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Posts posted by ami226



    Soooo, good! This is one of my favorite scents and I was surprised that I hadn't reviewed it yet! Thanks to a most awesome forumite, I have a 10 ml of Hod that I am hoarding.... *preciousssssssss*


    Just dabbed some on now to celebrate the resurrection of this scent! A spicy scent (carnations?) with a honey sweet creaminess as well. It is amazing! Just when I think the throw isn't very strong, I suddenly get a big whiff of spicy sweet yummyness.


    So beautiful! I may have to order at least two or three bottles (I don't have backups of any scents at the moment...) That is how wonderful this scent really is! I wish it was a GC...

  2. Wow! I smell..... big strong sexy man.... Yet it is kind of a natural scent. It really blends well and becomes very similar to the smell of my boy's leather jacket. Not too strong on the leather, it just makes the scent deeper. I am really loving this one and am going to have to attack my SO with it sometime... soon!

  3. On the skin: EEEEEeeeeeeeek! Those are some strong almonds!! Strong sweet almonds.... they are making me feel kind of nauseous...


    As it drys, the spices begin to bloom beautifully, but there is still that awful almond as strong as ever.


    Overall: This scent would probably end up being one of my favorites if it didn't have such a strong almond smell.... *sigh*

  4. I kept the partial bottle of this left over from one of my decant circles around a year ago just in case I ever got around to wanting to try it....


    Well, this morning I felt like something new and chose to wear this scent for the first time.


    Wet: Caramel!! Tasty!

    Dry: Incensey caramel. Still nice!


    It lasts hours on my skin and there is never a point when this scent turns icky... Wheeeeeeeee! It is a keeper! :wub2:

  5. Tangerine cream, benzoin, white sandalwood, white pear, tonka, and ambergris accord.

    Hmmmm, at first this scent was awesome! Slight hint of citrus and cream with a tiny bit of florals... But then whatever is the floral scent in this blend took over for a bit. I think I like this one, but I am going to have to test it a few more times to be certain.

    The boy says it rates a 6 on a scale of 10 to him... That is actually a pretty good rating though. I have yet to even get a 9 or 10 out of him...

  6. Wow, this blend is different than I thought it would be! I tried it on before reading the notes and was surprised to smell some floral. Very beautiful! With the first application. I thought this scent smelled a lot like The Emathides. Then the honey began to emerge. Beautiful, tasty, and more throw than expected!

  7. Blackberry tea? Wow! This smells amazing!!


    After a bit, I get some honey as well Now it is sweet blackberry tea! This scent is wonderful!! After the honey comes out, the scent doesn't change anymore for me.


    Must have bottle!! :wub2:

  8. At first this reminds me of Blackberry Jam and Scones, only this is more Strawberry Jam with less Scones.


    After awhile it is only Strawberry Jam.... This is actually quite strong. Sadly on my skin something starts to happen to the strawberry. It starts to smell... kind of rotten....

  9. I tried this scent when I first joined the forums awhile ago. It immediately went into my swap pile because it smelled like buttered popcorn to me. Very strange....


    I just received a new imp of it through a swap and :thud: This scent is amazing! Amber and honey with a bit of vanilla. I will have to get the SO's opinion, but I am sold. This scent stays very close to the skin.

  10. Wow, this scent is so overpowering at first. I think there might be a bit of currants in here because I amp that note like no other.... It is just a strong perfumey berry for the first ten minutes or so. After a bit, the scent softens up a bit and now I am getting more of the scone smell. It becomes a pleasant light foody scent.


    Very nice!!


    -Edit- The SO agrees! Though he only likes it after the scent is on the dry down.

  11. At first smell I thought "Heavenly!". Then a second later, I thought "suntan lotion!". And now..... It smells like insanely good, sweet, suntan lotion. I don't get any of the dirt note at all (thankfully!). I never really knew what heliotrope smelled like, but I think that is the only thing I can smell.....

  12. Lovely creamy apple cider!! Sooooo tasty!


    After a bit the nutmeg spices begin to take over a bit. Not a bad thing though. I am really liking this scent, but I will have to wait for the SO's position on this one to decide whether it is a keeper.

  13. '09 Version


    This is a very smokey woodsy and semi foody scent. I have to admit that I normally dislike smokey scents, but this one is AMAZING! I love the smell of this.


    I really need to get this one on the SO.


    -EDIT- Also, this one has a very strong throw.

  14. Whoa! This smells like.... cherry fruit rollups? Wow! I haven't smelled those in years! This is just a little snippet of my childhood. So yummy!! This doesn't smell at all boozy to me.


    This scent doesn't last long at all on my skin. After a bit it fades mostly and I am left with a light, plasticky cherry scent.


    Not really for me...

  15. 2009 version


    So, I put this on to test right before the SO got home. When he walked in and came to give me a hug, without any prompting, he told me "Mmmmm, you smell good!". Without any prompting!! Wheeee!


    So, on me this scent is very perfumey and not something the SO normally likes. It's almost, foody incensey? If that makes any sense? Lovely and a definite keeper! This scent lasts forever and doesn't change much for me from application to drydown.

  16. Hmmmm, this one didn't work as well on my skin as I had hoped.


    On me, this scent loses any hint of pumpkin and is primarily coffee and spices. It is nice, but I was hoping for a bit more pumpkin.... I think that I will stick to Bah! for my coffee needs.

  17. On the skin: Wow, that is musk! Musk, sweet spices, and sandalwood. Very nice! Also, this scent lasts FOREVER! This one is a very high scent. There is no depth to it. If there were a few notes that made this scent a bit deeper, it would probably become one of my ultimate favorites. It will still go on my Love It list though. Definitely bottle worthy!

  18. In the imp: sweet, yet very dark.


    On the skin: It.... disappeared? Was not expecting that due to the strong scent in the imp. Maybe something is wrong with my nose. I can still smell a slight dark floral (black orchid?), but for the most part this scent has vanished on my skin. I am going to go get a second opinion really quick....


    Well, the SO says that it smells spicy and that he likes it a lot! I will have to test it again to see if I can smell it better, but overall I think that this one might be a winner!
