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Posts posted by ami226

  1. What?? I never reviewed this??


    In the bottle: Sweetness as well as a slightly incensey scent. Must be the patchouli.


    On the skin: Mmmmmmmm! The slightly incensey/ever so slightly earthiness of patchouli with yummy sweetness layered on top. This scent just gets better as it dries! The patchouli fades and I get an amazing vanilla sweetness that is just astounding! There are times that I just seriously love my skin chemistry. And my 1 year old bottle of course!

  2. King mandarin, red ginger, sugar cane, golden amber, mango, and pumpkin.

    On the skin: Mmmmm! Pumpkin and orange! Wow, I like this one! Except for the pumpkin, this reminds me a bit of Two Loves (I believe?)

    Will have to retest, but I think this one is a keeper as well!

  3. In the bottle: The apricot in here smells amazing!! Like eating a real apricot. Oh, please may the vetiver not take over too much!


    On the skin: Argh! I get very little apricot!! And then.... magically it appears! Yay! It smells a bit like apricots in dirt! Hmmmm, don't normally like dirt, but this isn't so bad. Will have to retest!

  4. On the skin: This one is kind of... astringent on me. Whoa! I immediately get a huge whiff of coconut. Ouch. Coconut is not one of my favorite smells. Eeep. This really hurts my nose. Not for me at all.




    Okay, I have to admit... My prejudice against coconut made me dismiss this scent almost immediately after I identified it. I actually tried it again and the coconut is quite amazing. Unlike other blends, this coconut does not turn into suntan lotion! It is a nice coconut with a bit of sugariness on top. Overall, quite nice!

  5. On the skin: Watermelon Jolly Ranchers! That is exactly what this blend reminds me of! Wow, I really want some now. After a bit, it still smells like watermelon jolly ranchers, but I am also picking up a hint of floral.


    Huh. Not bad by any means, but I don't see myself wearing this one too often.

  6. On the skin: Pear and lime. Not a combo I would normally go for, but it is interesting! The lime overwhelms after a bit. Sadly the lime in this blend is strange and candy-like on my skin. With a hint of bitterness?


    Not for me.

  7. On the skin: A light vanilla or tonka with a hint of cardamom. This scent is quite faint on me... Might need some aging?


    It smells really good, but so faint.... Will need to test again!



    Testing this one again, and I don't think it is going to stick around in my collection. This is a very dusty, slightly vanilla, spice scent. While that sounds good written on paper, the reality is.... the dust is not very pretty. It smells like an old house where I just dropped something behind the dusty television and need to retrieve it. Not good at all. :(

  8. Hmmmm. I am not sure what I think about this one! At first it smells kinda weird on my skin. I think it is the licorice that is playing weird with everything else. After a bit though, this scent warms up and becomes colaish on me. A sweet, subtle cola.


    It reminds me a bit of Sin. I like this one, but I think I like Sin better.

  9. At first it smells kinda strange. I can't put my finger on it, but it smells kinda... like cola? Definitely get a hint of cinnamon.


    I absolutely love this on the dry down. With body heat, this scent just wafts and becomes something gorgeous! Still a bit like cola, but it is just so sexy! Overall, I think I am going to definitely going to keep an imp around to keep testing. Might have to get a bottle eventually!

  10. #107:


    At first it really smells like a vanilla latte. Kinda light all around. Makes me think I am catching a whiff of someone's lovely drink and now I really want one of my own! Mmmm! After a bit, the coffee fades and this scent becomes pure french vanilla. Soooooo yummy! Not too much throw, but it might just be because I only tested a small dab. This scent lasts a long time though on me! I put it on seven hours or so and I am still getting whiffs of french vanilla.




    -ETA- It has aged a bit and really hasn't changed too much. The vanilla is still definitely stronger than coffee, and now I am getting a slight hint of powdered cocoa. It really does make me think of a vanilla latte (lightish on the coffee) with a slight dusting of cocoa powder.

  11. Urd

    Sweet, slightly earthy and strong! Definitely a fruity sweet. The sweet starts to get even stronger as time goes on. Whew! It is so strong that it is giving me a headache!!


    Interesting blend, but not for me.

  12. Okay, before reading the list of notes, I seriously thought this scent smelled like spicy cherry syrup. I definitely get a bit of spice and almonds, but I really thought there was cherry here. It smells quite tasty and I would like to eat it!


    This scent really isn't for me though. The smell of almonds kinda makes me feel ill...


    Wouldn't mind trying this one again in the future! Does remind me of a baked good of some kind...

  13. Oh, my! This is really good!! I never liked the released version of Mme Moriarty (tried it a year ago), but now that my tastes have changed, it is starting to grown on me.


    As for this version:


    I just want to bathe in this stuff! In the beginning, I can smell a bit of perfumey plum, muskiness, and something that just really smoothes this blend out. It is after the wet phase when this blend truly smells amazing. The plum fades a bit and I can smell a different sweetness. Vanilla? The drydown reminds me of vanilla baked goods of some kind (a bit like Eat Me?). :yum:


    Will have to compare to the released version later... I think this one is a keeper and I normally don't like plum at all!

  14. On the skin: Huh, definitely a hint of cocoa, but not the main note by any means. There is a sweetness in here as well that reminds me of... well, I can't really put my finger on it at the moment. It reminds me a bit of this fior di latte gelato I used to love when I was in Italy. This scent is very unique and I wish I knew what the notes were!!


    This scent really is complex. So many flavors it seems. I feel like I could sniff this an hour from now and smell something different.

  15. Why oh why has this not been on my love it list??


    This one is soooo nice! A powdery, musky, warm spice. This scent embodies all that is comforting. This is a scent that I have been searching for. So warm and it wafts so perfectly. I just want to bathe in it!


    -ETA- This one kinda reminds me of Shub, only it is a lot smoother and less....harsh on the spice.

  16. This is a creamy tea with slight hint of sweet cake. I don't smell any of the other notes... It is actually quite good! I think I quite like this scent, but it has little throw on me. In fact, in order to smell it at all, I have to put my wrist to my nose.


    I am so conflicted over this one. It smells tasty, but I don't see myself ever wearing it.

  17. On the skin:


    Hello, rose! This is actually quite a friendly rose. This is the scent of a rose product rather than a freshly picked rose. There is also a slight sour green hint that reminds me of a freshly picked plant. I think the sweetness of the rose is being supported by the amber and frankincense a bit. This scent really isn't overly floral, but quite well blended.


    Interesting, but not my thing! The sour hint kind of puts me off a bit...

  18. Wow.... this is bubblegum! At first I was thinking this was like Velvet Unicorn, but I don't remember that one smelling so much like bubblegum.


    Now that I think about it, this really reminds me of the strawberry watermelon flavored Bubbleyum. Used to love that gum when I was little!


    Hmmmm, this one doesn't change at all for me from application to drydown. Not for me, but smells quite tasty!

  19. A sweet leather with a hint of motor oil. Strange, but it actually smells kinda good! This is a yummy worn leather.


    Sadly this one is very faint on me and fades pretty quickly. I guess I just don't have the man chemistry that would completely pull this scent off!! ;)
