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Posts posted by ami226

  1. Oooh! A beautiful sweet floral! I believe I can definitely smell the plum blossom which I think turns bubblegum-ish on me. This scent smells slightly like bubblegum with hints of a creamy sandalwood amber base. Very oriental. Not really my thing, but it smells quite good!!


    -ETA- Wow! This has an amazing throw and has lasted quite a bit. Still slightly bubblegum-ish. Sadly the SO doesn't like this one.

  2. On the skin: A slightly sweet scent with a bit of an aquatic note. Is there a slight hint of vetiver in here? Huh, I don't like this one as much as I was hoping to.


    After a bit, it loses the aquatic edge and it starts to smell pretty good! A bit more musky and slightly powdery which must be the amber. I am liking the dry down a lot more than when it was applied wet, but I am not sure if this one is a keeper. I will have to try this layered with Sara Pezzini.

  3. Oh, Marquis! You can come visit me anytime! ;)


    This blend is amazing!! In feel/mood, this reminds me of Osiris v4, but when sniffing them together, they don't smell too alike. The Marquis is an amazingly sweet/deep blend. It is so heavenly! This doesn't smell like a boozy scent to me, and all the notes blend together so well that I am not sure if I can actually pick any one out.


    I think of the Neverwhere scents, the Marquis is definitely one of my favorites. :wub2:

  4. YÜREI
    The most fearsome of Kaidan's conjured warriors, his sword can shear through anything--or anyone.

    White tea, hibiscus, Arabian sandalwood, white amber, ho leaf, pale Japanese flowers, and vetiver.

    A nice light sweet/tart scent! Not getting any vetiver yet. Yay!! I think I am mostly smelling the tea and possibly the hibiscus. This scent is turning into a tart scent with a slight hint of bubblegum. Kinda weird. I feel like I have smelled something similar, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was.

    I am afraid that this scent isn't for me.

    Mysterious herbs and ancient resins. Dust settled on ancient relics, both holy and malevolent.

    I actually quite like this one. Mostly incensey resins with a hint of sweet herbs. It is quite a mysterious scent. I think this one would be a winner on the SO! This one can be a bit strong.

    And then they turned a corner, and saw the bridge. It could have been one of the bridges over the Thames, five hundred years ago, thought Richard; a huge stone bridge spanning out over a vast black chasm, into the night. But there was no sky above it, no water below. It rose into darkness.

    Stone and darkness.


    The color of this oil is truly amazing! It is a mixture of a yellow and a blue green and is quite similar to the icon above. This oil separates really easily.

    With a description of "stone and darkness", this blend smells quite fresh and slightly sweet! Kinda like a perfumey moss that would cover cobblestones. I am afraid that I can't pick out any specific notes, but it is actually quite nice! Not at all what I was expecting!

  7. On the skin: Oooh! A Root Beer Float! Smells tasty!!


    This one smells so yummy! Doesn't really change much as time goes on. It just keeps on smelling like a yummy root beer float! I want one now.



    -ETA- Okay, I am not sure how it is possible, but this scent has become even yummier! The cream just keeps sticking around making this scent so yummy! The sarsaparilla gets a bit... spicier, but the cream complements it perfectly! It really is quite amazing! This is also amazing because with the exception of Glowing Vulva, cream and milk notes go quite sour on me.


    -ETA2- This scent is still going strong! It has gotten even creamier and doesn't really remind me of a Root beer float anymore. It is just an indescribable, creamy, sweet, lovely, and yummy scent! *swoon*


    -ETA3- Okay, I got the SO to sniff this one and he rated it at a 10. He NEVER rates anything above an 8!! This one is a keeper!

  8. Huh, this smells kinda like... old cigarettes with a sickly sweet cherry booze. Eeep! It doesn't smell so good on me and is actually making me feel a bit sick.


    -ETA- I had to go try and wash it off. There is something in this scent that just made me feel really nauseous. *sigh* Haven't had that reaction from a scent in awhile.

  9. Definitely some effervescent gin in here! And juniper!! Doesn't have too much throw on me, but it isn't bad!


    Okay, after a bit the juniper takes over. I love the juniper taste/smell of gin, but instead this is becoming full on juniper bush! I think I can also smell a tiny bit of clove, but this is mostly just a smooth juniper. Not much of a bite.


    I think I would definitely love to have this one as a drink, but as a scent it isn't for me!

  10. VOLT
    A living electrical battery, Volt plays the wiseass clown for his teammates, using humor to mask his awkwardness and his need for acceptance.

    Leather with a shock of eucalyptus, green mint, elemi, ravintsara and lime.

    Had to try this one! It has lime!!

    On the skin: This is very tame eucalyptus! There is no herbal bite to it at all! Just a lovely coolness! Must be the mint and eucalyptus working together! There is also something slightly tart here which could be the lime, but since I am not getting a citrusy feel, it could be a different note. Also, there is a smooth, soft undertone that makes this blend smell quite good!

    Both the mint and eucalyptus fade quite quickly on me and then there is an indescribable blend of tart and softness.

  11. This was the scent I was most looking forward to!


    On my skin: This makes me think that red amber is the amazing note that I love in Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn. It is there under what I am guessing is the jasmine that is turning into a very nice soap scent. I hate to say it, but this reminds me of nice hotel soap. This isn't a bad thing though, I actually really like that smell. Reminds me of vacation. This scent is interesting though. With my nose close to the skin, I get only the nice soap note. If I hold my hand further away and let the scent waft to me, I get more of the amazing red amber with some sweetness.


    I wonder how this one will age....

  12. LAMIA
    'And you said you’d pay me for being your guide. And it’s what I want, as my payment. Warmth. Can I have some?' Anything she wanted. Anything. The honeysuckle and the lily of the valley wrapped around him, and his eyes saw nothing but her pale skin and her dark plum-bloom lips and her jet black hair.

    Deadly elegance: pale orchid, vanilla amber, black currant, white peach, champaca, coconut, Arabian myrrh, Burmese vetiver, and oude.

    On the skin: Let's see.... I can smell a sweetness that must be the peach and the amber as well as a large hint of coconut. There is a very slight earthy note in there that I keep losing that must be the vetiver. Definitely not the dominator in the blend!!

    After a bit, all I can smell is a sweetness that I still think is mainly the vanilla amber. It is a slight sweetness. I can also smell the coconut. This reminds me of actual fresh coconut rather than sweetened coconut. It is slightly bitter.

    And then poof.... it magically disappears? Maybe my nose is too used to this scent, but I can hardly smell it after the first 15 minutes or so... Will have to test again!

    Five almost identically dressed, pale young women walked past him. They wore long dresses made of velvet, each dress as dark as night, one each of dark green, dark chocolate, royal blue, dark blood, and pure black. Each woman had black hair and wore silver jewelry; each was perfectly coifed, perfectly made up. They moved silently: Richard was only aware of a swish of heavy velvet as they went past, a swish that sounded almost like a sigh.

    Smooth inky musk, cathedral incense, ylang ylang, violet leaf, rose-infused amber, red sandalwood, and iris.

    On the skin: The musk here kinda reminds me a bit of Black Temple Burlesque Troupe. Black musk? Then some incense and a sweetness that I think is the amber and ylang ylang. Still have trouble actually picking ylang ylang out in a blend. Definitely a black musk with a hint of incense and a sweetness that turns ever so slightly soapy on my skin. Must be the florals? Not bad though!

    -ETA- Oh, my! The further this dries, the more amazing it gets! Now it is an amazingly smooth sweet scent! Not much throw on me, but is so nice and comforting the more it dries!

    The smoldering ashes of a dead city: smoke and cinders, scorched wood, creosote, tar-smeared concrete, singed bone, and dried blood.

    On the skin: A sweet burnt cedar wood? Might be slightly wrong on the wood type, but it reminds me of cedar. Quite different and strange. Definitely the scent I would expect from a dead city! Well, I might expect an actual metallic hint, so maybe this is really a singed forest...

    A hint of leather and an understated vintage musk layered over the scent of lightly perspiring, honey-dusted skin.

    Okay, I had to get a bottle of my own for this one. I just love Witchblade (used to watch the t.v. show), so I am determined to love this scent! Also, the bottle label is awesome!!

    On the skin: Skin musk and leather with a sweetness that must be honey. These scents together smell slightly strange at first, but they quickly blend into something amazing! A light sweet scent with not too much throw, but that is definitely okay because I think I will just smell myself all day! Mmmmm!

  16. I can't believe I never reviewed this one. How is this possible??


    I received a decant of this scent around a year and a half ago when I was just starting to get really involved in BPAL. When I first smelled it, I didn't really think anything of it. It was spicy, but sort of meh.


    Well, that all changed when I swiped some on the SO. On him it is pure sexy goodness. A deep spice with a hint of sweetness. I have no idea what it is about this scent, but it is truely amazing.


    I didn't start wearing this myself until last Christmas. The SO and I go visit our separate families for Christmas, so I put a bit of Wild Men on my skin to comfort me and remind me of him. On me, this scent doesn't turn quite as sweet as it does on him. I definitely get more of the spice which isn't a bad thing.


    In all, this will probably always be one of my top favorites. I will always have to keep two bottles around. One for the SO and one for me!


