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Posts posted by ami226

  1. A very interesting scent! Not sure why, but it immediately makes me think of this summer camp I used to work at. You know, I think it is because it smells a lot like the bug spray I used to use. Of course, in a weird way I liked the smell of it.


    Hmmm, definitely not right for me as a perfume.

  2. On the skin: First of all, I should mention that this scent only has death notes of mine in it. Smelling it.... I think I can only really smell the dark musk. It goes immediately to a sickly sweet powder on me. :ick: Eeeep.... Not for me at all.

  3. “The Pretty Era”, France’s Golden Time: an age of beauty, innovation and peace in France that lasted from the 19th Century through the first World War and gave birth to the cabaret, the cancan, and the cinema as well as the Impressionist and Art Nouveau movements. Sweet opium, Lily of the Valley, vanilla, mandarin and red sandalwood.

    On the skin: All I can smell at the moment is Lily of the Valley. A lovely white floral. Hmmm, I think I can catch a whiff of mandarin as well. This seems like mandarin peel (kind of tart). This scent wafts. I can barely smell it on my skin, but I can smell it even better further away.

    This scent is very pretty, but I don't think it is for me. Just don't get enough of the notes I was hoping for!

  4. On the skin: Mmmmm, smooth and spicy. Warm, musky, and comforting. I think this one fades a bit too quickly for me though. I will have to try wearing this a full day and see how it lasts!


    Uh, oh. The clove is completely dominating. Eep. I want the original scent back!


    Hmmm, I will definitely need to try this one again!

  5. On the skin: Lovely lovely floral. I think it is mostly the calla lily since I am getting very little of the stargazer lily that I love. A green floral that is turning to suntan lotion on my skin. I think that may be the heliotrope.


    Not for me.

  6. On the skin: Spicy! I can definitely smell some greenness. The greenness fades pretty quickly though. Now it's just.... spicy goodness with a hint of a sweetness that I think is from the dragon's blood. Wow, this is amazing.


    I think there is a hint of grape as well, but it just blends perfectly with the spicy. I like it!

  7. On the skin: a musky floral. Beautiful. I think I can mostly smell the jasmine, but there is definitely some sweet rose mixed in there as well. Not headachy in the least for me!


    Oh, I spoke too soon. The jasmine is becoming quite piercing.


    Ouch! Sadly the jasmine really takes over. A bit later though, there is a point where this blend reminds me of walking through a greenhouse with fragrant plants all around me. Beautiful, but definitely quite strong.

  8. I was expecting this to be like Ravenous (only with apricot instead of orange blossom), but this scent defintiely uses a different type of patchouli. This one is pure dirt. Not earthy. It is like being in a garden store where you put your hand in a bag of dirt and take out a huge handful to smell! There is definitely apricot here as well. A dirt with a bit of swet fruit.


    I definitely prefer Ravenous!! The patchouli here is just too much like dirt for me.

  9. I can't believe I have never tried this one! I am completely obsessed with Italy!


    On the skin: Not what I was expecting at all! Kind of earthy with a bit of berry tartness as well as some golden amber and a bit of woodiness. Definitely reminds me of another scent I have smelled, but for the life of me I can't remember which! (The earthiness seems to be the same one I remember from Ravenous though. Patchouli?) I am REALLY liking this one.


    Not something I could ever wear to work, but I think I am going to have to add this one to my 5 ml list!!

  10. My second wine scent of the day!


    On the skin: Very sweet yet tart. Smells more like grapes than actual wine with some red tart berries as well as a bit of floral? Very pretty! I would like this one as a candle/roomscent more than a perfume.

  11. On the skin: A grapey wine. This smells like beautiful dark fruits to me! Maybe with a slight alcoholic tinge, but really this is the first wine scent that has worked on me! I can smell some of the florals as well, but they really take more of a supportive role in this blend.


    The only way I can really describe this scent is.... dark yet pretty. Definitely a deep purple scent.


    Sadly not for me though. Never get any of the leather I was hoping for!

  12. This blend starts out quite sweet and peppery on me. Hmmm, not liking it at the moment...


    Still sweet and peppery. The sweetness reminds me of black musk, though, which always smells kinda sickening on me.


    Definitely not for me!!

  13. Mourning Cloak? Mourning Shroud? Well, either way I really like the name!


    On me this scent is very subtle. It smells a lot like black/dark musk to me. Subtle with a powdery sweetness. It's hard for me to pick out any one note.


    Reminds me a lot of Black Temple Burlesque Troupe minus the cocoa.

  14. Oooh! Lovely! Definitely a sweet amber of some kind mixed with.... incense and something kind of dry. I really think it is a dry sandalwood in there, but I could be wrong.


    A very interesting scent. I don't think I have ever smelled anything quite like it!

  15. A kind of herbally green strawberry. This doesn't smell like real strawberry for me though. More of slight hint of strawberry with a creaminess mostly. The herbal bit fads after awhile and I am left with a creamyness with a strawberry tinge. Very lovely, but definitely not for me!


    -ETA- Hee hee! I just noticed the label actually reads Strawerry Moon!

  16. This scent starts out veeeeeery dirty on me. Definitely not ever wearing this one to work! A dirt/earth scent with the feel of warm straw. Huh. :think:


    I get the vanilla a bit later, but it never gets very strong on me. I don't think this is for me, but I will have to try it again!



    Trying this again. As much as I want to love this one.... I just can't. The dirt is just too strong and I never get as much of the beautiful vanilla as I'd like. This really has the perfect vanilla note though. Not a hint of plastic!

  17. Wow! My first thought is that this one is very interesting! A tiny bit of fruitiness (pomegranate?) about the same level I would get from Mme Moriarty. There is also a deep, almost spicy resin. Other than that I am having trouble describing it! It gets a little tarter over time.


    I think I am going to have to try this one again, but I don't need two bottles!



    This blend is definitely tart and slightly fruity, but it just isn't for me.

  18. On the skin: Honey and vanilla cream? Wow, this scent is turning quite sweet! I think there might be a hint of some sort of fruity floral as well. Peach blossom or something?


    Very interesting, but sadly I don't think this one is for me. The honey sweetness is a bit too much for me!



    Definitely beeswax. Creamy beeswax. With some amber maybe? And possibly a hint of pomegranate? This one sticks fairly close to the skin.


    Not for me.

  19. I just got this in the mail earlier today, so this review could change a bit later on.


    In the bottle: This reminds me immediately of camping. I used to have this bug spray that I liked the smell of (sounds weird, I know) and this smells EXACTLY like it.


    On the skin: This scent changes quickly on me! Now it is smelling green/outdoorsy. I'd say almost a mix of some sort of green plant with a bit of an aquatic tinge.


    Very interesting!
