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Posts posted by ami226

  1. Lemon. This smells like a sweet lemon to me. Kind of like those lemonhead candies. This just smells very tasty to me. Kinda foody actually.


    Definitely wasn't what I was expecting. If you like lemons, then you'll love this one!

  2. Coconut annnnnd ... Plastic caramel? Not for me, but it is nice and sweet. The plastic hint throws me off a little. I think I will stick to Body:Remember for my coconut needs.

  3. On the skin: Mmmmmm! Apple, strawberry, and a sweet floral. This smells yummy! There is a bit of a sourness as well. Is that a granny smith apple? Maybe it's a floral note turning slightly sour? Not really sure. Oh! That must be the pomegranate!


    After a bit, I can't really distinguish between the notes at all. It is just sweet with a slight hint of sour. Makes me think of those candies with the sour outside and the sweet inside!


    I don't think this one is for me at all, but it was definitely an experience to smell!

  4. On the skin: An herbal, lavender scent. Misery is green? This definitely feels like a green scent to me.


    After a bit, this takes even more of an herbal turn. Kind of reminds me of this soap I used to have. It's actually kind of pleasant for an herbal scent.


    A bit later, the sharp greenness fades and this scent just smells.... pretty! I'd say that is some lovely lilac!


    This one is quite a morpher, but not for me.

  5. This is a bubblegum honeydew. I wish I had a gum that tasted like this smells!! :yum: Very sweet and kind of candy-like.


    This becomes a little... effervescent after a bit and loses the candy feel. It must be the green musk. Very interesting. It actually makes me think of a honeydew plant more than candy now. Still sweet though.


    I don't think it's for me, but it is interesting.

  6. Definitely a lovely scent. I get loads of grapefruit with a bit of sweet florals and another sweetness underneath (vanilla?). This is a fruity/tart grapefruit that really stands out!


    Really, the grapefruit takes over the entire blend. Tart fruit with tiny hints of sweet florals.


    Not for me, but definitely an interesting blend.

  7. Smells like those banana runts candy! Not banana exactly, but more the dusty candy sweetness. Definitely the pear. And the vanilla. This one is very sweet and might just be too candy sweet for me.

  8. A beautiful sweet rose. I really like this one! I can't believe how the rose scents this Lupercalia are such a hit for me! This scent is pretty much a beautiful, sweet blend. A tiny bit soapy, but still very beautiful.

  9. This one smells dirty. Sickly sweet and dirty. Is that the tobacco? It actually makes me feel a little sick. This one is not for me. Not at all.


    I feel like this one is similar to Banned in Boston.

  10. Profoundly sensual. The echo of caresses: raw black coconut, ambergris accord, ambrette seed, champaca flower, and sugar cane.

    That is some sweet coconut! Thankfully it doesn't turn to suntan lotion! I don't normally like the taste or smell of coconut, but I feel like this one would be so yummy!! This is a very light scent and I'm actually liking it!

    Again, not really one for coconut, but I like how it is sweet and light. I think I still prefer Paper Kite though when it comes to coconut scents.

  11. My first thought smelling this was.... gingerbread? Well, gingerbread that is heavy on the bread and light on the ginger. After a bit, I smell burnt sugar and almond?


    Huh. I'm afraid this is one of those slightly foody scents that really does not agree with me. :sick:
