curious....i tried this one first out of my bottle order just because i couldn't figure out the one dominating note. wet : clove. lots of clove. it's that scent from the smoke when you're burning clove incense or clove oil to scent the room. dry: still burning clove smoke and spice. 20-30 minutes later, the clove has toned down. i'm picking up other notes now. the cardamom and pepper blending with small bits of carnation and tea and not getting too much patch. 60 minutes later...WOW>>> i need to order a couple more bottles....this is a clove scent that i've been looking for and just didn't know it. it's a complete morpher on me and i loves it.
  3. djsiberia

    Parlement of Foules

    wet/in the bottle: soft white roses. dry: spiced roses it has an ok staying power. i did need to re-apply before heading out to a smoke filled dance club this scent was the one i received the most compliments on. it's not over powering and it's quite refreshing for summer and beautiful for weddings. my friend was standing next to me at the cigarette smoke filled club trying to figure out what i smelled like, eventually i had to tell her and then then it was "OH!!! that's EXACTLY what you smell like" (spiced white roses) i'm certainly thankful the resins didn't over power the rose and didn't turn into rose band-aid smell. this rose/resin combo behaved quite well on me. i'm certainly glad i picked up 2 bottles of this
  4. djsiberia


    wet/in the imp: HOLY LEMONS BATMAN! dry: wow, the lemon is dying down later: now i'm getting a lemon band-aid smell and cat food??? not very good lasting power. my skin just ate this right up
  5. djsiberia

    Santa Muerte

    wet/imp: i can't pick out any single note that dominates the mix. it's a floral jumble. dry: i can pick out the vetiver and something that reminds me of urinal cakes. ack...must wash off.
  6. djsiberia


    wet/in the imp: wow. this is masculine, in fact to masculine for me to even try. i smell vetiver and leather. no musk
  7. djsiberia


    wet/in the imp: jasmine always smells stinky to me and this one is no exception. it has other notes that give the stinky jasmine scent more depth, but i'm going to pass on trying this one.
  8. djsiberia

    Red Devil

    wet/in the imp: rose band-aids. dry: sweet rose band-aids
  9. djsiberia


    wet/in the imp: amber. dry: amber and small bits of musk much later: sweet amber i made the boy sniff this one, he really loves any thing heavy on the amber. this one smells just my SN amber that i've had for 4+ years. i don't get as much musk as i thought i would get, mostly its just sweet golden amber. this is probably a purchase since i love amber.
  10. djsiberia

    Lucy's Kiss

    wet/in the imp: roses dry: roses much much later, faded roses. this really doesn't last very long on the wrists, maybe 2 hours tops. my locket started to take on a band-aidish scent which i think comes from the spices which never made their appearance.
  11. djsiberia


    wet/in the imp: i really loved this..then i put it on and it was a different story. it didn't have a chance to dry, it instantly gave me a headache and i had to take it out of the locket and wash my wrists. it was sharp smelling. i think the ylang ylang/honey/labdanum combo doesn't work for me and it always turns into a terrible mess.
  12. djsiberia


    in the imp/wet : spicey, herbal, sharp, woodsy with vetiver. dry: powdery, herbal, woodsy, vetiver with oakmoss and spices. i kinda get confused by this and i'm not sure if i love it or hate it until many hours later when i realize i have a huge headache. i really loved sniffing it in the imp and even took it out of my scent locket - but i just can't wear this.
  13. djsiberia


    wet/in the imp: gingerbread poppet only a lot more spicey and a lot less ramen noodle/indian food scenty. dry: ginger and spice and everything nice. i had just put some on my wrists to sniff and walked past my fiance to get something in another room. he followed me and said, "whatever you just put on it smells delicious". i keep sniffing my locket and my wrists and it's super yummy and i think this is going to be a multiple bottle purchase straight away and i can't wait to see how it is once it's aged.
  14. djsiberia

    The Phantom Calliope

    wet: black cherry & cassis & powdery - and sharp. dry: black cherry and cassis & powdery. this one started to give me a headache after a few hours. it's very very sweet and sometimes it's too sweet and none of the other notes have made an appearance at all.
  15. djsiberia

    The Apothecary

    this one is very interesting and hard to describe. it's herbal, powdery, sharp, and green. i'm not sure how else to describe it. it's not bad and it's not good....and i think i'll pass on a bottle.
  16. djsiberia


    wet: spicey buttery violets. dry: violets and spice and tonka bean - where is the clove? this one is nice and i think a great spring scent. i keep sniffing my locket and it's beautiful and buttery.
  17. djsiberia


    wet: dry mellow rose and a touch of something green. dry: very powdery and rosey. the hazel is adding a small bit of something herbal. overall, it's not a bad scent for summer and i find myself sniffing my locket a lot. it's certainly not a scent that lasts very long on my skin, good thing i stuffed it into the locket. i think this is a bottle order.
  18. djsiberia


    i loved this scent in the imp. it was a floral/spicey scent i think the iris popped out more than any other scent. i'm not certain what it was about the scent that i didn't like, but i doubt i will purchasse this in bottle form.
  19. djsiberia

    Sugar Skull

    this is the 2006 version i thought i wouldn't like this at all after reading reviews of it just smelling like burnt sugar. wet: it's sugar dry: mmm...boozed sugar with a slight fruit after taste i can't stop sniffing myself. i can really see how a little goes a very very very long way. i put a drop on - split between my wrists and another small dab behind each ear and WOWZZA...it's really potent stuff! i'm still amazed that i actually like this.
  20. djsiberia


    in the imp: very herbal, fruity and pine i can't bring myself to try something with pine - it always turns into pine cleaner.
  21. djsiberia

    Wolf's Heart

    in the imp/wet : dragon's blood. dry: spicey and more dragon's blood. i wore this an entire day and it actually gave me a headache.
  22. djsiberia

    Love's Philosophy

    i passed this up for some strange reason. i think because i thought it would be sickly sweet like O. good thing i finally caved in a got a frimp wet: vanilla and cream dry: nom nom nom nom - i can't stop stiffing myself. can i possibly love this a lot??? why yes, i do... i love it so much i had to get 2 bottles right away from an iso. never again will i pass up vanilla, saffron and cream. i think this is the only scent that i've worn 2 days in a row and then opted to wear it again two days later. it's delicious and i don't get any plastic scents from it.
  23. djsiberia

    Has No Hanna

    i wore this for one entire day. i figured it would help me with my shitty supervisor situation....not so much. in the imp & wet it was a very pleasant almond smell. as the day went on, i got the worst headache ever and instead of making me happy, it went so far south...and oh boy, was i crabby.
  24. djsiberia

    Hony Mone

    in the imp: sweet honey and almonds delicious, i really like it in the imp! wet: honey and spicey men's cologne? i'm wondering where the honey and almond are? maybe my decant has reached it's expiration date? i can kinda pick out the honey/almond scent but mostly it's men's cologne
  25. djsiberia


    in the imp: i get lavendar slightly floral i;m not getting any hints of other notes, the lavendar s really amped up and making me sleepy