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Posts posted by ami226

  1. I was hoping to not like this one..... *sigh*


    This is Antique Lace. Might be a little stronger, but in essence.... this is Antique Lace. :thud: :yum:


    Ahhhhhhh! Must find more! Thank you sooooo much sunshinedaisybliss for the decant! You are amazing and thoughtful!! :wub2:

  2. A lazy, warm deep green scent with a thick aquatic undertone: Spanish moss, evergreen and cypress with watery blue-green notes and an eddy of hothouse flowers and swamp blooms.

    Mmmmmmm! Slightly sweet! I could see myself drinking mint juleps next to this bayou! Slight aquatic, but amazingly good. Reminds me of the Festival of Anuket.

  3. A lurching, hateful, bitter scent. This is a gruesome blend of ghastly greens and blacks: vetiver, pine pitch, troll musk, black basil, clove smoke, and scorched cumin.

    Didn't skin test. This scent is quite earthy. Not my kind of scent at all...

  4. Kinda minty fruity. Interesting. Almost bubblegum, but not quite. Mint goes away pretty quickly. Quite nice, but not the kind of scent I would ever wear....


    Drydown: loads of honey!

  5. Let's see.... mandarin and some other fruit... and some slight booziness that must be the cognac. A very well blended scent! Nicely sweet! There is a small hint of something that makes me think of almond in here that I am not liking too much. Not sure where that came from. I need the SO to smell this! He makes amazing quince preserves.


    After a bit it smells like slightly spiced sweet fruits. More quince than mandarin.
