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Posts posted by ami226

  1. Hello, oatmeal cookies! Wow, this smells like fresh oatmeal cookies!! I am going to have to get the SO to smell this!!


    After a bit, it gets a little spicier, but it is still in the realm of baked goods.


    This is very tasty!

  2. Hmmmmm, this lily is a green lily. At first. The green fades after a bit, and this is a very pleasant lily. Not soapy on me at all!


    This is a very good floral, but I am rarely in the mood for florals anymore. Quite nice, but I am definitely more attached to my Phantom Queen!

  3. Smells like an herbal lavender to me. There is something else here that lends to the bitter herbal smell, but I have no idea what it is.


    I think I am going to keep going to TKO for my bed time needs!

  4. Wow this is spicy! Cinnamon and incense? A very dusty spice with a hint of sweet. I can't really smell any of the fruit.


    This reminds me of something, but for the life of me I can't think of what it is. Not really for me.


    On the skin: Patchouli. Hmmmm, not sure if I can smell anything else. Maybe a bit of leather. Not bad. I don't normally like such earthy scents, but this one is already kind of growing on me. Might be a keeper.... Will definitely have to try again.


    Definitely smell the sherry wine as well as the pineapple. Quite syrupy. Very sweet with a good helping of booze. After a bit, the booze fades a bit and I can mostly just smell the pineapple syrup. I don't think I can ever smell any of the other notes.


    Not bad, but not for me.


    On the skin: Nice honey, something slightly sharp, and a little bit of powder. Honey is a hit or miss note on me, but this honey seems to be playing quite nicely. There is something here that is kind of effervescent and makes me feel like I need to sneeze. This is a nice honey scent, but there is something here that doesn't agree with me.


    On the skin: Wow. This does not smell like the black musk I am used to. Very dark and slightly earthy? I feel like there is some vetiver here... Very earthy.


    Definitely not for me. Quite a dark blend.

  9. The notes for this blend look pretty good... The only thing is amber can be kinda hit or miss...


    On the skin: Coconut? Smells very... tropical.


    After a bit, it smells more like a tropical floral with a powderiness that I suspect is the amber. This kind of reminds me of The Girl. They just both have a similar feel to me.


    This smells quite better on the dry-down than it did in the bottle. Might be a keeper....

  10. On the skin: Oooh! Spicy with a sweetness that must be plum. Sadly the plum reminds me slightly of children's chewable medicine (grape flavor?) with a spiciness. Very interesting. I was hoping for a little less plum since it normally turns a bit wrong on me and sadly this scent is no exception. Ah, well. I will just keep going to Hod for my carnations!
