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Posts posted by sea_stars

  1. I should start out by saying I almost exclusively wear girl-ish scents. If it's named after a sweet young heroine, most likely I will adore it. So Edith was an obvious choice for me (and I love her!) but I never suspected to fall so deeply in love with Thomas. The love is so real, so deep, he might be in my top 3 favorite scents ever! Highly unusual for someone who usually wears florals/rose/vanilla...


    Cozy and sweet are the words that come to mind wearing this. I'm definitely amping the amber with some of the fougere in the background. I appreciate the throw on this is light, but more than just a skin scent...it really warms to a small halo of delicious scent around me. This lasts all day on me, and even the next morning I caught traces on my cardigan sleeves to my delight! I really can't stop huffing my wrists. Now if only I could find a gentleman to slater this on ;)

  2. I am a hoarder of bath oils, to be sure. Most I don't use in the bath (even though I take *lots* of baths), but I prefer to use them as after-bath moisturizers.


    I tried using Tomoe Gozen straight on my skin like I do with other bath oils, and it was SO STRONG! I couldn't handle it. So I tried it in the bath water, and that's where this oil truly shines (as intended). This is probably my favorite winter-time bath oil. It is just as described, a perfect blend of equal parts red currant and honey! Deliciousness.

  3. Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat makes you smell like Lemony Poppyseed Bread...not really floral, but a yummy lemony sugar scent. And if you can find it, Cherokee Rose SN smells like roses and lemon to me...not too overpowering just gentle and sweet. :)

  4. Finally got a decant of this yesterday and I am so in love! :wub2: I sprayed this on my pillow before taking a nap and was greeted with warm cozy scents of apple strudel, hot cocoa, candied fruits, and a little bit of coffee in the background. Good thing it comforted me enough to knock me out otherwise I might have eaten my pillow! I was worried that a coffee note would overpower everything else, but I am glad it is the weakest note to my nose. Really scrumptious blend. :yum: Light, warm, comforting.

  5. This reminds me a lot of Demeter's Laundromat, but with rose and snow. Very fresh smelling linen, rose in the background, and a blanket of fresh snow. I couldn't wear this all the time, but it is very pretty and I can see myself reaching for it certain days when I wanna smell super squeaky clean!

  6. WOW this is strong! Be careful...I spilled a little too much on my arm, and with most scents this wouldn't be much of a problem, but this became so strong I had to wash it off. Not that it was bad...just so strong it was giving me a bad headache.


    Once properly dabbed on...this is lovely and gorgeous. :wub2: At first I thought it reminded me of a floral Fee, but my stuffy nose must be confusing the pear with the melon of Fee (it has been about 5 years since I even smelled that!). It is very fruity at first, but after wearing it a few hours it is mostly gardenia and rose with the pear right behind. I don't really get vanilla, but it is well rounded and creamy and I suppose that's the vanilla's doing. I really like this and think I'll wear it again tomorrow...but just a smidge! ;)

  7. Love love loving this scent. I have worn it a few times, but wearing it today in my stepmom's house just hanging out and I keep catching whiffs while sitting here watching a movie. I keep wondering what smells so good in the kitchen...oh wait! That's me!


    Very faithful to the name...smells just like violets dipped in white chocolate! Foody floral yum yum! :wub2: As others have put it, Faith dipped in white chocolate!

  8. I can't believe in all my years of loving BPAL or being on the forum, I have never reviewed my first love...Samhain. It was the first bottle I ever ordered straight from the lab, back in 2004! Even now, THIS is what fall smells like to me. It isn't fall without wearing this perfume! I am not a lover of patchouli, but I think it is very well balanced in this blend. When I wear it one of my best friends says I smell like chai. :P I smell the deep apple, damp dried leaves, and warm spices against the backdrop of patchouli. It makes me want to drink hot apple cider and go to a pumpkin patch in a warm sweater and riding boots. Even though I was going through a rough breakup at the time I bought this, this scent evokes happiness and childhood memories. VERY strong though...even a drop is almost too much for me...and thus my bottle is still very, very full...it will take a while to use the whole thing but I wouldn't trade it for the world :)

  9. Can I just say I'm utterly in love with this scent? :wub2: I didn't expect to adore it so much and only got a half an imp. It is so fantastic I am considering ordering from the lab just for a bottle of this. Gorgeousness!


    I agree with opinions that it could somewhat be the lovechild of Snow White/SnowGlassApples. It also reminds me of The Girl. A soft appley scent with shimmering musks and a bit of ylang ylang. I am very impressed with the throw it has, but because it is so soft it is not cloying or overpowering. Only lasts a few hours, but it is worth it and I don't mind reapplying to smell this lovely. I like smelling like a glittering apple...I feel like one of those pretty apple Christmas ornaments covered in gemstones. :wub2:

  10. The Lady of the Graveyard! Autumn leaves, wild roses, bourbon vanilla, dry chamomile, and a bouquet of bright chrysanthemums and Mexican marigolds.


    I was really hoping for more rose/vanilla with a background of the other notes....but this is very much too herbal for me. I think this is the first scent I ever washed off my skin. :cry2: The scent really fits the label and really does smell like I would imagine the lady of the graveyard smelling! You can really smell the dry leaves in there..if it wasn't so herby I think I may have liked it occasionally.

  11. Initially straight out of the bottle and wet on my skin it smelled OMG craft store Fall Halloween scent!! on me :( Once dried it simmered down and after about an hour it really had a nice warm glow about it...to me it smelled like pumpkin pulp, sweet cinnamon, clove, ginger, and a bit of orange (juice). A really snuggly scent once it dries! :D


    ETA: Also wanted to point out that it has AMAZING longevity! I could smell it throughout the whole day and into the night..but the throw is moderate and not too in your face. Love that!

  12. Just tried this out for the first time yesterday... I am so in love with the bath oils! :wub2: I have yet to use any in the actual bath because they work so well in place of lotion instead. I slathered this on my arms and legs yesterday before going out to the movies and it's just :yum: As others have said, this is mostly sweet fresh apples. I didn't overtly detect lemon, mint, coconut..or anything other than apples! Super yummy and light and PERFECT for this hot, hot summer!

  13. I think this is my favorite BPAL-related item EVER. Snow White has been my favorite scent for years, and for some reason I thought I didn't need to try the bath oil. WOW, was I wrong!


    Like many others I used this more as an aftershower lotion. It is very moisturizing and absorbs quickly and doesn't feel greasy, but leaves a slight sheen on my legs which I like. :D But the best part is the scent! Just like the perfume oil...but better? It just seems to have the perfect throw and I love how I feel truly embraced by the scent, every inch of me. I was lucky enough to find a full bottle, but I am sure I will be out by the time Christmas rolls around... I really hope the lab brings this back!!! :wub2:

  14. This is lovely! Peachy peachy peachyness. Very ripe, juicy peach. A little bit of honey and way way way in the background I can smell the magnolia. I have never had a perfume anything like this. Such a realistic peach! Yum. I'm sold. :) Can't wait to wear this in the summer!

  15. Yummy yummy! Smells like tea and cake in the bottle. I put it on my skin and I smell like tea, cake, and fresh strawberries. On the drydown, I can smell a bit of rose in the background...delish! Very soft scent..not too much throw. As a few mentioned, it reminiscent of dolls from childhood! :) I can't see myself wearing this everyday, but I love it!

  16. I really love Klara! I agree with what many have said here...if you like Alice, you will most likely adore Klara! Very feminine and pretty floral with a bit of mandarin to spice it up. Klara is a bit more mature and cozy (Alice to me is very smooth and creamy). The only issue I have with her is, I wish she had more throw and staying power. On my skin she doesn't even last an hour. Been wearing her inside my scent locket and though she is lovely I don't think anyone gets close enough to catch a whiff but me :/

  17. I love this scent! In the bottle it very much smells like what Snow White eventually morphs to on my skin...coconutty floral goodness. It very much stays true to how it smells in the bottle except it simmers down more...fades very quickly. :( I wish it stayed longer and had more of a throw. Quite lovely!! I will have to try this in the scent locket.

  18. I was really lucky to get a bottle of this finally, and I am in love with it! In the bottle and while wet it is pretty darn minty, which is ok, but I was really hoping for more vanilla. But on the drydown...it really amps up the vanillaness. It is such a soft, warm vanilla...I felt like I had a natural vanilla glow around me all day. Nothing too strong that screamed I was wearing perfume...just a light subtle scent, with a throw you could probably only smell if you were standing right next to me. Really, really love this.


    To me, Tokyo Stomp is much mintier, and fades faster. Snowblind gently fades as the day wears on. Lasted about 6 hours on me. :)

  19. I was so excited about Nuit from the moment the Lab introduced it, yet somehow, I was able to hold off on getting an imp until now. But I am soooo happy to finally have it! After even just sniffing it in the imp, I was pretty certain it was going to be all I'd hoped after just reading the description.


    Upon first applying, the jasmine is the strongest note..but it's not as overpowering as, say, Luna. Once it's dry, the moonflower really comes out on me..and jasmine and rose are in the background, with just a touch of musk. Very feminine, pretty and sparkly, and fresh.


    Though I agree with those that have said it somewhat resembles a generic brand of perfume, for me, this somehow melds with my skin much better than anything store-bought could..one of the reason I love BPAL so much! Beautiful florals..without the reek of alcohol.

  20. Wow! The sugared vanilla tea really pops on my skin! I can also smell a squeeze of fresh lemon. I really want to nibble my arm... :F If only I could find a nice boy to wear this one for me! :D This one has great staying power..I've had it on my arm for hours and can still smell it! Perfect throw..not too overpowering and not too subtle. No wonder it was so difficult for me to find this in swaps..everyone was hoarding theirs! :P Bottom line: great scent.

  21. I wasn't fond of how this smelled in the vial at all..and was hesitant to put it on my skin. Though I am a fan of ginger, the ginger was just so sharp and predominant in this blend. Once it had dried on my skin, however, the ginger mellowed out to reveal the jasmine and vanilla. It's very warm and sexy and feminine..with a great throw! I'm so thrilled! :P

  22. I was so very excited to try Holiday Moon! At first sniff, I could smell the teas and bamboo..it was everything I was hoping for..very fresh and pretty. As soon as it touched my skin, however, lemon suddenly leaped out from nowhere and pretty much took over. After drying a few minutes later, it was all soap on me. A really pretty, fancy soap...but soapsoapsoapysoapsoap, none-the-less. Sigh. Into the swap pile you go... :P

  23. Oh, I love this scent! And to think that I'd been hesitant to try it for so long..worried about the sweet pea and pear being too strong. But now that I have it in my grasp, I don't get any pear at all (which is a relief to me!). I definetly smell the sweet pea, but it is tamed by the honeysuckle, lilies, and musk. All the notes swirl so perfectly together to create a lovely, ultra-feminine, pink floral scent that really embodies the spirit of the character Juliet. What's more, it has a really nice throw and staying power. I am so happy and in love with this scent! :P
