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Posts posted by ami226

  1. Nice incense!! Sweet and not too strong! Maybe with a hint of sassafras? Maybe a hint of vanilla sweetness? Quite nice!! I am thinking that this one is a keeper!!


    -ETA- I have decided to give this one a new home. It is nice, but I don't see myself wearing it often. It should go to someone who will love and cherish it and name it George!!


    -ETA2- I somehow ended up with a bottle of this again. :think: Sadly I think I need to retract my first review and instead insert this one: Soapy vanilla sandalwood. This starts out as a light incensey type scent, but morphs to a sweet soapy sandalwood. I don't usually like things I would describe as soapy, but this is actually pretty awesome. I would love to smell this good stepping out of the shower! I think I am going to actually end up keeping this one!

  2. I love this thread!! I have read through it a few times now, but always felt a little silly posting here.


    I have been with the SO for more than 4 years now and I am certain that someday we will get married.... We just don't have any plans set in stone for the future. *sigh* Someday.


    I have been considering what I would wear and unless my skin chemistry changes, I have narrowed the list down to:


    Antique Lace

    Black Orchid

    Love's Philosophy


    XCDL13-Sadly, the SO doesn't like this one too much...


    added Glowing Vulva-this one starts off kinda weird on my skin, but after a bit it really begins to waft wonderfully. The SO and I both love it....


    I have always envisioned an outdoor wedding with a nice white dress, so I am not sure if one scent would just lend itself to the mood/moment better than another. I love all the scents listed above, but the SO doesn't really like Black Orchid.... might influence the decision?


    And for the reception/wedding night:


    Womb Furie (Hee hee!)

    Snake Oil

    Cthulhu in Love

    Glowing Vulva (Hee hee!!)



    The SO is definitely going to wear The Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn. It just smells amazingly swoon worthy on him!


    Also, I love the idea of using imps as favors. If I ever set down a theme, I am so purchasing bunches of imps following the theme for bridesmaids at least... Not sure if having imps on the tables though would be a good idea. I have too many younger cousins that might get into trouble with those kinds of things.


    I always kinda wanted to get those personalized M&M's for the tables at the reception. Hee hee!!
