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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ami226

  1. On the skin: Whoa, that is some vetiver!! It fades after a bit and I am getting some of the frankincense. This one is very earthy.


    Definitely not one of my favorites... The vetiver just smells too smokey to me.

  2. On the skin: I really love neroli! So sweet!


    Ouch! After a few minutes, the neroli is practically gone and I am left with a bitter red currant scent (with some of the huckleberry?). My skin just really hates red currant.... It either turns to cat pee, or extreme bitterness. *sigh*

  3. Thanks for the quick responses all! Here are pictures of the bottles:





    The scent is Jack, one of my favorites. When I opened the 10ml, it didn't smell anything like the Jack that I am used to, so I compared the color... The pictures aren't lighted too well, but it is really easy to see the difference between the oil colors in the bottles. I wonder if one was part of a batch gone awry... Or maybe there was a component change? I don't know...


    -EDIT- I am still very happy with the bottle, but I am almost tempted to decant everything out of the 10ml and start filling it up with the darker oil that I know and love dearly... Decisions decisions...

  4. Quick question!! Does anyone know/have an example of what the 10ml GC bottles/labels look like? I just received one from a purchase and I am not sure if it is quite right.... Also, the oil in the 10 ml bottle looks clear while the oil in my newer 5ml bottle is quite dark. Both bottles are the amber type, so it is easy to compare. I always thought that all the 10ml bottles were cobalt.



  5. This is definitely cake. Nothing but cake! It is very light on my skin though. Such a vanilla cake. After a bit it goes a bit plasticky on my skin. Nooooooo! Is that vanilla?? Hmmmmmmmm..... I need to try this again and get the SO's opinion. I really don't know what to think about this one myself.


    I wish it was a bit stronger.


    -EDIT- Okay, I keep getting the most AMAZING whiffs of vanilla. The best vanilla I have ever smelled. An amazing cakey vanilla that I just long to eat!! When I put my wrist up to my nose, though, I can barely smell anything. This scent just.... wafts.


    Okay, that does it. I need a bottle of this to scent my house/room. It smells soooooooooooo good!!

  6. I can't remember what this one was like when I first purchased it... Anyways, I haven't tested it once since then.


    On my skin this is a very smokey scent now. Very smokey with a bit of ginger? On me it isn't green at all.


    After a bit, I can smell a bit of sweetness under the smoke.


    Don't really like smokey scents, so this one is going off to the swaps.

  7. I am really starting to get the hang of identifying gardenia.... There is some smooth lily in here as well. Very very floral.


    I loved this one when I first started getting into BPAL, but now my tastes have shifted away from the pure florals. I just don't like it quite as much as I used to.

  8. This one is all honey on my skin. At first it was quite plasticky, but now it has really smoothed out well. After a bit, I smell what can only be patchouli in addition to the honey. It is interesting, but I am not sure if it is really something I would wear. On me this scent has little throw.


    I think I might have to keep this imp around and try it again sometime.

  9. On the skin: Pumpkin with cardamom and amber. For some odd reason this pumpkin scent makes me feel kinda sick. After a short bit the pumpkin fades and the spicy scent left doesn't appeal to me at all.


    Ah, well. I have found that Jack is a much better pumpkin scent on me than Pumpkin Queen. Yay!!

  10. Well, dragon's blood normally goes incredibly floral on me, but I couldn't help but try this one. I mean.... a scent called Dragon Pecker? Hee hee!!


    On the skin: A pretty slight melon floralish wood scent. Not bad! After a bit, the melon fades and it is all wood and a hint of dirt. I don't normally like dirt scents, but this is actually kind of sweet.

  11. I was just decanting and couldn't help but dab a little of this one on after decanting the vials. It just smelled so soft and comforting in the bottle!


    On my skin: I get mainly a nice soft sweet vanilla peach with a hint of tea and something slightly resiny that must be the myrrh. It is pretty good!


    So far this one hasn't really changed much from application to dry down. It is still nice, light, and very comforting! :wub2:

  12. Samhain '09


    On the skin: Leather? I don't remember there being leather in Samhain!! Wow, on my skin this is a manly yet smooth leather with a bit of evergreen. And maybe some apples...


    I still have no idea why I smell leather in this, but it would definitely be excellent on the right man. I think I need to try and track down a bottle for the SO!

  13. On the skin: Quite musky with some floral. I am also getting a fruity something that reminds me slightly of Midwinter's Eve/plum... Quite sweet!


    This one can get quite strong, so only a tiny bit is needed for the musky floral plum goodness. I used to love this scent, but for some odd reason, I don't like it quite as much anymore. I am afraid that this is going to go off to sales...



    I just couldn't help reacquiring this one for some reason. Definitely still musky with plum and floral notes. It just isn't a scent for me. Very pretty and yummy, but it just isn't me.

  14. On the skin: soft green woods with some musk! I think this would smell excellent on the right man!


    After a bit on me it kinda starts to smell..... Like flat lemon lime soda? With a bit of green mixed in? Very strange.


    This one definitely doesn't play well on my skin, but it could be amazing on the right person!

  15. On the skin: Whoa!! This is sweet! I am getting lots of grapefruit citrus and what I am guessing is sweet ginger/sugar cane. I would definitely eat something that smelled like this....


    After a bit, the grapefruit fades a little and I get a slight bit of yummy vanilla and something slightly woodsy. Definitely a morpher.


    Whoa!! And then a bit later the grapefruit comes back with a vengeance!!


    And then it fades again. Now I get a sweetness with a hint of something that makes me think of rice wine.


    This scent is a crazy morpher that goes through every single note. Wow!


    Okay, now it is starting to take on a sunscreen smell. Strange, there isn't any coconut that I normally get with this certain smell. Must be the vanilla that is turning slightly plasticky on my skin. *sigh*


    This scent reminds me of Tissue and other light Shungas.


    Hmmmmm, sadly this one isn't for me.

  16. I am surprised that I haven't reviewed this one before. It was one of the first GC's that I ever fell in love with!!


    On the skin: This smells like yummy yummy spicy chai with honey. Good stuff! Becomes even spicier on the dry down. Mmmmmmmm!

  17. At first this scent smelled kinda... woodsy? Must be the balsam.


    When things start to dry down, this turns into a LOVELY vanilla wood. It is amazingly sweet and light! The SO isn't here to give his opinion, but I have a feeling that this is going to be one of his favorites!! Wow! This slightly reminds me of Bow and Crown of Conquest....


    After a half hour or so, the wood starts to disappear and now I am getting some of the leather. Mmmm! Vanilla and leather!! This leather isn't in your face though. It just supplies some lovely depth to the vanilla.


    Wow! I have fallen in love with two blends in a week (Cthulhu in Love and Ü). How is this possible??


    I have a feeling that this is going to smell amazing on the SO, but this scent to me is very gender neutral.

  18. I would definitely second the recommendation for Al-Shairan (clove, peach and orange with cinnamon, patchouli and dark incense notes.)




    Seraglio (Sweet almond and Mysor sandalwood enveloped by a heady veil of Bulgarian Rose, neroli, nutmeg, clove and orange peel.)

    --Might be a bit sweeter than what you are looking for....


    Coral Snake (Snake Oil with blood orange, red apple, lemon peel, plumeria, and gardenia.)

    --Again, this one might not have the spice you are looking for...


    The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus (Golden amber, blood orange, ambergris, lilac, frankincense, and agarwood.)


  19. Looking at the notes, there is no reason I should love this scent. I just had to get it since I wanted to make a ThinkGeek purchase anyways, and it was Cthulhu... I just received the bottle a few hours ago, so here it goes...


    This blend is amazing.


    I have no idea why, and there really isn't any one note that I can pick out in this scent. It is just amazing. I think I can catch a slight whiff of chocolate, but overall, the blending of this scent was really well done. It is dark, yet sweet, yet commanding.... Where has this scent been all my life? On my skin it is sooooooo sexy. (Well, at least that is how it smells to me). I usually can't do any scents with a water/aquatic note, but this one doesn't seem to count as an aquatic anyways.


    There are very few scents I have found that are instant love, but this is definitely one of them. Yep, I totally believe in love at first sight (or smell....) now.



  20. Whoa!! Major sandalwood with floral! This hasn't turned into the suntan lotion smell that other dragon blood scents have done on my skin.... Yay!


    This scent is VERY strong. Might have put just a little too much on.


    After a bit longer, this scent turns to pure dry woody sandalwood on my skin. I like sandalwood, but I think that I prefer it blended with other notes during the drydown stage rather than on its own.
