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Everything posted by djsiberia

  1. djsiberia

    Tavern of Hell

    this smells like some sort of cleaning product, cheap men's cologne from the goth bar a few cities over. will pass on this
  2. djsiberia

    Black Cat

    hrm, i liked this one at first and as a voodoo blend it really does act like a cat. however about the 2nd time i wore this, it started to smell like old lday band-aids. this one ia going to have to disappear.
  3. djsiberia

    The Raven

    this one makes my nose crinkle. Something about it I don't like, its more than likely the neroli/violet/iris combo. very very floral. i tried to like it, but as raven's go sometimes they breed discontent. i'll have to pass on this.
  4. djsiberia


    mostly this smells like sandalwood and patchouli - the rose doesn't really pop out at all. second time around it smells like old lady smell the boy dislikes this scent so it has to go.
  5. djsiberia

    Blood Pearl

    goes on strong and perfumey...can barely smell the coconut and i think i smell the orris more than the musk. will pass on this one
  6. djsiberia


    i'm only smelling the lemon verbena - which is turning out to be a very light scent. i'm not picking up any of the other scents. it's crisp and clean, and what i wish my laundry would smell like. a possible bottle order just to add to laundry ETA: interesting, the second time i'm wearing this and i smell nutty and lemons! weird. it's kinda making me sick.
  7. djsiberia


    i didn't think i'd like this as much as i do considering it has a food scent (lemongrass) in it. it goes on more lemongrass smelling upon first apply, but as it fades, i get more of the sandalwood/cedarwood with a smidge of patchouli. i don't smell any of the jasmine or rose and the lemongrass is just barely there. it's nice and the boy likes it and i found a 2 year old bottle and can't wait to try it
  8. djsiberia

    Blood Amber

    i can smell the musk and amber and possibly the dragon's blood. scent has great staying power. i ordered a bottle as i love this scent.
  9. djsiberia


    upon first sniff from the bottle and application, its very strong and not very pleasant smelling. then after 5 minutes it turns into something beautiful that i am surpised i like since it has carnations in it. it's very earthy smelling and the patchouli isn't over powering and i think the ambergris is adding the sweet woody scent to the mix. would i purchase a bottle, not sure yet. it's ok, but i don't think i absolutely love it. as the morning wears on, i'm liking this scent more and more. it's different from other scents i'm drawn to, but still earthy/incensey enough. skin chemistry is amping up the patchouli/ambergris mix and i get none of the floral will have to try again to determine if thi sis a bottle purchase
  10. djsiberia


    too much anise/mint makes my face contort and disagrees with my skin/nose. i wanted to like this one, really...tried in hopes it would be different from everything else i get (musk/patchouli/cinamon/incenses/resins/roses/etc) - i should remember to not order anything that has a food scent. [edit to add: now upon 2nd application, i get anise/mint/lemon notes and fading to a light baby powder perfume scent]. i think i'm going to try and part with this one
  11. djsiberia

    Blood Kiss

    i tried this hoping the clove would pop out more than it never did. i put it on and while wet it was very strong and musky, then the vanilla and honey kicked in after dry down and its now very sweet and powdery smelling. i don't pick up the wine or muck any longer. this is a definite pass.
  12. djsiberia

    The Coiled Serpent

    i'm not sure what yogic oils do with chakras... i tried this from the reviews as i love patchouli scents and was desperately searching for one. i hit the motherload. love at first sniff. i wore it all day and it was wonderful, the patchouli, the spices, everything about this screams buy a couple bottles and age them!
  13. djsiberia


    i tried this just because of the name and i was curious, i don't smell the roses, but all i smell is moss and dirt. a very earthy scent.
  14. djsiberia


    for some reason i wasn't sure about this scent when i first applied it. then as the day wpre on it grew on me. so much so that i decided it was a bottle purchase. i love the dragon's blood resin and patchouli together, then i get the slight pomegranate scent and the mrryh and musk balance everything out. the cassis peeks out very slightly.
  15. djsiberia

    Dragon's Reverie

    at first i really liked this one, then it faded away to something like baby powder. i read the ingredients and the only thing i can think of that would be questionable about this scent is the poppy. this one i will have to pass on
  16. djsiberia

    Dragon's Blood

    i love dragon's blood. however this was just kinda boring, i suppose it was only because of it being straight dragon's blood and not mixed with anything else. it seem that a lot of the other drgaon's blood blends i've tested, the dragon's blood gets amped up and seems more balanced and well rounded. this one is something i'll pass on.
  17. djsiberia


    i can totally smell the orange upon first application. however, it smells like a rotten orange rind and then the patchouli and then oh dear band-aids. actually the over-all scent reminds me of those orange push-up pops or orange medicine from when i was a kid and band-aids i am curious if this ages, if it smells better and the patchouli pops out more and drowns out the orange. then again, it could go wrong since citrius doens't age well. not a bottle purchase.
  18. djsiberia


    in the imp: ouch - instant headache. i think its the neroli in combination with ylang ylang and sandalwood not even going to try and put this on. all i smell now is loralei...it's sad as i love ylang ylang and sandalwood. hopefully, i can find someone to take it. ETA: opened again a couple weeks later and yes, its still giving me a headache. i was hoping the scent would have mingled and changed, nope - still have to find this a new home.
  19. djsiberia

    La Petite Mort

    what a great combo ylang ylang and myrrh! both are equally balanced and the mrryh pops out just a bit more than the ylang ylang on me i'm not certain how likely this is for a bottle, i tried it a second time and didn't like it as much as the first try so i'll have to try it again.
  20. djsiberia


    i thought i would really love this scent. unfortunately i smell like licorice scented cherries. it's not a bad combination, but apparently my chemistry wants to amp up the anise and then with slight movement/walking i can smell more cherry then in comes the anise and then its just anise. there is hardly any musk scent at all. *sigh* once mid-day hits and all i'm smelling is cherries. there is now just a dash of anise and where is the musk??? not sure about a bottle, i'm going to let this one sit a couple more months and then test it again.
  21. djsiberia


    i thought i wouldn't like this scent since its a fruit & chocolate & almond scent on me. its quite a sexy scent and i'm curious how this ages...it does make me feel like a harlot more than harlot does a possible bottle order.
  22. djsiberia


    Based on a Romany incense blend reputed to induce sexual dreams: Somalian rose, Moroccan rose and Bulgar rose with a sultry dribble of cinnamon. i generally love rose scents..this one doesn't smell like the strong red rose smell i love. its more light and sweet and smells almost like fake rose air freshners... this one will have to be passed up as it does give me a slight headache. ETA: opened again to sniff, still giving me a headache and i was hoping it wouldn't. i still can't smell any cinnamon when the imp is opened. that's sad.
  23. djsiberia

    Snake Oil

    absolutely love this scent. i just got an imp and i can smell the amber when first applied. the dry down is even more wonderful. and most importantly - the boy likes it and can also smell the amber. i didn't smell the vanilla like veryone else, but i love the spices. need more than one bottle i think.
  24. djsiberia


    i decided ths reminds me of the soap grandma puts on the back of the toilet for decoration. I like the undertone scent, but the main scent = soap i tried this because i thought it might smell like sakura bath bombs from lush. it really doesn't which is disappointing.
  25. djsiberia

    Queen of Sheba

    almond/honey undertones. it's ok, the boy doesn't like it all that much and it's too sweet for me and gives me an instant headache this is a definite pass.