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Everything posted by othelloperrello

  1. othelloperrello

    Red Lantern

    Wet: This scent is amazing. Unscrewing the bottle is like opening a mischievous but benevolent pandora's bottle: Riotous high and low notes leap out instantly, and it's at this point that I realize that I need to see what this does on my skin. First skin: Th e first scent I get is a wild cherry sweetness bounding off of my skin - underscored by something like bark or woodsy smell. It's strong, but I like it. I feel it's important to not here that my partner & I - usually oils do about the same thing on our skins - had totally different experiences with this scent. Start to finish, it really behaved like a completely different oil. Drydown, down, down: Though it changed continuously over the following hour, this continues to be amazing. The intense sweetness burned off fairly quickly; the woodsy (probably the combo of amber and tobacco) lingered. Floral delphinium came to play for a little while, then departed leaving only her scarf behind. Definitely a note of butterscotch that's here to stay, subtle but there enough to do some magic. Asian spices as a background, really nice to my palette. Finally, the coconut comes out and stays, leaving a very mellow, complex scent. My partner says opium, and ultimately I can see where she's coming from. I guess I usually shy away from things labelled "opium" because they tend to blow my nose off of my face. This is nice, subtle, blended opium, with spices and candies. : > Love. This one is great - truly great - for me. Great for my partner too, but in a different way.
  2. othelloperrello


    Shocking! Never a wisp of woodsmoke, ozone, the mouldering leaves under first snow, anything tree-related or autumnal. I get overwhelmingly powerful cheap cologne - a vast sheet of brown through which nothing else is evident. My partner smells it the same on me, and she's wiser in the smells. I feel confused, but have hopes for other months.
  3. othelloperrello


    Sigh - as for the second time I untwist the cap on the slim brown bottle, pass the cap just close enough to my nose to taste on the air - awaited, forestalled when November didn't work out at all as expected*, re- awaited and kindly received from afar, my birth month October! - dipping the tip of the slim straw and trailing it around the strangely-various textures of my forearm. But no, something's hideously wrong, and though I struggle against it for minutes, hours, I succumb at last to the fact that I am among those whose 'skin chemistry' - ancestry, energetics, personal creed, gastronomical habits, whatever it is - does not mix with this oil. Never a wisp of the far-off woodsmoke, the heavy piles of leaves, sap or bark, autumnal winds. I get overwhelmingly powerful cheap cologne - no perceivably different than the huge bottles of cologne shaped like chess pieces and ships that I used to play with in my grandparents garage. My partner smells it the same on me, and she's wiser in the smells. I feel slightly betrayed by my birthmonth mix, but have high hopes for 'death of autumn'. * see November, et al.de
  4. othelloperrello


    Bottled: Fields of distilled narcissus, surrounded by rose. This may be too strong... On & In: Maintaining the same strong, royal scents - red rose and narcissus well-matched. After 5 minutes it's settled in like a velvet plush cushion, the rose aging and deep. Perhaps a single ripe orange, deep in a bowl of rosebuds. Could at any moment have fallen off into potpourri, but did not - this has a dignity that is based in its indisputable fineness. This sin on my skin is one of my favorite roses.
  5. othelloperrello


    Sweet! First skin: Yes, definitely citrus & lavendar, with something comforting in the back like hanging sheets in a vanilla afternoon. There is fruit in there as well, sweet & fresh. Very pleasant on my skin. In All: I quit smoking 6 days ago, so there has been a lot going on with me in the throat chakra lately. Been breathing, singing, and using scents to open those blockages, but there's a lot of cleansing to happen. I feel this scent is very comforting in this time. I put a bit right into the the notch of my neck and cover up with thick new york winter scarves; on the train, I'll catch a tiny sniff from within, and it's like an inner wrapping, sweet and nurturing. I love this scent. Ordered the set of Chakra imps to see how the set correlates with my experience (I'm into yoga & that sort of stuff). It's going to takea bit to find out how they work energetically (I'll repost) but the is one chakra I will definitely order a full bottle of, to keep as an excellent soft base oil.
  6. othelloperrello

    Black Cat

    In the bottle - The smell of night flowers and a distant honeydew patch. Muy yum. First impression - Dense, strongly beckoning, a blooming night rose garden and old, patterned furniture. Nice, but very strong on my skin, to my head. All Told - A fine, dense perfume. I'd say feminine, but to each their own; rosey, but ornate & balanced with herbs like fine old woodwork. I'll not wear it, but wouldn't be displeased to sense it from a distance, in passing.