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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ami226

  1. I can definitely smell the honey. Nice and sweet! If I smell closely, I get loads of rose. I thought this would have been my kind of scent, but the rose in this blend gives me quite a headache. Ah, well...


    Very light and ethereal. I can definitely smell lemon. Not lemon pledge, but actual lemon fruit. I can also smell a slight hint of florals and a sweetness that I think is the neroli and vanilla. The ethereal part must be the musk. Not one of my favorites.

  3. I smell mostly the cedar. *sigh* I was hoping for more vanilla. Cedar fades a tiny bit after awhile, and I can definitely smell a bit more of the vanilla. Very woodsy.


    Huh, it fades pretty quickly on me. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

  4. Oh!! I like this one! I think I can definitely smell myrrh. It kinda reminds me of O, but this one doesn't go sour weird on my skin. I think I need to try this one some more and see what the SO says.


    -ETA- Well, I like this one, but the SO doesn't so much. He says it is okay... *sigh* Looks like I have found yet another blend to wear for myself...

  5. Huh, I think I have tried this one before, but trying it now I think it is quite good! I think I mostly smell myrrh, but there is a hint of floral that blends so well with the myrrh. It is just amazing!

  6. I am getting mostly honey and musk at first, but later I get some booziness that must be cognac. I am afraid that it turns quite icky on me. It just really hurts my nose.


    -ETA- *sigh* I just keep thinking this one would be perfect for me, but it just isn't. A nice honey musk with something.... astringent that just makes my head ache.
