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Posts posted by ami226

  1. On the skin: This smells veeeeery familiar, but I can't think of what it is! Right off the bat, I smell the tobacco and some vanilla. This is a similar tobacco note to A Bachelor's Dog and all other tobacco notes that turn sickly sweet on my skin. What I can smell of the vanilla, though, is very nice. (Oh! I think this reminds me a bit of The Antikythera Mechanism!)


    After a bit the tobacco does fade a little. Still mostly smelling the tobacco, vanilla, and possibly a bit of the sandalwood...


    I think I need to test this one again, but I feel like it just isn't for me. Tobacco just never works on my skin. :(

  2. Neutral (prototype bottle?)


    On the skin: Musk! Lovely lovely musk! Ever so slightly orange musk? It smells like clean freshly washed skin when you use an orange scented soap! I REALLY like this! It sticks fairly close to my skin and would be the PERFECT scent for work! Something that smells nice, but doesn't have a whole lot of throw.



  3. 2011 version:


    On the skin: Kinda herbal incense? This smells slightly more bitter than I was expecting. The bitter herbal fades after a short while and now it smells like... a slightly earthy incense.


    That's really it for me. It just doesn't smell amazing on me. :(

  4. On the skin: Pleasantly fruity! Apricot? Maybe with some peach in there? This is actually a lovely fruit scent, not too in your face with the fruits. It's just pleasantly sweet.


    After a bit I get a tiny bit of floral.


    Not really for me, but it is pretty.

  5. On the skin: Carrot and white tea? Really interesting. The patchouli blooms a bit later and it just smells like... a carrot freshly pulled from the garden.


    Even later, all I can smell is the patchouli and tea.


    Interesting, but not for me.

  6. On the skin: This is a very close to the skin scent! Soft and golden. In a way, it smells slightly clean, but with a golden, slightly soda feel to it. Slightly powdery as well. I do like the amber feel, but I don't think this one is for me. I have waaay too many ambers that I love in my collection already!

  7. On the skin: Sweettarts? It kinda reminds me of these chewable vitamins I used to take as a kid. I want to say the culprit is partially the pomegranate.


    After a bit, it doesn't smell quite as chalky. I can definitely smell pomegranate, but there is also a slight floral with some vanilla sweetness.


    Weird. I don't think I like this one.

  8. On the skin: There is a tiny bit of lavender here, but mostly what I smell is the honey! It actually smells almost exactly like these lavender caramel bars I've made. Those get dipped in chocolate though, but before the chocolate dipping they smell exactly like this!


    Interesting, but not for me.

  9. This one has a lot of sediment floating around inside. Must be the chocolate?


    On the skin: That is one pink/fruity scent! I would almost want to use this one as a Pink Moon! The pink fruitiness leans towards a bubblegum feel with a slight peppery feel. Not getting much chocolate in this one.


    Not for me at all, but it is a very interesting scent!

  10. On the skin: Apple! Lovely apple. This reminds me quite a bit of the lab's cider scents. After a bit, I can smell the other notes hidden underneath the apple. Really, this is a bright apple scent with hints of Snake Oil swirling around. I would seriously love to be eating my arm right about now.


    This is lovely, but I don't think I would wear it too often. The apple does kind of take over when I wish I could smell more of the Snake Oil.

  11. On the skin: Definitely getting a root beer feel here, but other than that I am having a hard time describing this one! Root beer, resins, and maybe some sweet vanilla? I can definitely see the similarities between this and Snake Oil. Kind of a root beer Snake Oil?


    Wow, this just gets better and better! The root beer is still there, but everything is becoming creamy, smooth, and sweet! Maybe with a hint of spices as well?


  12. 2005 Version:


    Oh, my! Ginger snaps! This smells like a fresh opened box of ginger snaps! Or wait.... is that gingerbread cake with vanilla icing? Yes! Gingerbread cake with vanilla icing! Orrr.... gingerbread latte! Yes! It is all of those! :yum:

  13. On the skin: Fresh green sap! This is an incredibly green/plant scent minus any dirt notes. This actually reminds me of playing in the backyard when I was little. Picking all the plants and making pretend food with them. It actually makes me think of this wall of ivy leaves we had.


    A great green scent, but not for me.

  14. On the skin: Fresh, sweet florals! Definitely getting a lot of violet here! This one is very pretty and quite girly. Smells like a lovely bouquet!


    Not for me sadly, but this blend is beautiful!

  15. On the skin: This one is so interesting! Sweet resiney with a hint of.... BBQ? Myrrh does weird things sometimes on me. The BBQ feel fades after a little bit and now it is a sweet, slightly floral, resin scent. Kind of soft and pretty. This definitely starts to have a sophisticated woman's perfume feel to it. It also takes on a slightly sharp floral note.


    This one is interesting. I think I will keep my imp, but it is not going to be a bottle purchase for me.

  16. On the skin: Rosy grape! Smells lovely! This is a sweet, perfumey blend. Not a foody grape in the slightest. After a bit the rose does try to take over and nearly masks all the other notes on me. :( Somehow it manages to smell like perfumed suntan lotion. It never gets headachy in my opinion and always stays a fairly smooth, lovely blend.


    Not for me sadly.

  17. On the skin: That is some juicy orange! Reminds me of orange juice right off the bat. I can smell a bit more of the vanilla as time goes on. I don't really pick up on the narcissus at all, but that is fine with me!


    I'll have to try this again, but I think it might be a bottle purchase!!

  18. On the skin: Ooooh, honey! With a strange cough syrup hint? Hmmmm, this smells really weird to me. I like the honey part which is very pleasant and sweet, but this cough syrup part is kinda icky. It doesn't change at all as it dries.


    Not for me.

  19. On the skin: A floral with a greenish/fresh tinge. Must be the rosemary. This one does not smell good on me at all. :ack:


    I love the concept though! I just wish it smelled better on me.

  20. Apparently I haven't really tried many from the Salon. These ones interest me though:


    And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt: Dark myrrh, white sandalwood, amber, hyssop, frankincense, honey, cypress, red musk, cardamom and saffron.


    The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil: Bourbon vanilla, benzoin, caramel, Mysore sandalwood, aged black patchouli, carnation, and iris florentina.


    Three Gorgons: Egyptian amber, mandarin, tangerine, black pepper, tobacco, and vetiver.


    Cupid Complaining to Venus: Apple blossom, fig, white peach, honey absolute, red sandalwood, and wild thyme.


    Sunflower: Sunflower bouquet, black amber, creeping black moss, wilted greenery, and scorched, dry stems.


    Resurrection of the Flesh: Frankincense, hyssop, heliochrysum, ylang ylang, copal, angelica, and rose geranium.

  21. On the skin: Beautiful! A very soft floral with touches of peach and pomegranate! I remember trying this one in the past and not liking it, but now.... It is beautiful! Perfect spring/summer scent!


    Argh! I think I'm losing the peach! Noooooo! It really is the peach and pomegranate that make this scent so beautiful. Hmmmmm, I'll need to test this again, but it is on my tentative bottle list.
