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Posts posted by ami226

  1. On skin: Hello gardenia! The sharpness of the gardenia doesn't last too long though.


    Dry: Starting to become very faint and soft. Definitely smelling a bit of gardenia and honey. Also something sweetish (rice paper?)


    Fades after three hours and never gets very strong. I don't see myself wearing this one often. I haven't decided yet....

  2. This is pure stargazer lily on me!! Which is awesome as it is my favorite flower (along with the Kentucky Derby Rose!)


    This one never morphs, and I never smell anything (except possibly a slight sweetness of the plum) other than yummy, perfect stargazer lily. Smells exactly like the flowers sitting on my coffee table! Mmmmmm! PERFECT!

  3. Wow! I just got this one as a frimp from the lab and I am loving it!


    In the imp: Vanilla and something slightly dark. Some type of booze maybe? Not really sure.


    Wet: Oh, that vanilla is good! I think my boy will like smelling this one. Reminds me a bit of White Rose.


    Dry: Very soft vanilla with something slightly earthy. This one doesn't seem to last more than an hour on my skin, but it is very lovely while it is there.


    I think I am happy with an imp, but wouldn't get a bottle. It isn't "in your face" enough for me. Haven't done the boy test yet...

  4. Wow! Definitely getting a rose potpurri/Scheherazade scent! I don't think the boy will like this one at all (all florals smell like generic soap to him), but I think it is lovely! Definitely not a full bottle scent, but definitely more than an imp is needed...

  5. In the imp: Sweet and perfect plum! Beautiful but not foody!


    On the skin: Wow! Beautiful and sweet! I hadn't paid much attention to this scent before, but now it really has caught my attention! Not much throw (only applied very little). Becomes a little tart as it dries with a new little bit of spicyness in the background!! Wow, I think this one is bottle worthy!



    Still get yummy and spicy plum. Definitely a keeper!

  6. I think that saw-scaled viper is super sexy nice and spicey I like how it tingles a little when I put it on!


    I also love I married a vampire from planet x and perversion sexy.


    That's funny! I have just recently fallen in love with I Married a Vampire from Planet X!! I don't think it will every be my sexy scent though, as it really reminds me of my childhood. It smells very similar to this solid perfume my grandmother had. Well, I think she still has it! Definitely a wonderful scent though!!


    So, experimenting with scents that my boy really seems to be attracted to and it seems that his favorites are Glowing Vulva (hee hee!) and White Rose. Both because they have a creamy almost vanilla scent to them.


    I guess what would be good now is a floral/foody scent that would be a compromise between both our likes.


    Oh, definitely have to get a hold of Dark Delicacies now! Mmmmm! Black orchid! Well, only my boy really doesn't like any of the florals I love.... *sigh*


    Also, for anyone looking for a drop dead sexy guy scent.... I would recommend that you go find Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn. Oh, my!! Every time I get a whiff of this one on my guy... :twisted: Wow!! Dee is good too!!

  7. In the bottle: Wow!! Where is the rose?? The spicyness smells excellent! I can definitely smell those cloves.


    On the skin: Still no rose.... *sigh* Definitely love the spicyness! Normally scents with tobacco turn smoky on me, but this one remains completely spicy! Also, it lasts FOREVER!! I put it on really early in the morning before heading to work, and after I got home and was getting ready for bed, it was still there! For this scent, a little goes a long way.


    With White Rose: When these two are layered (with a little more white rose as compared to red rose) they are wonderful! Spicy with vanilla. Definitely a new favorite! Going to have to stock up! Still, I wish there had been a bit more rose in the mix.



    A few years later and I can smell the rose quite a bit now. Rose, clove, and musk.


    The rose is a bit strong for me now, but I do like it. Also, the label art is beautiful, so I may end up keeping it because of that!


    Layered with White Rose is not so good. White Rose smells a lot like suntan lotion now. :(

  8. In the bottle: Huh, it smells awesome, but there isn't much of the rose scent that I know and love... I can definitely smell lots of vanilla. Sooo good!


    On the skin: Yay! Now I am getting a bit more rose with the vanilla. Mmmmm! Perfect and yummy! Oh, and I did not get a whiff of coconut. Yay! Sadly this scent faded after an hour to a very faint vanilla. Sooo good though. I could definitely see carrying an imp of this around to keep reapplying.


    With Red Rose: When these two are layered (with a little more white rose as compared to red rose) they are wonderful! Spicy with vanilla. Definitely a new favorite! Going to have to stock up!


    -ETA- A few years of aging now and this is not as amazing as I remember. I still smell vanilla and a hint of rose, but now the coconut is in full force turning this scent into a suntan lotion smell. Not my favorite...


    Even layered with Red Rose doesn't help... :(

  9. To me, Gossamer is a lighter scent that belongs in a similar category as The Unicorn. Unlike The Unicorn though, this one is definitely make with perfect white sweet florals.


    Again, my nose is no good at picking out individual scents, but this one is definitely beautiful, light, and feminine. Definitely one of my new favorites!!

  10. So, I had originally gotten an empty bottle of Fearful Pleasure from a forumite. Since all I could smell was a very strong/strange cinnamon, I decided that I didn't like it...


    Well, I decided to try again by purchasing a full bottle from another forumite and.... OMG!! :wub2:


    In the bottle: Lovely spiced apples!!


    On the skin: Oh, this is soooo lovely! I do not think of myself as a foody scent loving person, but this one just smelled so homey and relaxing!! It is definitely spiced apples of some kind. This has also been one of the only scents that didn't change at all from bottle to skin (Woo hoo!!) Lab's apple note FTW!! I also did the boyfriend test and he said "Mmmmmmm!" So this one is definitely a keeper! He is very hard to please when it comes to scents. Yay! Definitely going on my Love it list!

  11. Bottle: Wow! Definitely smell the Champagne and some Chocolate, but I think the Cheap Sex must be hiding around somewhere... Maybe it will be a surprise.


    On the skin: Well, the Champagne took over and dominates! I should have known this would happen as I believe my skin loves to amp anything semi boozy too an unbearable level. I love Champagne and I believe this would be perfect for a party of some kind, but it just isn't for me... Never did find the Cheap Sex *sigh*

  12. Oooooooh! This is the first GC bottle that I have ever bought without having first sniffed an imp...


    In the bottle: Sweet cinnamon! So lovely!


    On the skin: it completely changes and the cinnamon immediately takes over. While this isn't a bad thing, I do miss the honeysuckle... Anyways, I can still smell the cinnamon with a hint of sweetness still lingering in the background to keep it from being a cinnamon sn. I believe that I will keep this one :yum: It is the perfect scent for the holidays/winter! Besides Ho, ho, ho! that is...

  13. In the bottle: Definitely lots of wood, tobacco, and something slightly sweet (the vanilla?)


    On the skin: I should mention first of all, that I don't really like tobacco scents... Anyways, this scent is pure man. Pure library/lawyer man in my opinion. I still get lots of the wood coming from this scent now with a bit more vanilla and the smokyness that is what I think of as tobacco.


    This one is definitely being traded off, but I was so glad to have gotten to try it!!

  14. In the bottle: Sweet blueberry with a little something extra


    On the skin: This scent immediately turned into pure gin. If juniper was one of the notes listed, I wouldn't have been suprised. I also get a bit of lemon, but the sweet blueberry is entirely gone. While gin is one of my favorite drinks (mmmmm, gin and tonic!), I don't think I would like to smell like pure juniper all day. Ah, well. This one will hopefully go to someone else who would treasure it more.

  15. Sadly, Inez just isn't for me...


    In the bottle: Woody caramel


    On the skin: Begins smelling like caramel popcorn. Not bad, just strange. Then it suddenly morphed into a ceder vanilla caramel smell. Very interesting, but not quite my style.

  16. In the bottle: Wow! I am getting a large whiff of orange with some nice florals in the background.


    On the skin: Hmmmm, I was expecting this to be an "oh, my must hoard!" scent, but instead I think it is nice, but nothing exceedingly wonderful. Maybe there is just something wrong with my skin chemistry right now. *sigh* Smells just orangey on me with no hint of florals or anything else. Just pure orange. This one is probably going to have to go to a better home.

  17. In the bottle: Soft floral. Quite lovely!


    On the skin: Still the same soft floral with a hint of wet greens (the lettuce I suppose).


    Beautiful, but I don't think this is one I will wear often. I think I am going to trade the bottle away and just find an imp instead.

  18. In the bottle: Smoky, fruity with a hint of some spice. Already not really my kind of thing...


    On the skin: Definitely smell the fig now. It is not so much a fruity fig rather than a smoky fig. It really tickles my nose.


    I don't think this is quite right for me. I can't really stand any scent with a smoky scent. Not sure where the smoke came from though. Ah, well. This one is going to a better home.

  19. In the bottle: A dark deep scent that smells strangely seductive to me. I can't pick out any one note, but everything blends together into a lovely scent. Not as overpowering as I thought it would be!


    On the skin: Definitely smell the musk, iris, and clove. Wow, this scent is so good right now it isn't even funny! I think I may have to add this to my love it list. I was not expecting this.


    Okay, my boy took one whiff and said it smelled like gummy bears. *sigh* I don't understand how it can smell so different to him! Well, I like this one and it is going on my "like it" list. Mmmmm!

  20. In the bottle: Hmmmmm, the first time I sniffed the bottle I didn't think this scent was all that special... Now it smells just the right amount of sweet. Kind of makes me think of honey flowers. Soooo good!!


    On the skin: Oh! Normally honey scents turn sour on me, but this one doesn't! The honey actually smells wonderful with a bit of florals. I am not really sure what osmanthus smells like, but I am sure it is in there somewhere! Either way this scent is wonderful and perfect for those who love honey, but have never had luck with honey scents (at least that is how I feel...).


    Boyfriend took one whiff of it on me and wouldn't let go! Hee hee! Definitely keeping this one around and using it on special occasions.

  21. In the bottle: Cardamom and something herbal and sharp


    On the skin: Mmmmmm, turns in to tea and clove on me! I think it smells really good. Different, but good. It makes me think of having hot english breakfast tea in the mornings before leaving for work/classes. Boyfriend doesn't like it, but I think I might keep this one anyways. So tasty!

  22. In the bottle: Wow! This scent is sooooo strong in the bottle! I think I can pick out some lily and something soft and sweet.


    On the skin: Not so sure about this one. It is such a strong floral on me....


    Later: Well, it has died down a bit and is now lovely, gentle, and pretty perfect! At first I thought I would definitely swap this bottle away, but during dry down it has turned into such a lovely scent and a definite keeper! Mmmmmm! So pretty!

  23. In the bottle: Sharp herbal chocolate


    On the skin: Slowly turns into a sweeter chocolate with definite florals beneath the smooth chocolate. I think this is pretty nice on the skin and I don't usually like to smell chocolaty! I normally dislike any scent with vetiver, but I actually don't smell it at all. Yay!


    Boyfriend's verdict: Wow, even though I think of this as a pretty foody scent that he would love, he actually turned down his nose at this one!! I am so surprised! I think this one may get traded away....


    Well, I gave my wrist to him a few minutes later and now he says that he thinks it is excellent! I have no idea what happened because it smells exactly the same to me. Ah, well. This one is actually going in the keep pile!! Yay! I really like this one, but I wasn't going to keep it if my boyfriend really didn't like it...

  24. Bottle: Pretty floral with something sweetish in the background. Lovely!


    On skin: Ick!! I know coconut is usually a deal breaker on me, but I just had to try this one. I can still smell a bit of the nice floral, but now it is being overcome by an almost burnt coconut smell. Where did it come from all of a sudden??


    Later: Ooooh! Now the coconut is gone and this smells wonderful!! I can definitely smell something roseish and I am definitely getting the orchid and lily (my favs)


    Darn, I don't think I can get through the burnt coconut stage.... I think this one is going to have to go to a better home!
