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Posts posted by ami226

  1. Teak, ebony wood, osmanthus, patchouli, red sandalwood, vanilla orchid, tonka bean, tobacco, wild musk, spikenard, and sugandh kokila.


    On the skin: Woodsy with some dirty patchouli. There is a slight sweetness here as well.

    The dirt is a bit much for me, and it never really fades at all. Not for me. :(

  2. The iris is kind of my family's flower. My mother has iris bulbs in the garden that used to belong to my great grandma and they have followed us through every move.


    On the skin: A lovely, slightly powdery, blue scent! I could definitely see there being some orris in here because of the powdery hint that I have come to associate with orris.


    It's pretty, but not for me. The orris really never works for me.


    -ETA- The one is really interesting though, because when I smell it I don't immediately think floral. It is more just a soft, slightly powdery, sweet scent.

  3. On the skin: Apples! Lovely fragrant apples! I usually find apple scents to be kind of overpowering, but this one is so pleasant! I wonder why I sold my bottle so long ago. A sweet apple with a lovely floral running through.


    I think I'll need to test this again to see if it is truly a keeper. It is pretty and definitely pleasant, but I am not sure how often I'd wear a scent like this.

  4. On the skin: This is a very light scent on me. I can barely smell it... What I can smell, though, is a beautiful vanilla. Very very rich and yummy!! Thankfully I can't smell any of the orris. It always seems to ruin blends for me.


    After a bit I get a slight plastic note. It isn't too strong, more of just a tinge, but I can definitely smell it.


    Hmmmm, I think I will need to test this one again!


    -ETA- Trying again:


    Mmmm, vanilla! I just can't make up my mind on this one. It smells good and slightly reminds me of Love's Philosophy, but for some reason it just isn't wowing me. I still get a slight hint of plastic.

  5. On the skin: Beautiful carnations! It does smell pretty true to life with that slight aquatic/green hint to it. Smells like a fresh bouquet of carnations picked straight from the garden.


    As it dries, this scent starts to get a spicy note. Mmmmmm, spicy carnations.


    The carnation is my SO's favorite flower, so this one will definitely be sticking around.

  6. ... Their scent is a mishmash of snow, dirt, Icelandic moss, marsh felwort, and the smushed petals of buttercups and moorland spotted orchids, with the barest hint of the scent of pilfered Christmas pastries.


    2011 version

    On the skin:
    Definitely the smell of Christmas. I usually associate cinnamon with Christmas, but this one has a combination of cookie, slight florals, Christmas tree, and a slight spiciness that also makes me think of Christmas. I like this one as a scent, but it isn't something I would ever wear.

  7. On the skin: A cool, yet slightly sweet and airy scent. Really, this matches the description perfectly! It's really hard for me to identify single notes in this one.


    It's not for me, but it is a really lovely blend!

  8. On the skin: Patchouli and tobacco with some orange. This is actually pretty good! The orange is lovely, the patchouli isn't extremely dirty, and the tobacco isn't sickly sweet or dirty. Really, each of these notes is exactly the way I like them and they blend beautifully.


    I definitely like it better as it dries. The orange becomes a whiff of sweetness over the dark blend of the other notes.


    I think I'll keep my partial bottle for a bit, but I definitely don't need more of this scent.

  9. On the skin:


    Wow, this is a bright, almost neon yellow colored oil. On my skin, it is orchid with a hint of aquatic greenness. It is pretty, but I think I am going to stick to the deeper orchid of my beloved Black Orchid v5. This one is a lot brighter still with a hint of sweet orchid.


    After a bit, I actually can't really smell the aquatic part anymore. It just smells like a lovely, slightly sweet orchid.


    I definitely prefer v5, so I think this one is going to need to find a new home!

  10. On the skin:


    Yummy pumpkin with a bit of pine pitch and leather rubbed in. Sadly the pine pitch takes over really quickly... It is a woodsy, sharp pine scent that really doesn't agree with my nose. The pumpkin/leather parts though smell really good together.


    After a bit the sharp wood scent backs off, but it is still a bit too strong for my taste.


    Pleasant, but not for me.

  11. On the skin:


    Spicy! I actually really like the vetiver in this one. Like in Tombeur it adds a bit of depth, but it isn't overwhelmingly dirt. I can mostly smell the black musk (which thankfully isn't turning into powder of doom on me this time), a bit of myrrh, and a bit of the vetiver.


    Argh! It was so pleasant and spicy before, but now it is starting to turn kind of weird. More of a greenish scent with a hint of dirt. Where did my spiciness go? :(

  12. On the skin: Orange, jasmine and a hint of vanilla. The orange/jasmine combo is actually really nice. This jasmine isn't overpowering and thankfully it isn't turning weird on me. The orange is actually stronger here than the jasmine.


    Pleasant, but it isn't really me.

  13. On the skin:


    Black tea with a slightly licorice feel, some smooth vanilla, and a tiny hint of lemon. I think I definitely prefer the released version better, but this one is interesting.


    It's not for me at all. I don't really like the licorice note that appears on my skin and won't fade.

  14. On the skin: Spiced pumpkin tea. :yum: I am also getting a hint of sweet coconut. If this were in food form (preferably dessert) I would be scarfing it down!


    The cardamom gets a bit stronger after a bit, but I would still classify this as a spiced pumpkin scent with hints of tea and coconut.


    This is a great tea scent, but it just isn't for me.

  15. 2011 version


    On the skin: bubblegum plum? Reminds me a bit of Sugar Plum Fairy. This really smells a lot like the fruity flavors of Bubbleyum. Haven't had that in years!


    The bubblegum sweetness fades after a bit and the plum note has grown up a bit. Still slightly sweet and fruity, but not bubblegum-like anymore.


    Not really for me, but all you sweet scent lovers out there should grab a bottle of this!

  16. On the skin: Huh, I can barely smell this one. I get a hint of white musk and some lovely vanilla. This is a very pale and ethereal scent. I feel like this is the perfect workplace scent. Pretty, slightly sweet, and no waft whatsoever.


    I am starting to get a hint of the leather now. :wub2: This is fantastic! Now all I need is some single note vanilla to layer with this to bring out a bit more of the yummy sweetness!

  17. On the skin: Sharp sap with a feeling of freshly cut oak branches. The sap note dies down a tiny bit and I can definitely smell a lovely oakiness. Smells like a new piece of oak furniture with a hit of acorn nuttiness.


    It isn't a scent for me. I like it as smells go, but I don't think I would find myself wearing this one. I think it will stick around in my "to test" drawer for a bit to try again later.

  18. On the skin: That is some yummy honey! There is definitely a slight bit of greenness here for the hemlock, but at first all I can smell is the honey.


    A bit later and the greenness/slight woodiness is blooming quite a bit more. It's taking on a bit of an herbal edge. Smells like some refreshing honey drink now.


    Not one of my favorites, but it is interesting.

  19. On the skin: Definitely getting some chocolate. And pomegranate? Kind of a weird combination at first. It kinda smells like some savory chocolate entree. Really, if I had something set in front of me that smelled like this, I would definitely eat it.


    Huh. I don't think this one is for me. It just smells too much like dinner. Mole maybe? Chocolate heavy mole?



    Wow! A bit later the chocolate completely vanishes on my skin! Now all I can smell is some tart pomegranate and rose. Sadly not for me.

  20. On the skin: Blueberry!! There might be some tiny hints of floral notes hanging around, but for the most part I smell the tart yet slightly sweet blueberries! A perfect scent for summer. This blend never turns sharp or headachy (yay!), but sadly the florals do take over my skin really quickly. I wish the blueberry would have stuck around. :(


    Not a scent for me, but it is quite lovely!
